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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Adam Davis E.C. freshman and already a strong player. but once you get away from TT and V. Mac theres not much depth on E.C. bball team this year Carrington and Green are gr8 players but theyve played like their scared to attack the basket this year maybe that will come with age. their still sophomores
  2. At this point I think Kountze will make a clean sweep for the rest of district with hardins only loss coming from kountze and e.c. only losing 2 to hardin and kountze which will make the district kountze hardin e.c.
  3. to all the e.c. fans expecting an 8 point win thats true ambition i think it will be by 2 if e.c. wins and thats a big IF a real big IF
  4. that seems like a ridiculous rule to begin with plus i dont think he got the tickets because of anything relating to bball he got them bcause he's friends with carmello anthony. Any comment on this rule koop? doesnt make much sense to me.
  5. Tramain Thomas has been selected as a finalist for the Willie Ray Smith award for both the outstanding offensive and defensive player of the year. He is the first player ever to have been chosen as a finalist on both offense and defense. The 16th annual Willie Ray Smith awards banquet, honoring the premier area high school football standouts of the 2007 season, will be held on March 5, 2008. Thomas was an offensive finalist last year. (photo at left). Coach Willie Ray Smith, Sr. began his coaching career in 1942 at Dunbar High School in Lufkin, Texas. After coaching for four years, Coach Smith went to Orange where he coached until 1957. In 1957, he began an eighteen-year coaching career at Charlton-Pollard High School in Beaumont. Coach Smith retired from coaching in 1976 after winning 235 games with a 'tough discipline' philosophy. He was instrumental in establishing the Beaumont area as a formidable football region.
  6. Tramain Thomas not sure on his stats but in a typical game you can add the individual percentages of all e.c. players and it probably wouldnt equal his
  7. I've only seen him dunk once this year but Jacoby Carrington had a pretty sick dunk against Hardin his elbows were above the rim when he caught the ball
  8. Newton probly has one of the most stable programs in the history of the world im guessin. Barbay has been there since before my 36 year old dad was playing H.S. football
  9. I think offense is a close race but to me TT should have defense hands down. 11 interceptions on top of 106 tackles impresses me dont know about you guys.
  10. if a team can play fundamental ball and make 90 percent of free throws and layups plus at least an attempt at defense no ref will ever change the course of a game for them. therefore its not the refs fault if u lost.
  11. Tramain Thomas would be the player. Its arguable that he's the best player in the area but I've watched him play in a lot of games and its never him the coach is repeatedly having to tell what to do. What that means to me is he doesnt have such a big head that he doesnt listen to the coach. Thats what I would call coachable talent. As far as best coach Ben West is a good one dont know about the best.
  12. not sure how anyone can put buna above hardin whos seen the district this past year
  13. I think T. Thomas brings it all to the table leadership, skill, and court presence.
  14. Tramain Thomas Anybody know about Cody Hussey?
  15. No one keeps the fans from mingling at the Kountze E.C. games that I've been to and there has never been a problem that I can recall and this is probably the biggest basketball rivalry in the area. Point is act half way mature and there is no problem here.
  16. at least kountze didnt run up the score  8)
  17. hows e.c. girls lookin at as far as making playoffs?
  18. warren must have at least decent defense bucs not putting up many points
  19. y doesnt anybody have respect for png? they were in the playoffs this past year with a young team theyll be back next year in full force expect big things from them.
  20. i did note several very obvious walks by e.c. players that werent called
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