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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. has there been a bball game yet this year that sombody didnt loose bcuz of refs?
  2. I'm sure he could get drafted and its probly hard to say i'll wait for the money one more year but i think he should play his senior year itd really hone his skills
  3. Anybody know if their still there and what their biting or if their biting?
  4. i think top 3 in district will definately include Hardin this year. I think it will have hardin e.c. im not sure about the third spot i;ll have to be convinced that buna can put anothr good team together with all the seniors they lost
  5. It seems they have all disappeared with the xception of pimpsmack. Any ideas on their whereabouts?
  6. neither team is up to their normal standards in my opinion dont think it will be as exciting as the kountze e.c. games were a year or two ago. as far as predictions v. macdonald can handle devon bray and vice versa its all about the guards if somone can hold roman and the other sophmore kid then e.c. could win it
  7. congrats lake travis kinda makes dayton seem better in my opinion that it took the state champs to beat them (yes i know lumberton beat dayton yall dont hav 2 point it out). besides i for one am not gonna hold it against any high school team that loses to the likes of Tom Brady (my nickname for LT's qb)
  8. it'd b ugly if rockets lost both for a big part of the season knock on wood that it doesnt happen
  9. can u cite where anyone said that? i never saw it
  10. Not sure if this thread was intended for the 2007 season or for the coming 2008 season so why not both. East Chambers won district thats nothing big anymore but had we won the first round I could see us going deep in the playoffs since mart was out. Its kinda like we blew the best chance we've had at state. The most disappointing though was probably Central. For the coming year im betting Lumberton after their great year this year everyone is expecting it to happen again but they lost the one player in Hussey they had that was not just good but great their future success hinges on their ability to have someone fill his shoes Can they do it idk but its gonna be hard for somone to take his place and do as well as he did
  11. pretty dumb interpertation of what was said just because people were pointing out that all and i repeat ALL of the negative comments made about johnson were by lumberton fans doesnt imply at all that they were comparing hussey and johnson in any way shape or form would Lumberton have been better with the addition of johnson to their team absolutely would they have had their success had they traded hussey for johnson probably not no matter how good a defense is sombodys gotta put points on the board and without hussey that wouldnt have happened for lumberton
  12. coop man how do u have time to do everything u do? do u not sleep?
  13. Didnt really see where it had anything of importance in it.
  14. how come east chambers isnt on the list?
  15. the sound of the broadcast was very clear tonight
  16. anybody know how long e.c. has made it?
  17. still waiting to hear how what i said had anything to do with respect. guess i just made him mad by talking down on his team
  18. to talk about somones character on a message board who i am guessing you have never met (context clues) doesnt speak very well of your own character.
  19. Reason i asked is i used 2 go watch him beat e.c. and everyone would say he was gonna go far i didnt realize he was at lamar and not even starting to tell the truth this is the first i've heard about him since he graduated
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