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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. as far as Nederland imo this year they werent a very good team.
  2. You'll must still be on that stuff about Lumberton is better than Dayton. Dont get me wrong I do hope Lumberton wins this week and next so that you'll can play Dayton and we can settle this discussion. For you to say how good you think Lumberton or Dayton is means nothing seeing as you are on the inside looking out.
  3. The hardest game for anyone in this district will be for PNG but they have beat some good teams and played some good football this year and they are a good enough team to win this game the question is will they do it?
  4. I dont think you can site LM's district record when comparing them to Lumberton seeing as Dayton is the only good team in Lumbertons district besides a decent lumberton team. imo LM by more than a little
  5. how do u gain a starter? if that made any kind of sense you could say e.c. gained 2 starters seeing as we have to replace the old ones.
  6. if u look at it like that png should be above lumberton
  7. What gives you the right coming from a town that hasnt made the playoffs in school history to: 1. Create your own fictional community "Raidernation." and 2. Say that I who come from a town that has made the playoffs almost from the time I was born dont know anything about football?
  8. it will be a 2-1 victory for 23 e.c. will beat cc but hardin wont make it
  9. anyone besides me remember the days of E.C. losing to Newton with scores of like 48-3? that was depressing.
  10. sorry bout the luck buna get em next year guys.
  11. If i took ur prediction to the bank i'd b broke and bankrupt. thanks but no thanks.
  12. I should have phrased that different instead of saying all i should have said most. does that make u feel any betr big guy? guess we should change the rules on this board to say that we shouldnt stereotype people because of where they are from. maybe you guys from lumberton could handle that for me. ;D
  13. that seems unlikely but if it does happen u can say Warren has the most underated team in the state
  14. You are right Dante Raymond is the kids name and that was his personal best game of the season not to take anything away from him he is a great player but to base your opinion of Tramain Thomas on that game would be foolish (not saying that you are or arent) because he was far from his normal self but had a decent game.
  15. The reason they dont get attention is because everyone expects them to win. Lumberton gets attention because for the first time in forty somthing years they have a "decent" team. NOTE: not a great team a decent team
  16. First of all nobody from Dayton is upset about the seeding because there is no doubt about them beating Crosby. They are upset because they are the best team in the district and are not the #1 seed. Second Saying they wanted to take the easy route is a bold statement which is obviously not true because they would be requesting Smiley or Lumberton two teams everyone knows Dayton can beat.
  17. Call me an idiot if you please but I have read every thread about dayton and Lumberton and never once has anyone from Dayton "whined" about the loss they have promised it would not happen again but that is not whining in any context.
  18. I sure hope Lumberton and Dayton do meet later in the playoffs so that all these people from Lumberton see what people have been telling them for a while now.
  19. For me to point out an exceptional play is not gloating by my standards it is giving credit where credit is due.
  20. Face the facts big guy yall didnt play the same dayton team the rest of your district team did and had you'll played them last game of district you would have lost. That being said i hope both teams get to round 4 so that I can see broncos stomp all over raiders. Dayton would win by 30+
  21. I say that means newton vs. e.c. Much as I hate to say it Newton has always been to much for e.c. to handle im glad their big school.
  22. Was i the only one that saw Tramain obliterate #3 the last play before halftime. Definately hit of the game possibly hit of the season for E.C.
  23. due credit should b given to Carrington he put a few points up.
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