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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Newsflash: 55 is a complete idiot Now back to the topic I don't pay much attention to this district but you'd think there were only 3 teams in it...what's with the other teams?
  2. He's a beast
  3. Tysons my faorite boxer of all times...I never saw him as cocky maybe a little weird but not cocky.
  4. Nobody hates Jordan or Ali or Tiger. Maybe others should take notes on humility.
  5. Central learned that a few years ago (;
  6. That was completely embarassing for the UFC.
  7. Now that fight would sell some PPV'S!!! I just hope Kimbo has improved.... He seems like the only person brock can't throw around. Plus Brock can't ground and pound Kimbo and he's not gonna eat to many of kimbos hits. I just dont see Brock lasting too long with a LEGIT striker especially if he cant take him down. If kimbos legit at anything its striking. And I don't think Brock (or anyone else) can easily take him down.
  8. Now that fight would sell some PPV'S!!! I just hope Kimbo has improved.... He seems like the only person brock can't throw around. Plus Brock can't ground and pound Kimbo and he's not gonna eat to many of kimbos hits.
  9. Why should the feds build anything as a compromise? I am not against piers being built but a compromise after the fact seems ridiculous. The closing of the pass is a done deal that is already funded. This seems like guaranteeing a man free healthcare after he is executed as a compromise. In other words, it is a bit late to be wanting to negotiate or to reach some sort of give and take. What is up with the blue crabs? I have seen more crabs around the Sabine area than I have in a few years. I was wondering about the crabs too
  10. I am not understanding the problem. The minimum length is 12 inches. If they are over two feet long, so much the better. If the pond is on private property, you don't need a license or have to worry about the regulations anyway as they don't apply. Even if they did, you are safe with fish that long. The length requirement is a minimum length not a maximum. At 67 he qualifies for the $7 license doesn't he?
  11. GSP was incredible. Brock won't be beat for a while (I wish that weren't true.) I noticed the matts the prelims must have been wild lol. Kimbo vs. Brock?
  12. Drug companies make most of them I believe...the people I've heard of using them were all using horse steroids.
  13. There's a team south of beaumont that will have somthin to say about that
  14. Now you can get them to last a year from the day you bought them for $5 or somthin
  15. What are you smoking? H-D 3rd best !!! You do know we are talking about football? First of all Evadale lost way more players than H-D. And West Hardin lost their over rated QB, that H-D just killed last season in that blowout win vs the oilers. Also sorry you were not impressed by our awesome sophmore last year, that recorded over 100 tackles and ran over everyone in district. Just remember the name KEITH GILMORE !!! I thought evadale shut you up last year?
  16. Not that I support heroin use but what difference does substance abuse make to nascar? No driver is going to race impaired.
  17. I think he got dunked on cause he is black. There. Does that make this thread interesting to you? Lmao
  18. I think bluedove is jcovan
  19. What's the last sentence mean?
  20. Oh I've been there...last time I went we put the fish in the back of my truck and after an hour all four tires imploded from the weight
  21. EC didn't lose much last year.
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