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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Denver over LA in 6 Cleveland over Orlando in 6 Denver over Clevland in 6
  2. Give it up buddy wrestling is a scripted soap opera.
  3. I thought the exact same thing when I read the headline. He must be a white man, because the X is not on the spot! Police say Jamal Valentine was in a fight with officers in a ditch on Main Street in La Marque last night. I think not lol
  4. Wonder how long it'll take Quannel to arrive?
  5. None of those 4 are powerhouses.
  6. Its a joke to not have Garnett in the top ten especially if you have pierce in there. I dont even think Duncan touches Garnett.
  7. Well I was wrong in thinking he wouldn't be back.
  8. Magic-Howard=no playoffs...the Celts shouldn't be having a game 7 with this team IMO. I knew losing Garnett would hurt (he's my favorite player btw) but I still didn't think they'd struggle this much.
  9. Seriously Rockets win it in 5 if Tmac and Yao are playing?
  10. One of the best wins for Kountze ;D lol I would think the best lol.
  11. This is the series maker tonight it seems.
  12. The problem is that would hold true going to a black school. I think a lot has to do with understanding. I think the majority of people confuse "not understanding" or "unaware" with racism. I think it's completely different. I have worked with a black women for about 12 years. When we first met, she thought I was racist because of things I said. One I recall was when she called me a racist, my initial reply was I was not because I had a close friend who was black. Her response was that very statement was racist. She explained why and it made sense. No one had every told me that. I still disagreed with her, but at least understood where she was coming from. Hmm? So hippy, you've been to a Black school and you know how it is? Never went to an all black school, but went to Thomas Jefferson, which was 50/50 mix of blacks and whites. I just reviewed my post and don't see where I ever said I went to an all black school......so I don't know how it is. If your quoting me saying, "The problem is that would hold true going to a black school. I think a lot has to do with understanding." What I was speaking to is Bucof2010 statement. He was speaking about how little whites know about blacks, and I was making a point blacks know as little about whites. Out of all my black and might as well throw in hispanic classmates I never knew them to be racist.
  13. He's gpnna make more his first five years than a lot/most of college grads ever make. Ill trade my diploma for that 9 days a week.
  14. EC vs Ktz last year.
  15. Coming from a diverse school to an all white school it amazes me how little the kids know about other races and how racist the vast majority of them are.
  16. Dang she's worse lookin than the chicks I talk 2.
  17. Rockets had their killer streak without him last year. That being said bye bye rockets.
  18. I think he meant a star to their respective teams.
  19. Boston having to work more than expected.
  20. Colleges have enough people to choose from that they can find height and skill.
  21. I gotta admit when they were showing replays of Rafer slapping Eddie House and Chuck keeps saying "These are two guys that cant fight" I was cracking up
  22. Haha not many teams can claim 5 year spans that were unreal
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