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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. This is a shame...no matter what he did he still helped all these organizations.
  2. Went to tell the neighbor down the road merry christmas this evening and found out sombody broke into his garage last night and stole of all things a bike. Is this last minute christmas shopping or what?
  3. I got robbed last night and was so broke I had to sell my granmama. )-:
  4. After that scare we gave them last year I wouldn't want to play East Chambers either lol
  5. Michael owns the offense I'm sure. He has a huge hype around him.
  6. We dont have very good 5a schools locally and we have a very good 3a school so I think locally yes but statewide not at all. Master T...WTH?
  7. I think Central
  8. I haven't always been a Celtics fan but Kevin Garnett has been my favorite player since I was little. So I claim the Celts now lol
  9. Why? We'd gladly donate him to the Ozen cause!!! Good luck with that lol
  10. Just like we do not hear from you much during the regular season. We will be ready to talk basketball whenever you are! Oh - that is right Dayton and BC do not have very good bball teams. But guess what FW does - boys and girls. See we do it all. Sorry for the tone - but the attitude from some of your fans towards other schools, like FW, gets a little old. We will continue to drop in to see how you folks are doing! But from the looks of it, you do not have peace and serenity!! BC doesn't have a bad basketball team.
  11. holy toledo shes tall
  12. Whats E.C. record right now?
  13. why would they allow anyone older than 19 participate in high school athletics? Win at all costs. South Oak Cliff for example.
  14. Hey AJ how'd his fishin trip go?
  15. Joubert seems like an obvious first choice he's used to dealing with high quality teams and athletes and has coached in more than his fair share of high level games.
  16. I've heard Lumbertons Jr. clas is the strongest they've had in a while. Any confirmation?
  17. How will Livingston be welcomed into this district?
  18. I've heard Williams does far less than your typical head coach.
  19. Such a sad day for Ozen. I don't know how he could be replaced fully.
  20. And I want that too but I've never been asked. Neither have many other people. What I fear is that the new restrictions are going to drastically drive up lease prices. That would be bad. More quality is worth more money. Define quality. Quality to one may not be quality to another. When you grow up maybe you'll see things different. I realize that mama and daddy are probably still paying your lease fees but one day you'll have to pay up. Haha mama and daddy don't pay anything that's why I hunt natl. forest. I know what your sayin though lol Between Jasper and Lufkin? The Angelina around Broadus.
  21. And I want that too but I've never been asked. Neither have many other people. What I fear is that the new restrictions are going to drastically drive up lease prices. That would be bad. More quality is worth more money. Define quality. Quality to one may not be quality to another. When you grow up maybe you'll see things different. I realize that mama and daddy are probably still paying your lease fees but one day you'll have to pay up. Haha mama and daddy don't pay anything that's why I hunt natl. forest. I know what your sayin though lol
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