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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Lol well I can't think of anything else you'll would come for.
  2. And I want that too but I've never been asked. Neither have many other people. What I fear is that the new restrictions are going to drastically drive up lease prices. That would be bad. More quality is worth more money.
  3. Haha well no more BCIS I do my setxsports duty from tha phone now. (-;
  4. Worst has to be soccer. Its frikin cold wet and muddy...and cold.
  5. Well whadaukno a rare appearance from the ever elusive mr. Vitale. How you been sir?
  6. I respectfully disagree on that point. Why is that?
  7. Natural selection will eventually take care of the bad genetics. If you have an 8 point with an 18 inch spread and an 8 point with a 6 inch spread the bigger buck will do most of the breeding.
  8. Finally someone gives them credit.
  9. i was considering going pro on the hardhead circuit for awhile, but after almost losing an eye and three fingers in a nasty finning accident, i decided to give up on my dream. Hahaha sounds tragic
  10. Explain what has happened around the lakes area then.
  11. So he wasnt a good buck.
  12. I'd do it if at all possible.
  13. Is this what you'll were saying last year right before E.C. beat them?
  14. How bout them E.C. girls? I think Kountze will lose that district title this year what you'll think?
  15. Rondos a monster though. Compare him to a par type player.
  16. Ask the BCS ( -:
  17. SETX huntin at its finest ;D
  18. It seems like the Mustangs are legit as far as their league goes.
  19. I thought Demons were arena?
  20. Way 2 Go COOP. We knew we could depend on ya for some wintery weather Got about 2 inches on the truck (near Bulldog stadium). Oh I thought he was saying I should get some lol
  21. Man this thing is stacked!!!
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