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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Lmbo you'll are hilarious.
  2. Please tell me the mascot for elgin is a deer or pig LOL. If you've ever been to Elgin, you'd know about the sausage haus! Both of them! Oh I'm guessing they have a good smokehouse or somthing?
  3. Please tell me the mascot for elgin is a deer or pig
  4. Raymond from E.C. might not be the best but he's far from bad.
  5. I agree with what your saying but man that's confusing when you say "are" instead of "or"
  6. That lose is what we needed !!! It might be the reason we win State !!! THANKS !!! GO BOBCATS !!! ;D Don't get ahead of yourself there. You have to beat Mart first. I have seen them play. Facing them is like running into a Mac truck at full speed. Why don't you come to the game and get the Mart teams autograph, since you worship them so much !!! Hope your on here after H-D puts it on them !!!! PARTNER !!!!!!!!!! Ask HI and WH, facing H-D is like running into a tank at full speed !!! Why don't we ask Evadale?
  7. No more M word no more problems.
  8. Your an idiot How so?
  9. Hey lets leave baseball out of this since no one on here is affiliated with a team that can beat Buna. Bucof2010....loud mouth kid...you are dismissed son. Whsalum....inferior gene got you posting. Stick to golf its the only thing your good at. Dismissed son WOS92 ... I beat you every year even when you where #1 and we were two 20-14...dismissed son Kville 99... Where was Kirbyville without Alvarez...he's a great coach and the reason Kirbyville is doing well...Ya’ll had a few run but nothing like Alvarez has given y’all. Morgan is just as important as him to Buna. Quit living in the past your high school days are over. And you probably sucked...dismissed son Nike 09... Come on, decent... Decent is Kirbyville, Buna is next level.. Buna has gotten better in football and baseball. You need think before you post you will sound smarter if you don't post...dismissed son. BCoogs... Sorry for the misspelling errors. I'd rather be a loud mouth kid with somthing decent to say than a loud mouth idiot. Dismissed son.
  10. So they had a kid years ago go to college to play ball...Your Point? I'm not trying to prove you wrong I'm saying theres no point to you talking down on a team like this.
  11. So what exactly is your point other than try to instigate because your pride is hurt? Not that you have much by the way you talk.
  12. Shoulda known...dumb and arrogant...and dumb fits the description perfectly. It really hurts that you'll arent the best team in you'lls district doesnt it?
  13. So where are you from HD or Normangee?
  14. a 3-8 team is in second round of playoffs? Please explain
  15. ALright Guys I'lll call any one out whos smarter than me cause your not smarter than me...just in case you are though your gonna have to pm me ;D ;D Remind you'll of anyone?
  16. Yeah I'm sure their going to just quit football altogether because their not in what youd consider a tough district.
  17. How do you'll keep up with this? I dont have a clue how many I've been to
  18. Bigsting for idiot of 08
  19. LT was in the FIFTH round. Being cocky did not get Dayton beat by LT last year. LT is most likely one of the best offenses in high school football history (no exaggeration)... that's what beat Dayton. You can't beat LT with 4 or 5 guys going both ways. congrats cleveland... good to see you back and playing well. I second that.
  20. That happens about once a year from what I've seen. It wont be as bad next week because some of the area teams that got knocked out.
  21. I think Defensive end is about as fun as it gets. What do you guys think?
  22. Kind of excessively high scores for both teams if you ask me lol
  23. Very good sportsmanship from both teams. Hope JT is alright. Buna had a good team was quite a nail biter.
  24. Take note he's not from E.C. We win and lose with class. Congrats Buna on a good season you'll plaued great.
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