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Everything posted by jasonalan

  1. Not sure if this thread is still current, and this has nothing to do with the game. I was wanting to know if anyone can tell me who Kountze's phenom basketball player was that played on the 96-97 varsity team? Where did he end up playing college ball? I cannot for the life of me remember his name, but think he dropped 33 points on H-D when I saw him play.
  2. A coach from H-D told you that they'll start the season 0-3??? If that is the case, whoever your source is needs to be fired on the spot.
  3. Congrats again to the Hardin Hornet football team. I was very impressed last night, and will definitely keep track of your progress this season. Keep your heads up Bobcats...you played a very tough athletic football team and have nothing to be ashamed of! I am a little disappointed though, I had toilet paper with me and that shiny new Hornet in the middle of the field was looking awefully tempting after Mas Amigos...lol
  4. Must take my hat off to Hardin...they looked pretty solid last night. I am not sure if H-D's running game was just that bad, or whether Hardin's "D" was that good...but either way it was still a fun game to watch. Any word on the status of the injured Hornet player from the first half of the game...i think his name was Hunter Davis possibly. He looks like the best offensive player on the Hardin team, opposed to Villemez. Congrats Hardin on a well played game.
  5. No rain tonight, please dear lord!
  6. I heard that West Hardin's varsity was at the Hardin/H-D JV game tonight, scouting potential opponents for their next open date...lol
  7. As someone stated before, for 364 days out of the year we are all neighbors and friends. It's only one Friday out of the year that the devil comes out of us. Whether Hardin or H-D wins tomorrow night, I know that it will be a hard-fought victory. I would love nothing better than to be able to put on some shoulderpads, and a helmet again for 4 quarters. We live vicariously through our local high school football teams. So no matter who wins tomorrow night...it would be great not to hear any complaining or whining from either side regardless of the outcome. I am almost certain that there are athletes from both schools reading these threads, and getting a good laugh from it. Good luck Hardin...good luck Hull-Daisetta. Are you ready for some football...lol
  8. What's funny is that this thread has more posts than most of the other games going on this Friday. Just goes to show you how passionate small-town communities can be about their local team. Best of luck to both squads, with hopefully a little more luck blessing Hull-Daisetta lol
  9. rotflmfao. Don't forget our secret weapon...Leroy Fregia-Perkins-Nugent-Broussard!!!
  10. I hope none of you are involved in online sports-gambling...some of the spreads you've predicted for this game are rediculous!
  11. Glad you could chime in all the way from Miami...Mr. Wade!!! I really wouldn't worry about all this locker-room material stirring up a Hornets' nest...pun intended!!! I remember the days when the rivalry was much fiercer with alot more at stake, and Hardin being chosen to win then also. Rarely happened. To quote HD55, Hardin's 44 losses compared to 6 wins over Hull-Daisetta isn't anything to instill fear in the Bobcats. The rivalry is about as one-sided as a Barrack Obama half-dollar. This year may be different, but how many times have we heard that in the past? It will be a spirited, competitive game. If not, all I can say is that it's about time Hardin started catching up. We've put such a beating on you boys that I wouldn't be surprised if CPS shows up to the game this year!!!
  12. Yes, that was back in 1979...30 years ago. The Detroit Lions won an NFL championship back in 1957, does that mean they have a chance this year? Not really sure if I made a point or not...lol
  13. P.S. - In all honesty...Liberty, Hardin, and Hull-Daisetta should just consolidate with Dayton ISD so they'll at least have a chance of sniffing a state championship. Just being real!!!
  14. Throw all intangibles out the window for this game, including: record-books, enrollment numbers, speed and athleticism. This game boils down to one factor...who wants it most through 4 quarters of hard-nosed football. I know from experience that no Bobcat wants to lose to a Hornet nor Oiler, and vice-versa. Small town rivalries such as these is what makes Texas high school football second to none. The best entertainment you can get on a Friday night for $5. Best of luck to both schools in what should be a very interesting game. And please stop with all the petty jabs about each other's community. This forum is for the discussion of Hardin/H-D football game.
  15. The "past"!!! Use this for all the locker-room material that you need. If Hardin's football team is literate enough to read this...tell them to go online and look up the history of the H-D/Hardin rivalry. Not too pretty! I am trying to provide as much motivation as possible to you young Hornets, to make this a game. We at H-D are tired of paying entry fee to see our boys slaughter you guys year in and year out. I think most of Hardin's football players would have a better chance at a college scholarship in ballet or home-making. None of you from Hardin have a clue what Bobcat pride entails. It's ok though. Now that Obama is in office, hopefully our state representatives will see how much of a waste that Hardin ISD is and will consolidate you guys with Liberty ISD within the next coming years.
  16. I "think" or "thank", depending on what part of southeast Texas you're from...that calling someone out on a damn typo is pretty damn ignorant.
  17. Btw...building a new stadium may help a little in getting some college scouts out to Hornet games, but the more intelligent move would be sending your kids to play ball at a known powerhouse like H-D...i'm sure Southeastnorthwest Alaska State would notice you guys!!! H-D 27 Hardin 17
  18. They say that the Mayan calender predicts the world will end on December 21st of 2012. That gives Hardin three chances to beat H-D between now and then. Not gonna happen this year. Giving Hull-Daisetta the opportunity to beat Hardin the first game in their brand new home stadium...what the hell was the athletic director thinking when making up the schedule? That would be like having scheduled the Red Sox to play the Yankees to open their new baseball stadium this year. I guarantee the 'Cats are chomping at the bits to get at the Hornets, and spoil their home-opener with added incentive. The only way the Hornets have any chance is if they can somehow get into Roger Clemens safety deposit box, and hope there is still some Balco left over.
  19. Tomorrow night is the night!!! H-D vs. Hardin. All trash-talking aside, this should be a great game. I live in Houston, and alot of my friends can't understand how i'd still be interested in a high school football game at my age. That's what makes small town football in the state of Texas so great. The camaraderie and pride that each of us have for our alma-mater is unrivaled. In the end, I truly hope that each team represents their respected school with honor and dignity. Are you ready for some football.......I know I am!!!
  20. Sooooooooooo.....here's the damn deal. Both H-D and Hardin are state ranked teams this year coming in. Hardin has always had the advantage when it comes to size. I have not been out to see either teams play this year. I can tell you this though. Most of you reading this post have no idea what it means to be a Bobcat, nor carry the pride and honor it takes to represent wear the red & black uniform. Hardin definitely has the talent this year to make a splash in 2A and carry themselves deep into the playoffs. The two teams match up pretty evenly on paper, but Hull-Daisetta carries a distinct advantage. It's called heart. Call CNN for this one, cause the Bobcats are going to stomp a mudhole into the Hornets that puts the Daisetta sinkhole to shame. As far as test scores go Hornet fans....let's try a math question. Add the number of victories H-D holds over Hardin with the number of times Lifeflight has been called in to haul one of your players off the field during our games, and tell me what number you come up with?!?
  21. Boy, those Oiler fans sure did become quiet. I guess they're all at the deer lease, or better yet...I think the CATS got their tongue. Hopefully someday in the far future when West Hardin and Hardin-Jefferson consolidate...maybe you Oiler fans will be able to experience and savor a winning tradition.
  22. What's up Big Egg...Broom??? So glad I was able to come out and watch the game last night. For the first quarter and a half, the Bobcat stands were dead. It was a fun game to watch though, regardless of the fact that we were playing against the refs as well. I didn't know job-core offered refereeing classes. Anyway, congrats CATS on another district championship and making H-D fans proud. Congrats Oilers for a great year, wish you guys best of luck. Would be awesome if the two schools met up for a rematch in the playoffs. I usually don't stoop to trash-talking, but I can't resist. Hell I don't even really have to say too much. Oiler24 and any of you West Hardin grads that can read... goto the record books and take a look at how long you've been H-D's b***h!!! OWNED!!! ENOUGH SAID!!!
  23. I haven't been privy to watch either team play this year, but in the end...it will all come down to heart. Both sets of stands will be packed, and there will be no such thing as homefield advantage in this game as both sides will be cheering on their squads full-heartedly. H-D has usually always had the upperhand in speed in this rivalry, but has been prone to make big mistakes in turning over the ball in pressure situations. If H-D is able to use their speed to tire the Oilers out, it will definitely be a long game for West Hardin. If it does come down to a grind it out type football game, I would have to give the advantage to WH. Should make for a very interesting, entertaining Friday night at Bobcat Stadium. And if not, i'll have my own fun counting how many fans have a full set of teeth in their mouths...lol. P.S. - Those who take offense to the last statement, stop in at R.J.'s tomorrow night and get a sense of humor!!!
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