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Everything posted by KDOSullivan

  1. It is the economy folks.....It just is not a good time to be asking people for money....I am in a district that REALLY needs to bond issue to work on the schools. I wouldn't dare ask the patrons of the district for any more money right now. This thing just wasn't thought through very well, and I guess once the wheels got rolling, they couldn't be stopped. If I was in NISD, I would "patch and pray" for the next few years until the economy improves.
  2. 2/3rd of the schools in Region 5 have done the same, including the one I am associated with....Better safe than sorry. I am not going to be shocked if all in Region 5 have canceled all field trips.
  3. I was in a meeting and 2/3rds of the districts have canceled field trips and other trips in our area. Most others are looking at doing the same.
  4. I think the UIL might have had some arm twisting from the state health people. Better safe than sorry.
  5. Just spoke to an ex-student of mine at Texas State Univ. in San Marcos, they are telling the students to avoid the mall, the restaurants...Trouble is most of the kids up there in school work at the mall or restaurants....
  6. Now the real question is this...What are we going to do when there are 300-400 districts closed due to the "swine flu." If a kid gets sick in the district, the powers that be are going to be inclined to close the doors. Better safe than sorry. Trust me, you can quarterback all you want, but when the community is wanting to lynch you because you didn't close the school, you would close the doors too. Then, what is the UIL going to do?
  7. It makes you wonder if the government knows something and is not telling us???? :-\
  8. The district I am associated with has( had) a number of kids going to the UIL State Academic meet next week....We do not know when they will be now...This has been a strange year for seniors. First Ike, now this.... :-\
  9. I bought an HDTV for Christmas for two reason, MLB and college football. I have been an Astros fan since they were the old Colt .45. Questions are these gentlemen ( and ladies.) 1. If we had an ownership change, could or would we get any better? 2. Will the owner give Cecil Copper anything to work with in the near or distant future? Or will the man be fired like so many others because you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear? 3. Generally try and catch a weekend series at the park Fri-Sun. We catch the games and hit some restaurants, do a little shopping, stay in a nice hotel. any suggestions who we might want to see? ( I am looking at a June/ July/ first of August time frame. Before I have to go back to work.) Thanks!
  10. My 70+ year old Grandfather loved Fidrych in the day. He thought that he could put a little more spark into the game. He was sadden when he was injured and compared the injury to Dizzy Dean's.
  11. Guisti for Johnny Edwards.....Edwards couldn't run, literally. I remember Edwards did an ad for "BB plug chewing tobacco." Rusty Staub, couldn't field, couldn't throw, couldn't run, but man could he hit the ball.
  12. "The Pecan" rolls on....................
  13. Gotta go with the "Boys from South Jasper County." Rub Duhon's new hair-do. Maybe it'll bring you some luck.
  14. " The Pecan" rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if it'll work for UIL Accounting?
  15. "The Pecan" is 2 for 2 ....Let's see what it doesn against Hardin tonight.....
  16. my name belongs nowhere near this thread True, how did Pete even graduate?
  17. Maybe a rain out... :-\ Then again, Hillins got himself a "Lucky Pecan."
  18. I like it. I like the black helmet too....
  19. Is it just me, or does it seem like we have more kids in the athletic programs majoring in "General Studies?" What do you do with a "General Studies" degree? It seemed like in the past we at least had kids majoring in stuff they could get jobs with. P.E., business, history-education.....You know, I can remember when these guys who were playing ball planned to coach/ teach when they got out of school. General Studies..... :
  20. The team wasn't that good? Whose fault is that? I thought this guy gets to recruit his men? By now, his players should be at the school for 3 years. I really don't see it. They just sucked last night. And sucked bad. I wouldn't have left the guys in, they were getting beat anyway, try something new. I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but there needs to be some questions. After three years there should be some real improvment. This year, we stepped back, in a big way. In the end, we didn't make the "Big Dance" ( The NCAA)... we didn't even make the SLC Tournament, and if we didn't make the SLC Tournament, questions need to be asked.
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