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Everything posted by KDOSullivan

  1. Not important. When you start to ask where I live, that can be taken as a threat........You are not "getting what we are crabbing about." Somehow there are people in the PNG area that think they can do whatever. What one group must do, all must do....Rules folks, rules. I am not thrilled with FOI, but we got to follow the rules. If PNGISD was doing it for the good of all in education, they would have done it for something other than the coaching applicants.
  2. It's because the rest of us have to follow THE LAW!
  3. Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS. Respectfully, shouldn't there be some sort of academic assessment for graduation? We did not have TAKS when I graduated, but we had to achieve certain credits to graduate. I hated Chemistry and to this date do not know how I passed. But if the kids are having to beat their brains out to pass math or science, maybe that extra time in sports should be applied to studying. :-\ In a few years, the state is going to an end of year exam schedule, but for now we are stuck with TAKS. Many of the kids are now in TAKS Math or Science classes now. For some of the kids, you can throw just so much math at them and they just "don't get it."
  4. Admin, you forgot about all those multiple personalities that voted yes. ;D This is not a scientific poll.....
  5. Too much freedom of the press? Soooooo do you want it like say Cuba? Or Iran? Or Nazi Germany? Or Red China? People like you really scare me....You want to burn some books while you're at it?
  6. Now the passing of TAKS to play a sport????? Some of these kids are beating their brains out to pass math or science as it is now. Some seniors come down to their last chance in April or take the test in the Summer to finally get their diploma. The TAKS is bad enough as it is now. Don't punish a kid because he can't pass the math portion of the TAKS. It is bad enough they can't get a diploma without the TAKS.
  7. Just release the list......And all of this goes away......PNGISD you know you want to......You know it is the right thing to do.....
  8. My bedtime is generally around 9pm, but I am going to stay up for this one.....
  9. You got to love old Klein on this one.....
  10. Nah, release the names, and I'll probably go away..... Or maybe not
  11. Hey PNGISD, we know you are off today for in-service, and we know in-service is pretty much a waste of time, so slip out of the meeting and....... RELEASE THE NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. If it is for all kids, I am more inclined to keep it. Band, C/X, Drama, all need rides from time to time...
  13. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first". I am telling you, it is because Nederland's AD has one. I am convinced of that fact. There are still plenty of ADs without master's. Are you trying to pick up the slack for jackhammer? Surely you don't want to suprass the #1 jackass on this board do you? So we now go to name calling because I ask a question, and I have an opinion? Trust me, in school business, stranger things have happened.
  14. I think I'll pass.....As many "friends " from PNG I have made this week, I might have to fight my way back to Jasper Co.....
  15. My guess would be no. If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go....
  16. If it is only a master's, then a history or English or biology or even an agriculture M.A./M.S. degree will work according to the application. In truth, a education administration master's really doesn't have much to do with being an athletic administrator. Maybe the budget classes, but not much else.( You know with the economics classes an ag major takes might actually help more than a history master's.)
  17. You know, I have mixed emotions on this question....$25,000 is almost enough to hire a new 3rd grade teacher or a reading teacher, or a physics teacher...On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with taking a kid home after practice.... Does this transportation also extend to band kids? C/X Debate kids? Kids who stayed late working on an Art Club project? Transportation on Saturday after a kid get in from a UIL Academic meet? Does it carry kids home after they work on a community NHS project?
  18. I know and agree there are plenty other AD's without masters as per my point to Smitty. But it has ALWAYS been policy at PNG, it didn't just start because Nederlands AD has a masters, I guarantee that. Burnett was the first at PNG to get the HC job without masters. Ok, I will give you previous PNG AD/coaches had master's, answer me this, does Jeff Matthews at Vidor or Dan Hooks at WO-S have thier master's? Just curious on these two.
  19. Jobs without master's mentioned. Smaller schools, but no masters...And don't crab about these being smaller schools, you can rest assure that all other administrators have master's. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] ( Van Vleck) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] ( Master's preferred, not required, Center) [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] ( Marlon)
  20. Not that it matters, PNG "faithful" would be ok. You see, over here in PNG land, we respect the decisions of the respective school administrations.....again, it seems that more people that DON'T have a "dog in this fight", are getting more upset than the folks at PNG. Know what....I can almost bet the PNG faithful feel sorry for you for letting something like this get under your skin..... PNG>>>>>>>>Honor.............Pride.............Tradition........"Priceless" Hate to tell you this, but there are LOTS of unhappy PNG people around, but don't post for fear of retribution. Not many of the people I speak to say they respect the PNG administration. Follow the law! "Fear of retribution".....Man!
  21. You do not "get it." Because the Law says you release the names. I really do not care. But you can't pick and chose what Laws you follow. What next? You just pick what laws you want to follow? Exactly, it does not matter if someone in El Paso wanted to view the names, it is their right to know. The ability for many sets of eyes to view the list can only help the vetting process. As the law says, delegation of authority does give elected officials the right to decide what the people should and should not be concerned with. I have heard many arguments about protecting the privacy of the coaches etc, this does not fall within the exceptions covered by the law, but if you want to play that game, consider the following argument: What if you resided in district where the coach was applying for position elsewhere, only you did not know because the hiring district was attempting to circumvent the spirit the law? How would you feel? Would you not want to know (or your school board to know) that your coach was looking to leave? Would you not want your school board to be prepared for the possibility that they would need to initiate a coaching search in February after number best available coaches have taken positions elsewhere? Come on folks, take off the purple shades. I am PN-G fan, but some things supercede school support, this is one of them. This "gray area", and "within the law" business is the same excuses that "death row" inmates use just to get a little more time. The names are coming out. PNGISD needs to stop playing games and release the list. I am sorry, but I am starting to feel sorry for some of you "Purple Shades" people. I am embarrassed for you.
  22. There is just something about having "State" in Austin that makes it cool....And for simple travel reasons, the Austin area is a good place to hold the contests....
  23. A school can contact a person, and "suggest" they may want to apply for a position. It has happened many times before. Especially if they can't find a chemistry teacher, or math teacher, and they know of a person who has math or science certificate.
  24. All it would take is one Federal Lawsuit......It may be ok in a Texas Fed Court, but in a court of appeals, well, all bets are off....This is one that someone like Ruth Ginsberg would push to come before the SC.
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