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Everything posted by KDOSullivan

  1. Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department. Look, my life to a certain extent is an open book. When I first hired on, it wasn't. The rules have changed. > If I knew what I knew today, I wouldn't be in this field so save my life.) I would leave, but I am now 52 years old, and would have a heck of a time finding a new job. Plus, I would give up 25 years of paying into the retirement system. My understanding if I were to apply to another employer in my field would have to give my name to my present employer, if asked. ( If both were government entities.) All I am says is this. I don't care for the rules, but I and my employer follows them, why is PNG so special?
  2. Once again, as an employee than works on the taxpayer dollar, I think the public has a right to know.....If the names are hidden, how do we not know it is one of those " Brother-in-Law" deals. Not what you know, but who you know....Other than a Master's, what are the requirements that are asked of the new AD? I have seen some ISD's requirements for School Supt. and they are really out there. Requirements like must attend every athletic event, must join the local Chamber of Commerce, Lion's Club, Rotary etc., must attend worship services regularly.( I didn't think they could do that, but they do.), must be involved with the local festival ( Heritage, Pecan, BBQ, catfish, etc.
  3. Sadly, this is part of working for a state agency. I work for the state, and you can see what I make, what extra duties I am assigned, what degrees I hold. You can even see if I have ever been arrested, and if they really pushed it, my traffic tickets. I really wonder sometimes if it is worth it. :-[ BTW: I have never been arrested. But I work with a man who has been on Mistaken Identity. It still shows up on his records, and he spent some time trying to get it out of the system.
  4. It did not seem like 3400. It looked smaller.... :-\
  5. Back in the 1970s when I was at Lamar, there were so many of the guys on scholarship that you knew were never going to get a degree. I remember seeing football and Men's basketball players in classes the first few days, and then afterwards, you never saw them. ( Except a few)...Baseball, track, women's athletes were always in class. Heck, women athletes were generally at the top of the class. They seemed to work harder because they were there on scholarship. In the 76-78 time frame I took a Renaissance and Reformation History class from Dr Bill MacDonald. It started with a number of football and baseball players. All of the football players wound up dropping the class. All of the baseball players finished the course. So then it's probably just coincidence heh? : Why does it seem to effect football guys more than other?? I just went into the back and got my transcript. The class was offered in the Spring. So, you would think it would be the baseball players that didn't have the time? But other than a couple of times, they were in class. I do remember the baseball players going by after class to tell Dr. MacDonald they had an out of town game and would be missing the next class.
  6. OK, I'll bite. What's the big deal aboout which channel NBC and Fox have as cable channels. NBC was 02, Fox was 11. Now NBC will be 14 and Fox will be 02. Can anybody explain this mess? I'm not a stupid person, but I really don't see a difference besides a number. It is sort of goofy on Directv too. 4 is now Fox, 6 is still CBS, 12 is still ABC, 50 is now NBC...
  7. Back in the 1970s when I was at Lamar, there were so many of the guys on scholarship that you knew were never going to get a degree. I remember seeing football and Men's basketball players in classes the first few days, and then afterwards, you never saw them. ( Except a few)...Baseball, track, women's athletes were always in class. Heck, women athletes were generally at the top of the class. They seemed to work harder because they were there on scholarship. In the 76-78 time frame I took a Renaissance and Reformation History class from Dr Bill MacDonald. It started with a number of football and baseball players. All of the football players wound up dropping the class. All of the baseball players finished the course.
  8. You have got to get a satellite dish. There is nothing better. I will never have cable again. Both are about the same. Some like Dish, some like Direct.
  9. I like both of the black helmets....If you talk to the "old" timers, navy was once one of the Lamar school colors. A Navy helmet with either a redbird or red LU might look good.
  10. I understand that schools like PNG and Buna that started on regular time had giant snowball fights before class. I would have loved to have been in on those....
  11. From a school that really doesn't like K-Ville, but I really would like to see them win state. Good Luck K-Ville!
  12. I am going tomorrow evening...I am saying Lamar by 18-20 pts.
  13. I am going to the game in Dec.....Maybe LU will run and gun with them?
  14. Yep I have to agree too....
  15. It is a different world than when most coaches got into the business. Many are stuck, and if they quit now, they are too old, too many years put in to walk away. Many are wanting retirement to get here. I don't know many jobs in which you are cussed at and your kids are told " Your Dad is sorry." Not only do these coaches have to produce on the field, but many are science, math, history teachers and they have to worry about the TAKS Test. Teaching is not a fun job and the only people they get now are people who are either too old to do something else, or in many cases, new graduates who are "trying teaching" for a few years. They discover it is really "work" and quit. If you don't think it is work, put in your application. A starting teacher in the town I live in is $28,000. My understanding is one of our teachers is thinking about leaving at the end of the year because they made more money roofing houses. He likes teaching, it is just a matter of economics. Heck of a note, the guy has a Master's degree. And is a durn good teacher.
  16. Going to sit on a stand and see if I can shoot Bambi's Pop.... The last of my deer sausage was lost with IKE.....( Not much, two were packages left.)
  17. What did we do to run you off from Buna? Was your government class too difficult? Hey sullivan no one ran me off I went to Iraq twice and Kuwait once and when I returned I decided to live in Deweyville simple as that. I got a house that is paid for in a nice quiet town. As far as your government remark I have a masters in Political Science(Government) and Kinesiology from Texas A&M-Kingsville what degree do you have? Now that you have knee jerk reaction , think about what I have asked you...... Why would you assume someone ran me off from Buna? A guy can't root for two teams? and what's the government class got to do with anything? I'm on the outside of this, but it looks to me like an INSIDE JOKE that someone didn't get. I give up ??? I need to stay in the cigar forums......
  18. What did we do to run you off from Buna? Was your government class too difficult? Hey sullivan no one ran me off I went to Iraq twice and Kuwait once and when I returned I decided to live in Deweyville simple as that. I got a house that is paid for in a nice quiet town. As far as your government remark I have a masters in Political Science(Government) and Kinesiology from Texas A&M-Kingsville what degree do you have? Now that you have knee jerk reaction , think about what I have asked you......
  19. What did we do to run you off from Buna? Was your government class too difficult?
  20. No, this is actually a pretty mature group of young men. I see most of these kids everyday. They say "Yes Sir" and " No Sir" and admit very quickly when they are wrong. They are generally very reserved and most work very hard to keep their grades up. I am sorry you lost the game, but stop the sour grapes....And we can tell neither Mesdames Boyd, Kelly, Stanley, or Milstead taught you English.
  21. I don't think I would blame the principal. It sounds to me that someone from above told him to stop the no shirts. In the school world, that's generally how stuff happens. The mid-management turns out to be the fall guy. Besides, it is school, you can't imagine the crap kids try to pull. I have a funny feeling as stated earlier, this has got to have another story.
  22. I am sort of shocked. We only had one new kid enroll from the Bolivar Peninsula. This worries me, I know Jamie Harrison down at BCISD has asked to re-enroll their kids in Bridge City, but where are these people going to live?
  23. I am surprised they got a game together for tomorrow. I hope my seniors do well. The boys need something positive right now. This year has been even odder than the Rita year of '05. We can't seem to get the school year started...Go Coogs! ;D ;D ;D
  24. My school opens at regular time on Monday. At the meeting this morning, we were told to look for an influx of kids from other ISDs. We are even playing ball tomorrow at 2pm against W. Sabine. Go Coogs.... ;D
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