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Everything posted by raideroldtimer

  1. I have one more thing to say, Friendswoodfan has been on here doing nothing but stirring for as least the past week, I suggest you guys and gals don't get caught up in his/her game it's just a way for that person to stroke their ego for the shortcomings of their own team.
  2. The jaguars made it to the playoffs so they should be able hang with a team. Maybe not beat them but at least try. they stoped trying after we scored the 1st goal maybe even before that. I'm not putting Central down by any means, but if I'm not mistaken their final standings was under .500, this is one reason there shouldn't be 4 teams in the playoffs from a district, at least not in soccer
  3. The Raiders didn't run the score up on purpose. The Jaguars just couldn't get the ball to the net and couldn't stop the girls from scoring. The first 20 minutes of the second half was passing drills land the coach said that they could ONLY score with headers. So that isn't bad sportsmanship. Now that explains why the girl in the left corner kept centering the ball, I was wondering because she had a TON of open looks into the net. She could've probably scored 10 times on her own from there
  4. For those who didn't already know, I spoke to Cody at the Lumberton soccer game today. He has left the school he was at in Oklahoma and has come to Lamar to play.......more local talent for the Lamar Cardinals.
  5. Lumberton final in a defensive battle. 1-0 L-Town win!!
  6. Lumberton Lady Raiders 14 - Central Lady Jaguars 0
  7. Correction the score is 8 - 0
  8. Wow Lady Raiders are up 7 - 0 in the first half.
  9. Sorry for LCM, congrats Veederville.
  10. Typical of Houston area, thinks all of the Houston area teams are better than everyone else.
  11. Looking at the listed win-loss stats, in particular the missing ones, on the schedule proves that a better job needs to be done in letting the fans know where their teams stand.
  12. Bummer, hope the Dawgs can overcome the loss.
  13. Back to the topic, Lumberton Lady Raiders are better than Brenham.
  14. look forward to seeing that. Those defenses lately aren't typical of Ned. IMO Hey I like Nederlands' defenses, kind of like using a spaghetti strainer, alot gets through.
  15. Nah Aggies, I think they'll finish sooner, more like June 13th, 2040. About the same time they start offering bus service out there.
  16. Run a triple option play to the QB's best throwing side with the tight end running a little curl right in the middle, either run it pitch it out to the RB or throw to the TE, also have a blocking back lead the QB.
  17. I would love to see a match up against WOS and L-Town, I think we could finally take them down.
  18. Actually I was thinking the same thing about your post, it looked to me like you felt like someone should be comparing PNG against Brenham instead of Lumberton. I haven't seen an actual comparison between brenham and L-Town in this particular string yet.......go figure.
  19. I only have one question for Weasel, the title of this particular string is "who is better lumberton or brenham??(girls)", so what in the world does that have anything to do with the PNG girls team? If you want to compare them to the Lumberton or the brenham girls then just start a thread............. :'(
  20. Kylor Keith is as much a threat as Anthony Beard. True dat.
  21. So the way I figure it, the basics are that if this is voted in by the larger schools later on, then there will actually be 10 classifications in Texas.
  22. I agree 100% on the ladies keeper, although the Lady Raiders won, they sent shot after shot after shot at this young woman and she turned back most of the.
  23. Dang, if they have a losing streak, I wish they would've brought it with them to the first game of the playoffs last year.
  24. Dang, we finally heard from the north 40.
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