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Everything posted by raideroldtimer

  1. [move]WOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!![/move] Hey Jags, did you hear that train a coming? Jags looked like a deer in the headlights when the L-Train came at them. I wonder, how many picked the Jags to win????? :o
  2. Looking forward to seeing if the s crappy Vidor Pirates can win two district games in a row....woo hoo. Go L-Town take it to the Jags!!! Oh, and gratz coop, that's alot of typing.......lol.
  3. Dude, I'll be rooting and praying for you, High Island is the alma mater of my dad, mom and several aunts and uncles. Also, a few cousins, so go Cards and kick Hardins butt. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. I hear Beard strained his hamstring. As far as Hannah, he did play some in the 4th just not as much, could be that Vidor D was keying on him and the coach tried to stir things up, don't know. Number 90, don't know why he wasn't playing. I don't see Creduer ever wanting to lose but he may have been thinking he'd be better off with healthy players down the stretch and decided there wasn't much chance at coming back on this one. Vidor played a good game plan and pulled it off against a good team, in spite of what some pee rats would have you think. Good thing the fans aren't the ones actually playing, huh. :-\ One more thing about another post. Who decided to call the earlier post "Lumberton Prayer", when this was clearly initiated by the Pirates, give them their just due. Lumberton does have their God Squad at all games, usually near the sidelines, although I didn't see them at the Vidor game (sure hope they weren't barred from the field by certain school officials). The L-towns' God Squad usually asks the opposing team or someone with the school if they can pray for them as well as for our boys during the game which is great, but this particular night was Vidors' coaches idea all the way. Amen brother.....
  5. I hear Beard strained his hamstring. As far as Hannah, he did play some in the 4th just not as much, could be that Vidor D was keying on him and the coach tried to stir things up, don't know. Number 90, don't know why he wasn't playing. I don't see Creduer ever wanting to lose but he may have been thinking he'd be better off with healthy players down the stretch and decided there wasn't much chance at coming back on this one. Vidor played a good game plan and pulled it off against a good team, in spite of what some pee rats would have you think. Good thing the fans aren't the ones actually playing, huh. :-\
  6. Reading the first blog, I get the feeling that the problem wasn't really the guns but the fact that they made the other "team" kneel and executed them. Had it been performed as a shootout where the NHS cheerleaders shot all the others, that probably would have been acceptable
  7. No Heroes Left To Save central From Being run Over By The L-Train. ;D
  8. All I got to say about that is, man where have you been?
  9. And why does the respect come only after taking down one of the MC schools? Why not give them respect for beating yall and almost beating us?Why would anyone respect Vidor for beating L-Town, that would mean, oh no not true is it (?), that you guys really think Lumberton is a good football team. Is true? Is it really really true? Say it ain't so.............LMAO :
  10. u had to be there we had 2 fumbles that would have put us ahead/tied up the first half and the refs misteriously stopped the clock at the end of the 1st half to let lumberton kick a field goal Now I wasn't gonna go there but, there was also the mysterious fumble that wasn't. You know the one where the Lumberton player stood up with the ball in his hands? Straaaange ???
  11. come on man lumberton is even slower than us but their kicker does have a leg on him 37 yarder right down the pipe woulda been good for about 45 or so i was right in front of it and was like what the heck??? I don't really see Lumberton as being slower than Vidor. I think our main problem is the coach should've sat the 1st string O and D down at the beginning of the 3rd quarter in the Livingston game and only used them if we got in a bind. Instead he played them into the first part of the fourth quarter and we have too many 2-way players for that. that's why they fired off hard the first half on Vidor but were basically gone by the second half. Needed better time management for this week. Oh, and I'm not saying Lumberton is faster than Vidor either, pretty close to equal in my opinion, your guys came out in the second half and looked like they had just finished their bowl of wheaties........zoom zoom..lol
  12. i say it is narrowed down to 4 teams, sorry lumberton, i think central is gonna getcha Sorry VP, I still think in the end it will be Lumberton PNG Central Nederland althoughI'm not sure of the order anymore as of yet.
  13. thanks for the props :-) good post man :-) and is yalls paper really named the lumberton blues??? if so lmao nope is the hardin county news, i messed up on my parody.......lol
  14. Yeah 24 is Hanna and to be honest, that's the first time I've seen him act like that during a game. He probably should be set out the next game, shouldn't have lost his composure like that.
  15. I'll definitely give Veederville their props, the Bucs showed up at the second half and left nothing but dust....congrats. New Sunday morning headline in the Lumberton Blues L-Town leaves Vidor and beats the fans home. But we're still gonna make the playoffs, just watch.
  16. Gotta give Veederville props, they were the only team to show up in the second half. Congrats.......
  17. Exactly. For confidence and for post-season hope... yep maybe so, but vidor will not be able to stop the run and will not run the ball on Lumberton. don't let the central game be a barometer for anyones season, from what I saw, they were not very impressive, if anyone has a decent running game, the jags shouldn't be a problem. the only advice I have for vidor is make sure your mouth piece is in at all times, because it's comin'! not being cocky, just stating a fact! : : Whatever you say... : : I will say that I did hear through the grapevine that the Jags didn't really look all that great on film. I don't know, I haven't actually seen them play in person but just going by what I heard. Every game, we have gotten better and better. Keep looking down on the Jags if you want. Our boys will just keep rising to the challenge and win ball games. You go Soulja, although I fully expect Lumberton to win when we play Central. But, Central is one team you never take your eyes off of. You guys have always had talent, even when the season or score doesn't go your way. That's why I think you guys will be in the post season. As for Veederville, it's the cry wolf syndrome. If you guys holler that you're gonna win loud enough it gives you an excuse to say how the refs gave the game away when you lose. By the way, you did play a pretty good agame against Central, I was pulling for you all the way. I guess that comes from pulling for L-town for the last 42 years, you kind of get used to rooting for the underdog. Tonight it's going to be Lumberton all the way baby!!!!!!!! Oh, and one more thing....who told us we were good? Let's see, Dave Campbell for one and the Houston Chronicle standings ( although you can't put much faith in them since they had Livingston ahead of us the last time I saw them) and I forget the name of the statistical poll that had us like 45th in the state while Vidor was like waaay down there.
  18. HARDIN COUNTY BLUES L-Town Does It Again, Still Gets No Respect
  19. Hey It's, just a quick question. As n L-Town fan like me, do you ever feel like we're the red headed step child in this district? ;D
  20. You must have a great teacher! ;D ;D In all seriousness, these are dead on. I kind of disagree with 7 and 8. The big receivers still havn't proved to me that he can take over a game against defenders that he outleap (and believe me, he can jump) defenders that he already have 6 inches on. Grogan have not proved he can do that against a good defense. I agree with both of you here. Except I still think Lumberton from what Ive seen is fighting for the bottom spots in this district. LOL, now here's an L-Town hater. New post season picks: 1. Lumberton 2. PNG 3. Central 4. Nederland - May move up on my list based on this Saturdays performance against the Indians, go big Ned. In everyones dust...........poor Livingston
  21. Lumberton wins this by a respectful lead. Coach Creduer doesn't want to embarass the other teams. Chuck Norris doesn't own a watch, he DECIDES what time it is.
  22. Athletes in High School should NEVER be recruited to play at another high school, even if they had to evacuate from their hometown due to disasters. On the other hand, athletes who are evacuated should be able to join the school nearest where they are staying at with just a verbal notification by the UIL. Also, they should only be allowed to play at the district for which they have evacuated to, not jump schools to find the best one.
  23. Looks lie pirates are trying to sneak one out.
  24. Livingston had a serious meltdown because of the beating L-Town was doling out near the end of the first half. If they want to win any in district they better get a handle on things, just a little advice Lions coach, use your outside lanes, that was most effective against us, if you could call it that. Livingston doesn't have the size to go up the middle and the passing game wasn't there either..........passing yardage first half a big huge ONE yard.
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