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BigD 95

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Everything posted by BigD 95

  1. The kid who was snapping on FG's was playing his very first game of the season, and had only practiced a few days this season. He is one of the kids who was in the wreck. Being his first action, coupled with a wet ball for much of the first half may have been the issue. He will get it together with more practice/reps. The QB Yowman was snapping on FG's earlier in the season, and it was working fine, but too risky to have your QB doing that. They will get it corrected. Also keep in mind that barring a setback, arguably the Top RB (Holland) in the area will be back in a few weeks, so this WB offense has the potential to be even more scarier moving forward. The other younger RB's has filled in very well, but Holland is special and he is a huge mismatch in the passing game against most anybody's Linebackers. Another weapon is on the way.
  2. What happen to Banks?
  3. Actually, In Peevey's defense they only had 3 returning starters on defense, and loss one of them. They had at least 7 first year varsity guys starting. Last year's class was super deep at every position. That team had about 40+ Seniors. Were talking about a defense that graduated 5 guys who went to the next level last year, including 3 who went D1 or D1AA. Of those 3 returning starters, 2 are going to the next level, 1 who played injured all year before he was kicked off the team, and still has a chance to go to the next level, and there were 3 other senior starters, who were on JV last year, who stepped up big this year, and are also going to play at the next level, including 1 player who signed a D1AA Scholarship after only one year of Varsity film. They were very young this year, especially in the middle, including a sophomore noseguard, who was having to replace a 3 yr starter in Bluiett. It never got any press but a starting linebacker was kicked off the team about week 5, and they shuffled at least 3 guys in and out trying to replace him, and when they finally found a guy, he got hurt. Then they ended up moving a guy who has never played the position in his life to MLB, and there were a lot of struggles and bust plays from the younger guys all year, and also from some of the older guys who were getting their first varsity action in HS. Also Ochoa got injured for a stretch of games, and he is the QB of the defense, and makes all the reads, and get the calls in. When he was down, the bust plays nearly tripled. It got so bad, that they had to rush him back, when he clearly wasn't 100%. Peevey's defense last year was the strength of the team. They played outstanding, and had some players who were very hard to replace. With that said, I think he will be fine, but I do think he needs to hire some very good, experience coordinators, because with Haynes and Flannigan gone, that was most of the experienced on the staff.
  4. As for playing Memorial, WOS is too small, and would get beat up front.  As far as Athletes, WOS can match them.  As far as quality lineman, sheer size, and depth, it aint close.  Memorial is not as stong as last year tho, they were senior heavy, so I think WOS would at least compete with this years team, and make things interesting, but the Titans would be hard to beat.  Best time to catch them is early tho, because they are inexperienced right now.  I think that has alot to do with why Ozen & Central were able to make it a good game. JMO
  5. WOS is a 3A Team who actually have 2A #'s...  For them to even compete with these 4A teams is impressive.  As for the Vidor SCRIMMAGE, there are players who played roles in that PRACTICE that didn't even make VARSITY.  Also, remember WOS strength is Field Position, which is often set up through their Defense, Great Special Teams Play, and Return Game.  In a SCRIMMAGE there are no RETURNS, no rushing the punter, etc... It is a PRACTICE.  I also recall in that PRACTICE, WOS got a pick or a fumble recovery (can't remember) that was blown dead, because it was a SCRIMMAGE..  Lots of backup players got reps, that they wouldn't normally get (for both teams), so I put absolutely no stock in a FINAL SCORE of a SCRIMMAGE.  With that being said, I will not predict a score, but I will say this will be a very physical, hard hitting game, it always is.  Central is battle tested, and they always play physical.  They can match WOS with athletes, but I think a strong edge goes to WOS Coaches in this one.  I have attended several Central games, and I can figure out some of the coaches decision making.  JMO..  Should be a good one.  My wife is a Jaguar & I am a Mustang..  Gon be Interesting.. lol
  6. That entire sophmore class for WOS this year is going to be special, and Dee is one of the best in that group of standouts.  GREAT kid too, always been one of my favorites, since Little League... I can't wait to see him shine on Friday Nights...  Good work Dee... Proud of U
  7. Need a ride to WOS vs. Coldsprings Region III Championship game in Humble, TX? Charter Bus seating available to the public for only $30 per seat. Bus will be leaving from Kroger's parking lot Friday, Dec. 2, 2011 at 4:30pm sharp First Come, First Serve. Contact Damion: 409-553-2680
  8. I can't wait til Friday.  Let's show em Stangs
  9. Tony is my neighbor, and I will tell you this. He's working his butt off for the upcoming season.  Kid has gotten taller, bigger, faster, and stronger.  He is mos def a major D-1 prospect.
  10. Post Removed
  11. I keep missing the point about it being a BIG DIFFERENCE from Jr. to Sr, it ain't like we went down a level when we went to Pop Warner.  Are any of you aware of the fact that all of the teams that we are playing in Pop Warner consist of about 70% 6th graders, and about 30% 7th graders (older/lighter)?  Most of the 5th graders qualify as older/lighters on the level below us.  That was a huge step for us as well, since some of these kids were already 13 when the season started (cutoff date is July 31st).  I'm assuming the point that you are trying to prove is more of a discredit to Pop Warner than it is to the Longhorns.  Look RB (RUSTY), I never once said that we are invincible, in fact I pointed out our losses, and mentioned our Dog fights in STJFL.  I am also nervous as heck about our game in McAllen this weekend, the same way I was about our game in Austin last weekend.  I respect every opponent.  I also respect your competitive nature.  I'm simply saying that we are not running from anyone, and have absolutely no reason to be scared of anyone in STJFL, but the game has to make sense, and this one doesn't to me.  You of all people, already know the reason that we left, but I will not even begin to start on that issue on here.  I will say this AGAIN, Congrats on your season.  You are the Champs.  This whole argument is pointless anyways, because I would never play a meaningless game like this, because we have absolutely nothing to prove.  This will be my last post on this topic, so feel free to continue saying that we are running, or we are scared.  I am trying to keep my players focused on trynna win a National Championship, and we ask that everyone in the area would keep us in your prayers, and support us as we travel and try to accomplish something that has never been done before, and that's bring the Pop Warner National Championship Trophy back to SETX, because I believe the best football in the world is played right here, and we all deserve a piece of the National recognition.  Hook Em.........
  12. Ur right TD.  Congrats, and thanks for the support from the ones that are rooting for us.  Hook Em......
  13. Ok, you win.  We ran.
  14. Bring Moe, and Jarron with you.....:), lol..........j/k, but we would luv the support.....
  15. I do the same thing when I have no reply.......Change the subject......lol
  16. Someone please take the keyboard from their kid (One4all).  Why are you not at school son?  Na Na Ne Boo Boo.......Yeah, we're running.  Tell that to the next 10 people you come in contact with, and watch how they laugh in your face......Please don't tell it to the guy drinking the beer, cause you will get wet buddy....lmao...  These people.......
  17. No, we would be playing the Sr. Champs (BC).  They are so much more improved from last year, and we didn't progress any (whatever), so they are very confident that they can beat us.  Your head coach has seen us play, he knows deep down what would happen, he's just saying what he supposed to say.  It is so true, Time Heals Pain.  After our dominance last year, several of these same posters were on here saying that they thought we could have won the Sr. Division as well, but a year later, we're running.  How crazy is that?  Like Icewater said, they are the only team that got better, and time froze in Orange.  Give me a break.  We only have about 10 kids from last years team, and have some kids that ya'll have never seen play before.  In fact, we have a kid that moved in from Newton that is the fastest kid on the team.  Careful what you wish for people.
  18. Dats Cold, Ice Water....lol.....They get on here talking, when they know their kids are born scared of WOS.  It's the way of life in SETX........We have been, still are, and always will be the MEASURING STICK of SETX.  They just get happy with moral victories against the STANGS.."At Least We Scored"....lol
  19. My Point exactly Icewater......They cried, and cried, until we got tired, and left.  Now they get on here, and say why ya'll left?  Give me a break.....That game would be an absolute waste of our time, and he knows it.  He just trynna make some cute bulletin board material, or stir the pot.  Sounds just like when Silsbee called us out after they won Lonestar last year.  Same slick talk......Final Score was 71-0......I'll let you guess the winner.....
  20. You could have came along with us to Pop Warner buddy, but you saw the opportunity to finally win you one.  We wanted more competitoin, you wanted an easy win.  Take it, it's yours.  Congrats.  We have seen ya'll play dude.  lol.  I see you have convinced yourself, good luck trynna convince your players.  They know exactly who we are, and they know exactly what we do. 
  21. Well that's even funnier......HJ, lmao......Somebody PLEASE make her aware that we're talking FOOTBALL here.
  22. I suppose you are from BC as well.  I am not tooting my own horn, I was merely defending my team, when someone said we were running from them.  I been reading this, and never replied, until your buddy said we were running.  Just wanted to get that str8, and state a few supporting facts.  Not once did I say we were unbeatable, in fact I even stated our losses.  I simply said that we are not running, and have no reason to run from a team that we have dominated so handily every time we faced them.  We have some very hard challenges ahead of us, and I acknowldged the teams in STJFL who gave us a few dog fights that prepared us for this journey that we are on.  As 98 mentioned earlier, too much crying in STJFL, and it's not the kids.  You take what I say as tooting my horn, but your potna get on here talking slick, and you back him.  I simply stated facts.  Take it how you want to take it.  Hook Em Horns........
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