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BigD 95

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Everything posted by BigD 95

  1. By the way One4all, did you not read where I said that the teams still alive are both well coached, and very talented.  PS:  We're still alive......
  2. To be honest, we got bored with beating ya'll by 40-50+ every week.  But ur right.  Wut I said was in this area, pop warner teams have better athletes, but are not very well coached teams, and that is just my opinion.  In the last 2 years we have played teams from Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin areas, and yes they were very well coached teams, and had great athletes, far superior to anything that STJFL has to offer.  Nothing gets settled on this board, so Im done with it.  Ya'll had several chances to prove wut you are saying, and failed miserably everytime.  We proved it on the field.  Keep talking, the floor is yours.  Peace.  Once again, congrats to BC kids.  This is funny.  Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda......Please help me understand what the BIG difference is.  It ain't like we're playing 9 year olds in Pop Warner.  Like I said, see you in Jr. High. 
  3. Thanks Dub, if we win this week, you and Tae should come check us out in San Antonio.  We'll just call it a recruiting visit for next year. :)
  4. Go Lil Stangs.....Beat em down babyyyyyy
  5. You're right.  Big Difference, and the teams we are playing in these Pop Warner playoffs are a major difference as well.  Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, they know a lil something about football too, you know.  We have our reasons that we are confident, and you have yours, either way, we are not playing the game.  We got nothing to prove.  Congrats on your championship.  Let your kids enjoy being champs.  I have seen one team win an STJFL championship, and there coach chose to play against the Lonestar champ, and they lost to them.  Those kids felt like they hadn't won a thing, even thought they were champs.  Just enjoy your ship, and we'll see ya'll in Jr. High.  That's a big difference too, and so is high school, yet it's always the same results on every level.  Please stop.
  6. We played STJFL for 5 years, and dominated at every level.  Now that we have nothing else to prove in that league, we went on to try to see where we stood Nationally.  Only way to do that was to play Pop Warner.  I have said in earlier posts that I thought STJFL had better coached teams, but Pop Warner has better athletes in this area.  Now, when you leave SETX, every team still alive is well coached, and very talented.  It is so easy to say that this would have been ya'll year, or we ran from ya'll, but truth of the matter is, we played all of ya'll several years in a row, and proved on the field that we were SUPERIOR.  I appreciate all of the competition that you guys gave us over the years, and I can say that it helped us become a dominant force statewide, and our next challenge is nationwide.  I even give a special Thanks to Coach LeJuene, and Eric G. (Dillon, lol), who are the only coaches to EVER beat us while in STJFL (from flag to 2nd yr Juniors), (2 Losses in 5 yrs.) because those games really pointed out to us what we needed to work on, and trust me, we fixed the problems.  I respect the STJFL Champs of this year, but let's face it, we beat them by 30+ twice last year, and our starting backfield couldn't play in the fourth quarters of either game.  We have a very important order of business that we are focused on right now, so we can't even think of entertaining ya'll with the inevitable, but trust me we ain't running from no one.  Everyone is not entitled to a title bout anyways.  Keep howling at the MOON, and we will continue to SHINE......Bark on people.  Let your kids enjoy their championship, and go out on top.  Don't spoil it for them, and get them a lost on their undefeated record.  You got to be smarter than that.  As far as the Jr. Mustangs 2010, Great job fellas.  Jarron #4 is an absolute beast, and I begged his father to let him play for us.  He is a difference maker on both sides of the ball.  They were a very dominant team, and if someone thinks they are the best team ever, then that's fine, it is their opinion.  I'm sure their coaches feel that way too.  I am also sure that several people think we are the best ever, or the team with Chris James.  Either way, to be mentioned with the best ever is good for all of us, since we are all WOS 4 LIFE.  Most of these kids will be teammates in high school, so let's do everything we can to keep them focused and on the right track, and we should see a state championship or two during their varsity years.  We have an opportunity to become something that I have never met in Orange, TX in any sport, other than Pup -----and that's a NATIONAL CHAMPION.  I ask that all of you please support us, and keep us in your prayers as we travel on our journey.......Hook Em, Coach Dime
  7. Sorry Dubby, we probably ruined that from ever happening again.  We beat Silsbee 71-0 last year in this game.  lol
  8. IMO, Pop Warner has better athletes, and more physical players, but by far Inferior Coaching......STJFL hands down have better coaches, who prepare better, and enforce discipline better.  I gained a lot of respect for LeJeune (PNG), and Ward & his crew (Lumb), Rusty (BC) while developing a nice little rivalry in STJFL over the years.  We do miss playing you guys.  Wish I was in town to see the championship game between PNG and BC on the Sr. level.  I know it's gonna be a chest match.  Good Luck to both teams.  We will do our best to make the entire SETX proud.....Hook Em Horns.......Coach
  9. 6 Teams Total, and we dominated every one of them, the same way we dominated STJFL last year.  Yes, this is the same group of guys who some were saying was the best little league team they have ever seen in this area.  Formerly, WOS Junior White, we outscored our opponents 561 - 6 last year in STJFL, and pretty much the same domination in Pop Warner.  Hopefully, we can stay healthy and have the same kind of success throughout the state, and the region, and then go on to Nationals, and rep for SETX.  Hook Em Horns......
  10. Thanks for all of the support.  We will do our best and give 112% every snap of the game, and try to show the nation what SETX football is all about....LEEEEGGGGGOOOOO........Hook Em Horns...
  11. I believe he was actually a sophmore playing varsity.
  12. Mark Roberts hands down....
  13. I was in school at the time, and the rumor at school was that a substitute teacher had copied the gradebook and gave this info to another school in the district. 
  14. Thanks sloe.  We will try to bring a Championship home to the Golden Triangle.
  15. The official bracket should come out Wednesday, but I have already been told that our first game is at 11:30 Saturday, location TBD.  As soon as I know, I will let ya'll know.  Thanks for the support. 
  16. Yes, we will have refs.  It is not a scrimmage.  It is a real game situation, and it should be a good one.  I'm hearing that it will be a packed house for this one.
  17. Just so that there is no whinning come Saturday.  I am the head coach for WOS Junior White.  We are preparing for the King Classic Tournament in Houston in December.  The team that we fielded in the Super Bowl is slightly different now.  We have added about 3 players from our Junior Blue team, but we have also lost about 5 players (4 starters) from our Super Bowl team.  The tournament is not mandatory, so some parents chose not to extend their kids season.  However, we picked up a few kids from our blue team to try to replace them.  Silsbee's Coach Bayliss has been made aware of this, and he understands that he can get players from the other Silsbee team as well for this game on Saturday.  You see, we are using this game as a warmup for our Tournament.  I told Coach Bayliss as long as the kids are the correct age, I don't care if they get players from Mars, or Lumberton even. LOL  We are using this game to get ready, and battle test our team.  Just wanted to put this out there before Saturday......
  18. If you look at my earlier post, I had mentioned that team.  They were loaded.  You won't get a big argument from me, but I am kinda partial to the 2009 Junior White team.  LOL
  19. I agree with Stang 92, if not for the 28 point rule, it would have gotten worst.  @ VNupe, thank you so much for the compliment.  You see alot of people discredit us and say that we just have the most athletes.  Well what they fail to realize is you have to turn those athletes into football players.  I have seen many teams over the years (Lincoln, Ozen, etc) who undoubtedly had the most athletes, but couldn't win a game.  A football player has heart, discipline, and composure, not just speed.  So, once again I say thanks for your observation.  we have the bar set high on our team, and we push those boys to become the best football player that they can be.  My Qb and RB decided to change where they line up on a play, because of the way Lumberton was blitzing.  I was screaming at them that they were lined up wrong.  After the play, which resulted in a TD, they both came to the sideline and explained to me what they had saw, and I had to agree with there adjustment.  That's a football player.  Discipline is the #1 focus on our team.  Teachers and Principles call me before they call the parents.  Myself, and TD visit the school frequently to check on the boys.  Like you said VNupe, we try to give those boys something that they can use in life, not just on the football field.  We tell them all the time, "IF YOU CAN PLAY FOR US, YOU CAN PLAY FOR ANYONE IN AMERICA. LOL 
  20. Hard for 9-10 year olds to stay mentally focused when they are losing by 20.  Staying physical is a heck of a task to ask 9-10 year olds when they are being outmatched physically.  [b]IF[/b] I had wings, I could fly.  Yeah, I know it would take some big wings. LOL  [b]IF[/b] ya'll never showed up to the Super Bowl, ya'll would have never been exposed.  LOL  Just picking 44, I am sure we will face some tough teams in Houston @ the King Classic, but as for this area "WE ARE THE BEST".
  21. Thanks jr1979.  I forgot that you were out there in Houston now.  Good to see you drive down to support us Saturday.
  22. Draft Process?  I think Lumberton had more returning players than anyone in the league.  You see, both of our teams were full of 9 year olds last year, although we were very successful with them.  We were supposed to be taking our lumps last year being so young, but instead we both ended up being top teams, and they ended up in the Super Bowl.  So we both returned awesome teams this year, since most of our boys didn't have to go up to seniors.  Hard work pays off.  Congrats to all once again.  We are gettin ready for a tournament in Houston against teams from Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and more.  It is the KING CLASSIC (2 Days), and we will go out there and try to represent the GOLDEN TRIANGLE.
  23. Well unfortunately, there was only one gate open for us to exit.  I am sorry that we didn't give them a moment of silence in their sad moment as we passed, but we were still celebrating our joyous moment.  I guess we were being inconciderate of someone's little feelings..... GIVE ME A BREAK.  Last time I checked, there was not a grace period on how long after a game a team can celebrate, especially a Super Bowl win.  If you are not associated with either organization, then I think I speak for both us and Lumberton when I say, "SHUT UP".  I am sure Lumberton White does not won't to be wrongly associated with whatever whinny organization that you do represent.  Let me guess, We Beat Your Team by 60, huh.  I know, that was unethical to do that to little kids.  I really wish some of these losing coaches would take responsibilty for their teams losing by 50-60 points, instead of complaining and whinning.  I wish just one coach would step up and say, "Hey I did a lousy job of preparing my team, and I got them embarrassed."  Set a better example for your little ones.  They are boys today, but will be men tomorrow.  Today is Sunday, and I'm still celebrating.  Heck it may go on for another week, since my Cowboys just beat the Eagles.  If I see any Eagles fans though, I will take the smile off of my face, and respect their sadness.......WOS JUNIOR WHITE STJFL SUPER BOWL CHAMPS.  Hope your team has better success next year, we are moving on.  Too much whinning in this league.  Ya'll can have it......
  24. I was very impressed with #99. He is a BEAST. #44 is a tough little runner as well.  I am a realest, I know that ya'll were short-handed with the injury to #25.  We have watched him this year.  He is a stud.  Too bad he couldn't be at full strength.  They are a tough group.  Ya'll had a great year.  Hold your head high.......
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