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BigD 95

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Everything posted by BigD 95

  1. Teamraider, I feel that you have made an inaccurrate perception of our fans.  They would never intentionally disrespect anyone's child.  That was mostly the grandparents of our kids (Christian women), who were leading the cheers.  If you have seen our pregame ritual, these are the same women who lead us in prayer every saturday, and they have never failed to mention the health, safety, and well being of our opponents players in their prayers.  They have love for all of the kids, and all of the coaches who take time out with the kids.  I assure you they were just trying to let our players know how proud of them they were, and how they were happy about what they had accomplished, considering all of the drama that we have been through this year.  My apology was ginuwine, and these are some wonderful parents, I just don't won't them being portrayed in a negative manner on here, because that is not what they represent.  I wished you would have voiced your displeasure when it occurred, and I would have allowed you to speak with one of the ladies, and have your own personal experience with them, and I am sure that you would have left impressed.  Please don't go out like this.  The season is over, it was fun, and competitive.  See ya next year, Maybe......
  2. Thanks for the compliments Team Raider, sorry about the fans.  I think that they were a little pumped up from a comment made to them at our semi final game @ LCM from one of your coaches.  I am sure it was said in good spirit, just having fun, but a coach told one of our fans to get her cheering out against Bridge City, because they wouldn't have anything to cheer about in the Super Bowl.  That pumped them up, and they came ready to scream to the top of their lungs, but I do understand what you are saying.  I do apologize for them, if you truly feel that it was distasteful.
  3. Congrats WOS Flag, PNG PeeWee White, WOS Junior White, and Nederland Senior.  Job well done.  Personal congrats to our WOS PeeWee team.  They came up a little short, but had a heck of a season. Your coaches, parents, and community are very proud of you.
  4. Thanks BDog, we do have a very talented group.  I will say this, there has been some good teams come thru this league, the Chris James group with RC, they were Great.  I can guarantee you this 98, if the question is asked, I guarantee that everyone who has followed this league will mention us, and no one will oppose.  They may have other opinions on who was the BEST, but they will surely mention WOS JUNIOR WHITE.  BDog, I am grateful for your compliments of our coaching staff.  Most people say that we just have talent.  I want lie, they do make our jobs easier, but we got the bar very high over here, and we push them, drill them, and battle test them more than anyone does.  They work very hard, and give it there all.  I am the Big Mouth Coach, who you may hear fussing at them when we are up by 50 points.  You see, we preach to our group that they must hustle, and execute until the clock reads 00:00.  Every play is a battle, and if you win the battles, then you will win the war.  I challenge them to win every single battle.  Yeah, they are my lil SOLDIERS. lol  6 points in 11 games.  98 I think that hands down, we have the BEST Defense to ever play in this league.  441 points on the season, including a 38 - 0 Super Bowl win over a team that may also come up when you are talking about the BEST ever is really impressive.  I have to agree, WE ARE DA BEST, and we have the resume to back it.  Great Season to all, especially my WOS JUNIOR WHITE MUSTANGS. #1
  5. First of all, congrats to Lumberton on a great season.  They are a very well coached, tough bunch.  We had a great game plan to stop their offense, and had a great week of practice.  It really was fun this year, and I have even more respect for the Lumberton White group after today, because even though they were outmatched today, they still fought hard for 4 quarters, and have a lot to be proud of.  They also wear a lost better than any team that we faced all year long.  No whinning, crying, or complaining.  I can respect that, and it reflects on your kids as well.  They all shook hands, with their heads high, no crying, no attitudes.  I even had a kid (#28) tell me "Coach ya'll have a good team, Congratulations."  I was very impressed by that.  The parents and coaches over their should be proud.  I am also so proud of my boys, and all of my coaches.  My assistant coaches are the BEST.  They make my job so easy.  They all pitched in to put together a great game plan for this week.  My boys executed the plan to perfection.  It is a great feeling when all of your hard work is rewarded.  This Super Bowl win feels good.  We faced a very good, undefeated team, and won in a dominating manner.  I am very proud of my boys.  WOS White #1.  P.S. Thanks to all of our fans, they are the BEST as well.   Coach Dime,
  6. Every team in the NFL knows what Miami is gonna do, and still can't stop it.  That's why we make it no secret, we yell it out, and we EXECUTE it to perfection.  Yeah 92, I know you meant last year.  They had one man to stop in last years Super Bowl.  They knew all of their formations, plays, and personnel, and still LOST.  What can they possibly do with all of our weapons?  We own Lumberton, It's a tradition!!!!!!!!!!!! Just be happy with another Super Bowl appearance.  Ya'll have overachieved to be where ya'll are at, time to come back to reality.  Face it 44, ya'll are decent, but not on our level.  If you be nice to my coaches at BWW tonight, I may only beat ya'll by 30. lol WIIIIILLLLLLDDDDDCCCCAAAAATTTTT.    It's easy to stop in practice against that weak pro bowl team, but we would put 60 on that pro bowl team, and you know it. 
  7. Raider 44 may not admit it, but they are so terrified of WOS WHITE over there, that they have been filming us since WEEK 1.  So when ya'll lose saturday, I want him to look those kids in the face, and tell them that he lost the game for them by not having them properly prepared.  You see 44, we are much better coaches than you give us credit for.  Once we seen ya'll filming us early on, we installed an offense just for this game.  We have practiced it for 7 weeks now, and definitely have it down to a science.  You have never seen us run it, but you have seen it run before.  Hint: Look in the mirror.  In fact, I think we run it better than ya'll.  SNOOP DOGGY DOG OFFENSE X 2..........  Hey ya'll started it, now let's see if ya'll can stop it.  I can't lie, I thought it was cute, so we took it and perfected it.   Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!
  8. All trash talking aside.  We really do respect the Lumberton White team, and that is why we are preparing this week like we haven't all year long (Xtra practices).  We get on here and talk trash, but trust me we have never overlooked any opponent, especially an undefeated team in the Super Bowl.  We will be ready, and I am sure they will be too.  This is the matchup that everyone predicted from day 1.  By far, both teams will be facing their hardest hitting, most physical, fastest, smartest competition that they have faced all year long.  The coaches over there have earned my respect, because they go that extra mile to prepare, just like us.  They don't complain, and whine like some.  They got their boys confidence through the roof.  We do feel like we have prepared, and put the right game plan in place to win this game, and should win this game, but we know that we can't let this tough group Lumberton White has gain momentum at no point in this game.  I think that Lumberton has the talent to keep it close, and you know anything can happen if it's close.  I also think that WOS has the talent to blow them out, if we execute like I know we can.  With that said.  My Prediction is:  WOS JUNIOR WHITE 2009 STJFL SUPER BOWL CHAMPS, and I would not be surprised if it's over by halftime.
  9. WOS 98, 450lbs?  Are you trynna confuse them to thinking you are me or something.  lol  More like 150 lbs. hahaha.  I love the ideal of a Super Bowl Party at BWW in PA, that would be like pouring salt in the wound.  LMAO
  10. No excuses, just facts buddy.  As much as ya'll try to lie to those kids over their to pump them up and build their confidence, you know the truth.  Yes we win most, and we have lost also, but we have never lost to LUMBERTON, and it won't happen this week.  2 losses in two years, and 1 lost came against our BLUE Team who won the SUPER BOWL.  No need for excuses.  Head to Head, both of our teams beat ya'll.  WOS WHITE #1.  
  11. The team that beat us 2-0 (fumble punt = SAFETY), while we had 3 starters out, including our starting QB/Punter (BEST IN THE LEAGUE), and our starting RB & LB (#20, trust me you will be real familiar with him after this week), and our starting WR, and OLB (now playing senior ball).  Trust me, you can ask that team's coach if he thought that his team could beat us at full strength.  He is an honest guy, I am sure that he will tell you.  He told us after the game that he felt like he stole one, and that he did not want to rematch us at full strength.  Like I said, head to head WE BEAT YA'LL.  HEAD TO HEAD our BLUE TEAM BEAT YA'LL.  This is a new year, and we enter this Super Bowl stronger, faster, smarter, more focused, HEALTHY, and HUNGRY.  By the way, ya'll went 1 and 1 against the team that Beat us, and when that team beat our BLUE team, DILLON went out with an injury.  I am sure you remember him, right.  He is the one that single-handedly BEAT Lumberton White in last year's SUPER BOWL.  I can't wait til Saturday.  oooohhhhhhhh, I love this. lol
  12. 44, your second place finish last year was only the result of seeding.  We both lost to the same team (Super Bowl Champs), which was our BLUE Team.  Only reason we lost a week earlier is because ya'll were in that easy bracket.  By the way, head to head, we beat ya'll last year without KJ for 2 1/2 quarters.  Yes, he is a difference maker.  WOS White and Blue were the best two teams last year.  Too bad we had to meet in the Semi's.  No score prediction from me, but I am very confident in my team, and will keep them focused on the task at hand.  We will talk after the game.  If you're nice, we might let your son take a picture with OUR Super Bowl Trophy.  lol
  13. @ RB, hey man I have kept quiet, but I must defend my coaches.  Stang 92 is a huge asset to our coaching staff.  He just doesn't ask for glory, but trust me I let him know how much he means to this team.  The only reason he does MPR, is he is the one that I trust, and he is very detailed, and will not let any of you suckas beat us on a technicality. lol  By the way, he also gets the pleasure of writing that 50+ - 0 on the top of that MPR sheet, and laughs his butt off inside when he bring it to opposing head coaches to sign.  Your John Hancock is next RB. 
  14. Tell your team whatever you think will help them with their confidence.  Tell em we're scared. lol  They are smart kids, I'm sure they want believe that.  Why don't you tell them that WOS coaches are smarter than ya'll thought.  We are not going to give ya'll a game for scouting purposes only.  I am sure ya'll will play your backups, and have about 5 video cameras rolling.  Isn't that what ya'll did to PNG White the last game of the season last year, then studied film all week and devised a plan to beat them in Round 1.  Well, not this year buddy.  We will meet when we meet, and the element of how fast, quick, and strong we really are will scare the day lights out of your boys, and before you know it, yeah, you will be asking the refs to run the clock.  LOL  What's wrong teamraider and 44, you can't find anyone over their to simulate our team speed, so you get on here and try to trick us into a pointless midseason scrimmage to better prepare your team.  I don't think so buddy. ;D ;D ;D ;D  Good Luck.......Speed kills
  15. Chippy, where does your post support the fact that the #8 seed should pick what time they get to play the #1 seed. I just think that we have earned the right to at least get a better time. Spoonbill, I will not reply to you anymore, because you take one line out of a post and try to make it into what you want it to say, instead of reading the entire post with an open mind, and taking what is said for what it is. Have a good day. Like I said, I don't need to go to the meetings. I will roll with the punches, that will make the ending even sweeter.
  16. Making excuses for what, dude. I'm only stating my opinion. We need no excuses. I could care less what the next obstacle is that the board throws up. We will roll with the punches and still come out CHAMPIONS!!!!!! Trust me dude, I am not a YES MAN, so they don't want me at that meeting. Maybe the board has the same attitude as you do when someone makes a complaint or voice a concern. Maybe they are just whining. Be for real. If you are not one of their YES MEN, you get what you get. Just like some teams are allowed to get a few kids in overweight, depending on who you are. But a kid on my team had to remove his tshirts, and socks over a few ounces (humiliating for him). Then we go play on Saturdays, and every team have 5-6 kids bigger than him. Then I was told by the league who I can start, because they thought that a kid on my team was the best kid in the league, and he should not be on the second team. Dude, you don't even know the half. That's just one example. It doesn't matter though. We don't care about the technicalities. We are teaching football to our kids, and we will let them settle it on the field. They are 9-10 years old, but they are not blind.
  17. I don't make predictions, but I can promise you that both PNG White and BC will be well coached and well prepared. Not to mention WOS Junior White and Junior Blue!!!!LOL Good Luck to all. Should be a fun weekend full of competieive games.
  18. Trust me, we are not told when or where the meetings will be held. We just get info back from the powers to be over our league. Some people may run their leagues differently, but this is how ours is run, and it always seems that the teams having the most success gets the short end of the stick for some reason (may or may not be true, as I am partial to the situation, but it's just my opinion), or maybe that's just the way the information gets back to us. We have a me against the world attitude for a reason, because we are under the microscope. If you attend the meetings, then you know what I'm talking about. They ride us more than anyone. I guess, this is what success brings. Ask our buddies over at Lumberton, what has their recent success brought them. More scrutiny, and more complaints. Every week we get complaints about running up the score, when in fact all rules are being followed. Some people would rather cry and complain, rather than prepare. Easier, I guess. If you are not, or have not been involved in WOS league, then you may not understand the full situation. We get the impression that we are not wanted at the meeting, only board members. Anyone that has an opinion on this board that does not agree with some others is considered a whiner. Come on now, I guess we can tell who's on the league board on here. Quit being so defensive guys. Every organization is going to be critiqued, and I know that you can not make everyone happy. But just like any other league, STJFL does have it's problems as well. Overall, I'm pleased with the league, but to get all defensive like the leageue board has there stuff together and every one with an opinion or a complaint is out of line or whining is insane.
  19. I have stayed quiet in all of this, and yes I am the WOS Junior White Head Coach. In response to Chippy, yes both teams do have to play at 8:00, so maybe there is not a huge advantage either way. I think the one thing that upset alot of people (our fans, parents, and coaches) is that we always arrive to the games 1 hour before the game to stretch, warmup, and go over the game plan. You see, we don't just show up at 7:58 dressed and ready to play. We are the team traveling (yes, I know only 30 minutes or less, but I will make my point), so we have to leave from Orange at 6:30 am. That means, we will meet at 6:00 or 6:15 to make sure everyone is there before we pull out at 6:30 sharp. I am not whinner, that is why I have stayed quiet. Do I think it is right? NO I don't. In fact, I do think it was done to inconvenience our team. I annouced the game time at practice yesterday, and my parents where like "what the h---. It just doesn't seem fair, but oh well. We will be there on time, and ready to play, even if I have to have a sleepover at my house, and rent a bus. In fact, in the end, I may even be happy that I get to start enjoying my Saturday afternoon a little earlier this weekend. Good Luck to all. I have said my peace, now I will retire again.
  20. Just my opinion here. I don't think that going by points scored against is a good tie breaker in this particular league. It can be good if every game was played out without running the clocks in the second halfs of some and not in others. I think that some coaches start manipulating this from the beginning of the season. There were several games played this year in which a team could have scored more points, but the clock ran through timeouts, incompletions, ect. (continuous). Even one case where a team chose not to finish a game. Were they thinking ahead to the tie breaker, IDK. Glad it didn't matter in the end. I do understand the purpose of this, but I just think that it gets manipulated. Let's say a team is in a dog fight in which the score is 45-40. They will play this game to the end, and now two good teams has just put a pile of points against each other. Down the road a team is losing 28-0 at half, and they run accelerated clock in second half. The final score ends up 35-0. I'm just saying, the tie breaker points are very very close this year, and 1 touchdown could make a difference in who stays home or who goes to the playoffs. All game should be played out no matter what, since this is the tie breaker system that has been chosen. What you think?
  21. Good luck to your team sportsnut72.
  22. Not sure why the clock was running, but it was from the opening whistle. That makes it very difficult to get your 10 plays in when the game is being shortened this way. Not sure if they were rushing the games, or if the coaches agreed on it, but I seriously doubt that they did. This should be taken into consideration before a team is forced to forfeit. Just my opinion.
  23. Not trying to make excuses for the WOS coaches, but I was at the game, and one thing that is being left out, that really needs to be considered, is the fact that this game was played with a continuous running clock. The 10 play rule is a good one, but it is designed for 8 minute (PEEWEE) quarters. This 8 minute clock is to be started and stopped the same way as a UIL game (incomplete passes, out of bounce, timeouts, penalties, etc.). If you have ever seen a game played with a continuous running clock, it goes by extremely fast, making it even harder to get all of your players 10 plays. We have played games with continuous clocks, in which we have gotten only 2 offensive possessions in an entire half. I think all coaches on here would agree to this. A team wanted to run the clock against us in the fourth quarter of a game this year, and I told the ref, "Hey, I still have a few kids who need a couple of plays." That ref assured me that if they came up short, then he will not let us be punished. I am not sure who requested the running clock on saturday, or why it was running, but I was there, and the game went by faster than normal. I was coaching the next game, and we started earlier than our 12:00 start time. Just Saying.
  24. How are these byes gonna affect seeding at the end of the year, since now some teams will have played 1 less game. Has this been taken into consideration. Lum White and WOS White may both be undefeated. This team merging crap is gonna cause some BIG problems. Watch!!!!!!!
  25. WOS Junior White 40 - 0 vs. Lum Red
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