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Everything posted by THEBRAIN

  1. It's est that it takes the average person 20 years to make 1 million dollars enough said has anyone here made 1 million if don't reply.
  2. Probably miss the old days of players injuring themselves and unable to realize their dream of playing in the league . Also if you are able to do a job as well as anyone else you should have equal opportunity to fill it. College makes millions off these kids why not let them make their millions .It does bring down the college game but who cares the minute the athlete is injured and not a star they ship them home when tutoring no longer available 4 students who probably wouldn't be there if they could go pro. The next issue economic empowerment allowing these players to provide for themselves and families w/o taking back door deals from boosters and agents who charge loan shark rates. After all you only have be 18 to go to Iraq.
  3. Sure the team with the most bigs won Kansas
  4. ? What wears more in a game speed or size ? We all ran in practice but size eventually will wear speed down getting bumped
  5. I don't think L.U. will not offer coach Boutte what he wants .4 those who knoe him knows what it 'll take to get him.
  6. they 'll be the same maybe better .
  7. Ok the whole team for Gamble were guards exception of Jefferson and Malbrough . Bmt small city so what I'm saying it's a possibility of happening since u said it couldn't or wouldn't happen on school squad .
  8. Actually that 1 of the better Coaching match ups because of the player movement on offense and atheletic trapping high pressure D .Coach Boutte can't throw anything Rice hasn't seen before .Boutte not goona D-up or knock down jumpers .
  9. If they put that all together they be in state finals they are improving fastly and seem to be runnin some thing from Ozen .
  10. Congrats to all but this list is just completely D franks d MVP WHen did he play d. Moten over Joseph who didn't start . I don't know
  11. What point ???ha ha if Brown would hve played I would still be hearing about gaurdplay wasn't Gamble allstars taken from different schools ? 3 yrs ago Ozen 6'9 250 ,Randle 6'8 280 ,Boutte 6'5 ,Eric 6'7 ,Joseph 6'5 and richards 6'3. from Bmt it could happen came pretty close
  12. Whats the projected starting lineup ?
  13. Played well 12 boards took him awhile to start but was consistent and worked .
  14. Short just a question Didn't you say Highschool ball is all about gaurd play? Am I in RogerClemens words misrembering ? ???
  15. I went to the store and everthings deleted . Can't say anything pertanent today . :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  16. Ok I'm bored I'll say it again Marsh could have played as well if not better than Hammonds in this game .This year more fight than skill .
  17. I never said anything about Rondo
  18. U have 2 b 6'10 to play? Plus they were lean
  20. I personally believe Nash and Dirk won those MVP 's as the NBA ploy to reinvolve certain demagraph of fans because as it was reported they buy the luxury boxes and want to make more money very smart marketing I say also w/college rule and dress code . This has all been reported but most people expect a certain race to sit and digest it all. Hurts when u actually read and listen use their words to choke them with ..
  21. The Celtics have best starting line up /bench Suns Pierce Amare Allen Nash Garnett Shaq Perkin Hill Powe Bell Davis Barbosa Diaw
  22. Quote from Hermann Edwards "you play to win the game " one of the best ever no his numbers weren't all that great until he moved to Phoenix wouldn't be Hall of famer before then .MJ stopped alot of folks from winning. Take NAsh put him on N.O. Hornets the numbers wouldn't be that good and would get killed def like he does now w/o those offensive number he could start for some team Phoenix has the most talent in the league classic underachiever
  23. NAsh is great but funny his never winning is never brought into question . Also Skip Bayless on cold pizza always get excited when he speak of Nash calling him "the best player in the league is a skinny white guy" that speaks volumes of how he's judged differently 2 Mvp's no rings might luck up get 1 w/shaq. But why is LbJ constantly berated and says he's just athletic or Kobe they shoot the 3 almost at the same click
  24. Southbound u have that big of a problem I'm in BMT let me know when !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But anyway try answer with facts .I for 1 would have just rang Imuses neck prob solved
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