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Everything posted by Jdad

  1. I didn't mean the game was the same I was talking about the excitment of the game. I'm not a good speaker sometimes cause I can't spell i graduated from Woden with a farmers degree.
  2. Bleed we are protesting the game I have 57-38 in my book which would mean poppabear covered the spred.I will review the tape and double check so don,t get the orange t-shirt made yet. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. You missed the memo check out the area girls area rankings at least for one more day.HJ is the best!!
  4. You must be talking about boys games
  5. No I didn't miss a great game because I played in them. The games were about defense and running a offense and being disiplined in every aspect. Todays games are different because girls play like the boys used to and its just as exciting. But justlike thwe old days each ref has their strengths and weaknesses.We used to have cops and firemen who were looking for extra money on their days off. You didn't talk to them like today. I mean kids and coachs who teach the kids those skills. It was a great game then and a great game tonight.
  6. I make 24 years next month and all I can say is we make very good kids. A lot of me and a little spice from her is a very good mixture ;D ;D ;D
  7. Man your right about them coon-ass women I got one and my daughter got some game from me but when she gets mad thats her mom. Can't live withem Can't live withoutem :D
  8. You ever seen a cat or bobcat after a big bowl of rice and gravy they just lay around and sleep.Hawks work hard flying swoping down on their enemies. By the way all I hear about from orangefield is about food.Their must be a bunch of coon-asses over there, NOTHING wrong with a coon-ass but they party and eat and sleep not much basketball time left over ;D ;D ;D
  9. Well we start when our Hawks or small and teach them to fly the right way from very early age and when they mature the can fly as fast and high as any hawk has ever flew. You know the saying about how the hawk flies I've never heard any saying about how high a orange jumps :D
  10. The top 4 teams have a right to the top spot at least for one more day were it will be down to 3 (HJ-Orangefield ) but HJ hasn't lost since the YMBL and everyone else has and that is why their #1. Their strength of schedule was only 4A-5A teams untill YMBL and didstrict. They have earned their spot untill someone knocks them out of it.Don't expect it to happen anytime sone.
  11. Thats Okay I had to through some old oranges out back for the crows to eat. You know Oranges only last so long and then they get sour!! ;D ;D ;D
  12. Have you ever tried to get sponsors because I bet if you put it out their to the local folks they would back it.You have to sell it if the folks want to see it. If you were the first to do it and folks watched your station for it everyone else would do the same BE A VISIONARIES YOU CAN DO IT !!!!
  13. The foul difference has nothing to do with who presses and who don't. Most good defense teams press and poor defensive teams and sometimes big teams don't press. If the slapping and hand checking is not getting called it must not be a foul. You have to play the way it is getting called that night are you will get beat. The rules are changed on a daily basis and you must adjust. Is it a technical for a player to jump up to celebrate and step on the court? Only if the whistle blows ;D ;D ;D
  14. last year yall had a magical ride that we ended the last game of the season ;D This year there will be only one Super Power and they are the Hawls but, you can still be happy with 2nd. ;D ;D
  15. "HJ hasn't done anything?"...how about going to one of the biggest tournaments in Texas -Pasadena- being the only 3A team there and going 2 and 2 against some of the top 5A teams in the state...Not to mention the baytown tournament as well, chopped full of 4A and 5A teams...we went into the YMBL tounament a few days after losing our post, Hall, and were in huge adjustment, so no we may not have been at the top of our game but we still showed up and played and that says something...HJ doesn't need to make excuses and have always deserved our spot and we like to prove that on the floor instead of with our mouths...as far as the other games, I was definately there and know better than anyone what happened, not many other people can say that...I wasn't just there watching, I WAS ON THE FLOOR PLAYING...I guess I should add "in my opinion" This is not JDAD this is his daughter who is also a starting guard for the Lady Hawks just to make that clear P.S. thank you to everyone for your support it really means alot to us See you tomorrow Orangefield, it should be a fun one
  16. To OLDREF first of all I applaude the men and women who put on the stripes and go out and call games for our kids trying to make sure everyone plays by the rules. There are however a small percentage of whistle blowers who take it upon themselves to help with the outcome of games. ( hate to say it but Orangefield vs Navasota last year Sorry ) When those situations happen they continue to bring up bad thougts.So to you and others who call it fair Cudoos and keep up the good job Thanks and if you see the ones who have something to gain get rid of them. I will have to admit this is the best officiating I have seen in ten years at least in this area.
  17. So I guess when we played at HJ and the officials showed up in red, white and blue that was just to salute the flag. ;D [ /All I'll say about that is those colors really look good together quote]
  18. I'm not going to say Orange isn't a nice color but that blazer was uuuuuuuuugly
  19. My hat doesn't come off untill they cover the girls better! Sports is not a male or female word it consumes everyone. The 12 yearold football team that won state got more coverage than the girls will get all year.If one channel would report on everyone I'll take my hat off to them. I'm not saying it has to be 50-50 or even 75-25 any would be better than none or only central=ozen
  20. I thought home cooking was refs for the home team like the little short fellow that called 3 horrible fouls on KB last year and then left the gym in a Orange Blaser with a cop escort
  21. I beleive you will need more than a few points to win this one. If there is one OF ref then HJ wins by 12 50-62 If there are 2 OF refs then HJ wins by 4 54-58
  22. I have 2 ways to even the media problem. If the schools would tell the local media to cover both or not any they would do their jobs better or if the girls played on monday and thursday or vise-versa the media could cover who playing that night.
  23. That doesn't mean anything...Unless two teams play each other in head to head competition, you can't state that one is better than the other and can just outright beat them
  24. I'm afraid your right and it will be hard for the top teams to get prepared for the playoffs.
  25. Aggies are we must be used to losing like the real Aggies and think that is a good thing :D :D
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