First I'm glad I am not alone in my thoughts. In response to HJHAWKS comments there is no excuse for the discrepancies between boys and girls. Fact is girls games get through earlier than boys games and their scores and highlights aren't there.I realize there are time restaints so why not a 15 minute basketball blitz for all basketball games. I personly have called into all three stations to report scores and did not get one to air.This is my thoughts on how to get the girls recognized. First pick a date and get all fans, parents, coaches, and players to email the TV directors ( not sports guys ) that we want to see our girls get more attention. I beleive this may do the trick. With all the responses we can make a difference. We need to include Lamar lady cardinals because they have the same problems. One of their players scored 44 points in a win and the men got a huge article in the paper after a blowout loss and the girls got a afterthought. The only way to make changes for the better is for people to let their voices be heard and if that don.t do it, then you have to take a more public stand maybe even get national attention if that is what it takes to help all the young ladies in our area and beyond.Please continue to respond and lets get our thoughts togeather and make a difference.