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Everything posted by NHS83LU87

  1. I don't work for NISD and my sons will both have graduated by the time any of the bond changes take place. I too wish they had proposed the bond in two parts but they haven't and I still after looking at both sides (and I stress I was initially vehemently opposed to it) believe it is in the best interest of Nederland. I am young enough that I will pay the taxes a long time so I do not take this lightly. On the press box issue, there is no doubt that 1.8 million is a lot of money. Simply stated the current press box is in such disrepair, probably due to lack of upkeep(just a guess and not pointing fingers), that you do have to come into compliance with ADA. We can say these problems should have been addressed as they occurred but it's too late to go back now and do so. I am not a contractor nor am I a ADA lawyer therefore I cannot come close to saying what it should cost. As for as a person being painted as biased simply because they work for NISD, that is a bias against employees. Just because you work someplace does not mean you cannot be objective. Anyone that has disagreed with the opposition view seems to be negatively labeled. Respect the debate, it is what makes this country great!
  2. Should be a great game. Both teams very competitive. PNG gets it's revenge and wins 4-2.
  3. The statements I made ragarding Hester are based on the above post. I still believe Spikes or Bellow are the front runners and should be. There are position players that help their team but the pitcher who also plays a position when not on the mound are just too valuable! Especially when you look at these two.
  4. I think Nos is dead on....you have to go through the process and do things in the appropriate manner. That way noone has a gripe later. Saveat should get the job. He's paid his dues. There was no reason to put the other coaches out there the way she did.
  5. Environment does make a difference. It should not be minimalized. I remember days in Nederland schools before A/C was put in and I was too hot and miserable to pay attention in class. It wasn't the teachers fault. There were tons of distractions at the high school due to it's design. Cost efficiency is not a want it is a need. I am sure there are some wants in this bond but there are needs as well. I originally focused solely on the stadium to justify not voting for it but have changed my mind and will vote for the bond because I do believe the other 97% needs to be accomplished. I do not want my grandkids(hopefully several years from now after my sons have finished college ;D) to be going to the same schools I went to because they were already twenty years old when I went to them. They were built at a time when toxic building materials were allowed and learning technologies were different. It has to be done sometime and it will not get cheaper.
  6. I know MVP will come from the District Champs. However, as I look at it from the perspective whose team would be in dire straits without them, I would say MVP is Trae Hester. Vidor would really be in trouble without him. I think Nederland would definitely miss Bellow, Pitts, or Dean; PNG would miss Spikes, Jalali,or Benoit; and LCM would miss Barry or Leger.....but they have enough depth that they would still be in the hunt for the District Championship. I am not sure Vidor would be without Trae's pitching. I haven't seen him play enough this year to know what he has done offensively or what kind of leadership he shows.
  7. I am the one who was dead set against this in the beginning that I trust. Therefore, I contacted someone to get facts in favor and then I make my own decision. You will be hard pressed to find a more honest and straightforward person than the trusted friend that I mentioned above. Voice your opposition and reasons but don't insinuate that people on either side of the issue cannot give objective opinions or facts. Most in the opposition including myself have only based their arguments on opinions and would be against it no matter what was being proposed.
  8. First let me say, I am voting for the bond. It will not benefit my kids at all but buildings only last so long before they nickel and dime you to death and that is where we are now. If we don't pay now, I do believe we will pay more later. I originally was against it because of the updates to the football stadium. I had an extensive conversation with a member of the bond committee that I have absolute trust in. The turf in the long run should pay for itself in approximately 6 years with less upkeep costs. It will also benefit many sports and other activities especially those outside activities that rain effects. On rainy days baseball could possibly do fielding drills, throw, etc..... soccer of course will gain an advantage over most of their opponents(except PNG)..... obviously track ....... graduation....... relay for life.... etc. If I thought it would benefit only football, I would have a big problem with it. The press box has to be fixed to comply with ADA. Should it take as much as is stated....I don't know. I am voting for the bond however those who want to minimize the cost of the football stadium updates by saying it is only 3% are doing their cause an injustice by treating the people reading this as too stupid to look at the actual cost of 1.8 million. If it is only 3% and it will costs you getting this bond passed then cut it! Better to get the other 97% than none at all.
  9. yes, 3 seniors i believe Nederland is young as well. Starting 4 Sophomores, 3 juniors, and 2 or 3 seniors depending on who is pitching. Should be some good battles over the next several years.
  10. Is there any chance the Dogs might be that good? Just a itty bitty chance? Only time will tell. I like our chances. I was thinking the same thing......seems like some fans have the habit of selling the other team short instead of giving them credit.
  11. I have always wondered where the boundaries for this area should be? Some schools want to be considered in the Greater Houston Area polls and also be in the Southeast Texas Polls.
  12. How many freshmen and sophomores are on varsity and who are they? How many freshmen and sophomores are starters? Last night Nederland started: sophmores; 3B Trevor Sonnier, 2B Stephen Schlett, RF Tyler Smith, C Anthony Babino Brett Brown(freshman) and Jacob Pitts(sophomore) were in the bullpen. This is a talented young team. The only seniors in the starting lineup are SS Jordan Pitts, LF Jude Vidrine, and DH Trey Terracina.
  13. If you are a baseball fan this was one great game. Spikes and Dean both were outstanding on the mound.
  14. Just to throw another argument about the playing time out there that I heard from a coach and board member years ago was he felt an obligation to play the players more than the required two innnings because their parents paid the same as he did for his son. It was a perspective I hadn't considered before then but has some validity. I honestly admit and regret that I focused too much on winning.
  15. That's a good rule. We had the basic minimum two innings defensively with one at bat rule. Nothing about starting. Since I was committed to playing everyone half a game through Little League, the player who didn't start usually started the next game. Not all teams did but they were still within the rules. My typical rotation was the player that started would play two innings and get at least their one at bat...then I would substitute for three innings and bring the starter back in to finish the game. This made certain that each player got the required innings in a weather shortened or ten run rule game. The next game I would rotate who started not by rule but personal preference. The main thing is to make it fun and enjoy it because they grow up quick.
  16. How does moving them around suggest playing just to play. ???You should teach about winning and losing. Although, I would say they already know the difference by that age. I just wouldn't base my success on winning alone. All players should be expected to perform to the best of their ability. My belief after looking back on it is the teams I coached could have won just as many games and I could have benefited the players more if I moved them around some. We played against a coach who did move his players around and was pretty successful. It would have made me a better coach. My oldest son is in his 2nd and final year as the starting ss for NHS and my youngest is a sophomore LHP/1B/OF. I have observed some pretty good senior, sophomore(my youngest son is one of them), and junior infielders having to learn to play the outfield because there are only so many infield spots. These players would have benefited greatly had they not been strictly played in the infield and had been taught to play both infield and outfield when younger. While playing ss all of the time worked out for my oldest son, it would have benefited him his sophomore year if he had some experience at catcher or outfield which is what the team needed at the time. Hindsight is 20/20. Often times your best players at 7-8 year olds are not your best later on ..... many don't even play anymore. More players, especially those who are pingeon-holed in the outfield due to ability, might stay around and develop into really good players.... instead of becoming just "chasers" ....... if they get to experience moving around some. When I coached, I also made certain every player got to start at least one game and every player played half of every complete game. My best players, which included my sons, would be subbed for at least once during the season. My teams won more times than not.
  17. If I had it to do over again, I would focus less on winning and more on developing the players than I did back then. I would split my "best" players between the outfield and infield. Every player would play multiple positions in a game. This will help them later on. It's tough to get to high school and all you've ever played is infield and the coach needs an outfielder.
  18. my son, a varsity player, says Nederland plays at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Friday. Not sure about Saturday.
  19. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??? Amen!!! PNG's Coach's track record is too solid to question. Maybe the better player(s), that Jack... alludes too, has a cancerous attitude that his talent can't overcome. There is a lot of young talent at PNG. Hammer you are right. This is the wrong thread. Thank you for ending it. CHL your just as wrong for insinuating about attitudes. There is a ton of talent in the area. Let's give them their just due and leave it at that.
  20. Amen 8) So after last night Nederland should be there right? ;D It's too early to really know who should be number 1. Coaches are still putting people in different spots just to see what they have. Nederland is getting Pitts and Dean from basketball starting today. Should be a fun year.
  21. Did I misread the thread topic. I thought it asks for Sophomores and Freshmen. Your listing Seniors and Juniors that are current stars not future stars. Maybe I misunderstood the intent of this thread.
  22. I agree with you those guys can play! Nederland has quite a few underclassmen as well: Anthony Babino-Sophomore Brett Brown-Freshman Jacob Pitts-Sophomore Stephen Schlett-Sophomore Tyler Smith-Sophomore Trevin Sonnier-Sophomore
  23. I don't know but it could possibly be that they couldn't agree and therefore flipped for location. Just a possibility.
  24. To get to Houston Avenue you would have to turn right on Gulfway Blvd and then follow all of the lefts you mention.
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