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Everything posted by NHS83LU87

  1. Soulja! A sloppy win is better than a sloppy loss and hopefully it gets them some confidence headed into the playoffs! Of course we'll be pulling for the Jags against Crosby. Central seemed to peak too early. They're going to have to dig deep in the first round to get a win. Gulley's capable of leading them but someone else is going to have to step up. Good Luck!
  2. First let me say this to the Dome Dummies. Ya'll did an outstanding job of displaying your school spirit friday night. It was the loud send off this team deserved for their final home game. I would also like to share information I received from the superintendent after my previous post. I quote from an e-mail I received: "The "no sign" rule has been a rule in our UIL District for several years. It is on page 14 of the District 20 AAAA UIL Handbook, Item 10. It was voted on by the Executive Committee of our District because of disturbances at several basketball games that got entirely out of hand." The principal later told me this was a basketball specific rule and not enforcable at other sports. Ultimately there was rule in place that had it been known and enforced would have kept this from ever becoming an issue. I hope some lessons were learned through this process.
  3. Your credibility is suspect on any NHS issues. You have constantly posted under aliases to state your opinion and then change it quickly. You did the same thing for the past two years in baseball. Your grammar gives you away. You hang with the player you are praising and defending and you dog, no pun intended, the player that starts ahead of your kin. Their play has and will speak for itself. They are going to the playoffs!
  4. As a parent of one of the seniors playing their last game in the dome tonight, I want to thank Mrs. Banner for her post. Especially, in encouraging fans not to take away from this night for this entire playoff bound team but especially the seniors. They have earned the right to have the dome full of raucous, yelling fans tonight. We need to return our focus to supporting them. Now to the heart of the subject of this thread. I had a conversation today with the principal at NHS. Since, I don't presume to talk for anyone but myself, i asked if he minded if I shared some of our conversation on this thread. He had no problem with me doing so and that is with the knowledge that I do not agree entirely with his decision. So I am going to present as much information as I was given: Principal provided information: 1.) There have been recurring incidents where inappropriate comments have been written on the board that had been verbally addressed and that in at least one instance led to a fight outside of the opponents gym. 2.) Referees have previously stated it was not a good idea to have the dry erase board at games. 3.) All t-shirts must be approved by Asst. Superintendent for wear during school hours. I specifically asked why they had been wearing them at school for weeks? I told him the timing looked suspect and he understands why it does. He stated he didn't realize they were wearing them at school until this week. The t-shirts can be worn to the game. 4.) Students have been given examples of appropriate things to yell such as "Miss it!", "Air Ball," etc. They can bring in pre-made posters as well. 5.) The issues in 1 and 2 were not brought to his attention until this week. 6.) He understands the perceptions that some of this has created but wishes that people would contact him with questions instead of relying on rumor and innuendo. I voiced the following points: 1.) I feel this issue has been mishandled, not only by he and the administration but also by students and adults to include myself. It has been blown way out of proportion. The biggest problem, as it usually is, has been the failure to communicate effectively. 2.) The adults had a chance to teach the students how to work together with those in control to find a solution. 3.) Some of the posts got way to personal on here instead of staying on the specific issue. It's too easy sometimes to come on here and hide behind a screen name. 4.) Hold the specific student accountable; not every dome dummy was involved in a fight nor did they all write inappropriate comments. 5.) I don't understand how the t-shirts were worn at school and dry erase board used for the past two months without this decision being made earlier. The last game of the season. Ultimately, I do not agree with the decision to completely ban the dry erase board for the last game, but I do have a better understanding of it. However, the decision needs to be abided by and let this team have their time in spotlight. There are other ways to show your spirit, a dry erase board is only one way, come out and find away to do so. Let's make them pull out both side s of the upstairs at the dome.
  5. I agree! As I have said the school would not have to suspend my son for I would have already suspended him myself..... Unfortunately many parents abdicate their responsibility. Participating in UIL events is a privilege and because of the possible adverse effect on teams, the athletic policy should address the issue. This teaches accountability.
  6. Where did you get your shirt? Mr. Pitts can you get me one? You are talking to the wrong person. I do not know anything about the shirts, nor have I had anything to do with any t-shirts.
  7. Agreed it has worked and he is not going to change now. Most teams go with a seven player rotation and then take what they can get when possible from the rest. The bench has been very important this year. The fact that Coach E. can get his starters more rest during the game has helped in the 4th quarter in many games. Every player on this team has contributed and they have been fun to watch. As I said before they need to make sure they play a team game and stay focused if they want continued success.
  8. Here is just an opinion. I am never going to be in favor of throwing a young man, athlete or otherwise, under the bus. But it's not right to make excuses for the behavior such as: it is condoned at home(while a police officer in the same city that my grandfather had served in I arrested the same family just a different generation as he did: the cycle has to stop some where); he is from an urban area(just as much drug us in suburban and rural areas); he took the wrap for the whole car(if it wasn't his he shouldn't have said it was); other people have done it(are you going to jump off a bridge because others have done it), it's only marijuana(bottom line it is illegal: I don't like speed limits but if I get caught speeding I have to pay the fine);etc. In treatment(I have some professional experience in this area) it is taught you are responsible for your actions period.......you cannot do an illegal act responsibly.....and you accept the consequences that come with your actions. As long as the athletic policy in writing is followed then noone should be up in arms about the amount of days(I expected more) he was suspended (Nederland's policy I am told would have required a six month suspension); If the policy needs to be changed then change it but you can only penalize what is in writing now and I honestly do not know BISD's policy.....If it is shown that the coach knew or should have known then that is his responsibility and BISD needs to hold him accountable. Ultimately, it would not take the school to suspend my son, I would have suspended him myself because the lesson he needs to learn from this is far more important than the athletics. I wish Ozen the best in the playoffs and hope to see the player playing at the collegiate level in the future.
  9. Are you positive about that? I ask because I don't know and it may very well happen in 20-4A to determine seeding. If the schedule plays out with no upsets, there will probably be a two way tie to break but not a three way. The remaining schedule favors a two way tie for second between Nederland and the winner of fridays game between Central and Livingston. In order for there to be a three way tie the winner of that game would then have to be upset in the final game as well as Nederland being upset in one of it's two final games. It could happen if the stars align but is not likely. Livingston 8-4, 20-9 Central @Vidor Central 8-4, 17-10 @Livingston PN-G Nederland 8-4, 20-11 Vidor @Lumberton
  10. I don't care who ranks where as a player. They are getting it done and are in then playoffs. That is all that matters. They have done it as a team and need to stay focused and not worry about individual accolades.
  11. Just on a sidenote Nederland made the playoffs in 1993 English was on the team. Remember your talking to someone who was possibly in diapers when that happened. He doesn't remember it happening. ;D
  12. :D Soulja, It's funny for me to make jokes about it since Nederland won last night but it's frustrating when you watch it happening. Probably took a few days off my life due to the high blood pressure during the game. I wish ya'll the best of luck.
  13. Joe Blow student does not get the attention and is neglected and ends up in jail or dead due to addiction. Joe Blow athlete gets held accountable and hopefully learns from it. He may not get the publicity but that is what happens when you are not the star. Notoriety for skill also brings with it the publicity when you mess up. It's the nature of the beast.
  14. Central is the better team 5 on 5 but they will be playing 5 on 8 so Livingston will win this one. There is a reason they have won all of their home games this season except for the Nederland game. The refs will be the difference. Nederland was fortunate and had the law of averages(eventually someone would get lucky and beat the 8 on the floor) help them out.
  15. that's not the issue. to be honest, i don't really see anyone bashing a player on here, just the coach and administration. the biggest gain from high school sports is character, and if the Ozen coach and AD lets this go without punishment, he turns into just another athlete who realizes he can get away with whatever he wants, as long as he keeps scoring. when i was in high school a few years ago, we had kids suspended for MIPs for tobacco. what does this say if a kid gets caught with marijuana and faces no disciplinary action from his coach? but he'll be punished by the state so no need for double punishment It's not just about the player or one school, but what type of message the BISD Administration wants to send to the community and other players in the entire BISD athletic program. He is old enough to know right from wrong and made a poor choice. It's not the end of the world but there should be concequences for that choice. I do not agree that he should be thrown away for one mistake but there should be some penalty whether it is 1, 2, 3, etc. game suspension or complete removal from the program. I doubt Baylor will just look the other way. As for as double punishment, playing UIL sports is a privilege not a right and players should be held to a higher standard not a lower one.
  16. Let's not excuse the bahavior......county shouldn't matter......if a player is arrested for an illegal substance they should be required to report it. Poor judgement and mistakes happen but it is our job as adults to teach accepting responsibility once you screw up. I hope he learns from the mistake and moves in a positive direction. I hope BISD sends the right message....if there is random drug testing in BISD as there is in NISD, then I would think any drug use or possession would not be tolerated regardless of the county it took place in....students know and talk.....The only way an assistant principal and/or coach would not know would be to not want to know or they are not interacting with the students.
  17. It's like I said earlier in the season when I was a few games behind, I just gave you guys a head start. Now the cream is rising to the top. I saw that..... but don't they sometimes scrape the cream off and throw it away!! ;D LOL
  18. It only matters if he was within 300 yards of the school I think I know what your saying but it matters that a talented young man has made what can be a life changing mistake. I hope he learns and moves in a positive direction. I am sure Baylor will not be pleased. Students talk. If an assistant principal and/or coach does not know of such an incident, it is only because they don't want to know! BISD needs to set an example! People will be watching to see what they stand for!!!!!
  19. Wow! So it was true! Not good. Our boy have to go out there Friday... :'( :'( It is true hate to tell you but I will be pulling for ya just because that is the way it's done up there.
  20. It was a great win. Forney and Dean came up big on the boards. Ned's five had to beat Livingston's eight on the floor tonight. I now see why Ozen made the big fuss over the ref's up there. If I was a coach, I would have to use out of district ref's at my place so that they would have to do the same there. It was the worst case of bias I have seen.
  21. Why only for football? By the time the change takes place it probably will not benefit me due to sons graduating but it would benefit those following. It sucks for some but would definitely benefit NHS.
  22. Actually this is rather humorous. A poster wants to create issues that don't exist before a practice is even held and continue after only two are held.
  23. Don't sweat Pex! Dogs will be good. I don't think he knows these kids that well. I haven't heard of any grade issues at this point. However it i not uncommon for grades to be an issue in every sporting season not just baseball. It just seems that they find a way to pass during football and not necessarily in the other sport seasons. Let's face it, God did not make everyone equal when it comes to i.q. A hard earned C or D is sometimes worth more than an easy A. Furthermore, there are players on this team that excel academically and are willing to help any other player that needs it make the grades.(National Honor Society students, Jordan Pitts and Jude Vidrine lead in the classroom as well as on the field.) They'll help any player that asks. I know Jordan Pitts, Jacob Pitts, Trevin Sonnier, Jude Vidrine, Josh dean, Stephen Schlett, Trey Terracina, Cody Laird are all passing and have pretty good attitudes. They want to win. While you may have one individual with an attitude, the attitudes as a team are the best I have seen in three years. I am starting to believe Pex may have some agenda. Maybe a relative is not where he wants him in this program. He talks about issues I just haven't seen with this specific group. GO DOGS!!!
  24. Good for Jon. Hope Mitch has strong start as well.
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