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Posts posted by NHS83LU87

  1. Only one problem....Unless Coach K heads to p.a. the Nederland kids will stay in Nederland....That's where they LIVE...inside the boundary lines... The difference is the SCHOOL DISTRICT...where they can excel in Education, as well as athletics....Great kids, who are doing well in both. I just wish Nederland were some type of Magnet where they could get more medical students out of there....Question: If Boutte goes over to p.a. , is he a threat to recruit those kids????  Thought that was illegal in H>S> sports........

    You know DARN well that those kids that I mentioned are not "Nederland" kids...If Lincoln was still around those kids would be there and you know it...."Nederland kids".....yeah right... ::)

    Only one of those kids you mention has not lived in Nederland for several years.  They are good kids and no speculation about them should be on this thread.  There are always more factors than just athletics to consider.  Let them enjoy this season and worry about where they play in the future when there is reason to speculate. 

  2. Yes it was that close of a game. Nederland took the lead with a couple quick shots very late in the 4th, and gave OF a couple of chances to come back, but it didn't happen.

    I think that Nederland stole this game from OF. In my opinion, OF was more deserving of this game and I think they will have a great season in district play this year. Good luck to them.

    I'm afraid that Nederland is too inconsistent right now. They need to work on playing at their level the entire game for every game, and not at the level of their opponent. And they can not let their season culminate at their win at Hardin Jefferson. Until this happens, I'm not sure how the Nederland district-season will turn out.

    Very well put. They have always been very inconsistant. Its like they are all ADHD kids who lose focus and lose a game they shouldn't lol ha. But when they are focused for a whole game and put four quarters together they are truely hard to beat.

    I agree the negatives from this game and the season are incosistency, intensity, free throw shooting, forced shots(got to kick it out when the d collapses in on a drive), weak passes leading to turnovers, and rebounding.  As was previously said, they have to play 4 quarters every game at their level and not their opponents level.  If not, they will be one of those good teams that underperform and find themselves sitting home in February. 

    The biggest positive from this game is that Nederland found a way to win.  They would have lost this game last year.  They seem to be better at winning the close ones so far this year.  Other  positives were Chris seems to be back on track with his scoring.  Francis stayed hot. The play of Kelvin and Devin off the bench.  IMO, Devin and JP's defense on #15 in the second half really made a difference.  He was by far their best player and looked frustrated by the end of the game.  Josh also helped with # 15.  He did a good job of sinking down low and taking the option of a lob pass away when Devin or JP would front #15 as he posted down low. 

    Orangefield is a well coached defensive-minded team and will do well in district. 

    They better have their A-game ready Thursday.   

  3. I have expected Monty to get some looks from some of the smaller schools in the area for several years now and it hasn't happened or maybe it has and he just doesn't want to leave Nederland for a smaller school.

    I doubt PNG is going to give the reigns over to someone without HC experience and a proven track record as a HC as well.

    Still not sold on MB not being the HC next year at PNG. The meeting is to create the position of Athletic Complex Coordinator and fill the position at the same time. This could be a way to subsidise an OC that is currently a HC at a smaller school. Could be to pay an OC more in line with what he may be making as a HC somewhere else??

    This is not meant to be a rhetorical question because I don't know the answer but how much HC experience did MB have when he took over the reigns?

  4. Said to see the Nederland Seniors go, Magnolia game was not a good one to end their season on. Very hard to lose your last game of High School ball in the 4th quarter of a game that looked like it was in the bag. I can honestly say they played their hearts out and left it all out on the field. Good luck in your next adventures whether it be sports, academics, etc. Special thanks to the Huber's who do so much behind the scenes for these boys. It' Basketball Season now and it looks like we are going to have a very good team, lets get that gym a rockin and support them. We had tremendous support of fans at our playoff games lets see if we can't do that for all our teams whatever it may be. It matters!

    Good Post!  I've enjoyed watching these seniors for years and hopefully the fans do show up to support whatever sport is playing!

  5. Nederland flat-out beat us in every phase of the game.  I have had to rationalize precious few losses, and it is my normal practice to blame a loss on the referees  ;D.  I can't offer that excuse this time.  Nederland was way better than us Friday night.  The Bulldogs played a great game, seemed like great kids with great coaching.  Keep up the good work, and best of luck to y'all the rest of the way.

    It's good to know I am not the only one that blames the refs. ;)

  6. I don't think it will be a surprise seeing anyone playing a box in one on Jarvis.A quick guard with a little size can give him a little trouble.I think in the game against Nederland however the hawks just underestimated the bulldogs.You also don't count on anyone lighting you up for 43 from the perimeter.All that being said HJ wins this one.Kountze will press and play a 3-2 with a trap and HJ will be ready for it.Hj wins this one by 10.



    A championship team does not underestimate anyone.  I guess it would take H-J beating themselves.  It couldn't have been a well executed game plan by Nederland!

  7. This is preseason and it is all about getting ready for district.  HJ should win based on history but it is exactly this type of competition and that which they will get at the YMBL that will make Nederland's program improve.  Just like the other night at BH Coach E will put several different combinations out on the floor to assess.  Tough hardnosed competition is what they need.  I hope he continues to add teams like H-J to Ned's preseason.     


    so basically this is a nice way of putting NERDland GETS DOMINATED... :o :o :o :o

    :o :o :o;)

  8. Do we really want this video spewed all over the internet and every local TV station in the nation?

    Amen!  It was a tragic a display that has been dealt with.  Very few people that have been on this earth long enough to be called adults can say they are proud of every decision and action they have taken.  No need to keep pooring salt in the wound by replaying the video!

    Some mistakes are worthy of this though and I think this is an example of one.

    But how long do you keep it going?  I know inmates that haven't received this much publicity for much more serious offenses.  It seems that these parents have paid dearly for their mistakes.  Besides the news has done a good enough job of showing the video to a much wider audience.  It being posted on this site means people will be going back to it possibly for years!   

  9. i heard alot of hype about bellows,but honestly i have'nt seen the greatness yet?not very accurate,no threat to run and gets panicky with the least bit of pressure.with grogan and lovelady running the ball well  and the o-line continuing to block well either qb could start.with a knee injury why take a chance? just ask beard from lumberton,its not worth crippling yourself. Smith showed some poise,moved in the pocket well and has a cannon,so i don't think you lose much if you have to go with him.the defense is going to have to stop magnolias run game,i think they don't pass much.

    Sounds like someone with an axe to grind.  This whole thread is ridiculous.  Tyler is solid and will help the dogs if needed this year and next but his 3 quarters of varsity experience cannot be substituted for the 2 seasons of Bellow.  It's a no brainer.  Bellow is the starter as long is he is healthy and will be until he graduates! 

  10. I agree with the final decision on this but wonder why it comes down to the two coaches being able to decide the outcome.  Many who chose to join in after the fact are at minimum guilty of the Class C Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct and need to at least have received warnings that their behavior, no matter what their initial intent was, could have led to minor charges against them.  Food for thought!  I hope everyone puts this behind them and moves on!

  11. ok, i've tried to keep out of this discussion but i just read something that made me say to myself "yeah right!"  I don't recall who posted it earlier, and it really does not matter but here is what has made me post a response:

    the person said he/she does not encourage fighting and/or trash talking

    Ummm, we are talking about FOOTBALL right?  Football: the roughest sport (besides hockey) out there and full of trash talking.  If you don't "allow" that kind of stuff, then why is your son playing football?  Pushing, shoving, trash talking - that is all part of the game.

    Does this give the parents the right to fight? NO, not at all.  Does it give someone the right to tell someone else that they are Ike trash? Absolutely not.  Spit in someones face? Again, No.  But please, don't get on this forum and act all high and mighty and act that your child is perfect and does not participate in any type of violence.  He's playing football - it is a violent sport.

    Real players dont need to talk trash they prove their worth on the field through their actions and how they play the game.

    Your right 77 they play football so wth they probably love seeing their parents and coaches slug it out.

    Agreed!  Not enough emphasis is placed on "Win with class/Lose with class."  Of course the kids only have to come on here to learn to trash talk.

  12. I don't really understand many of you that are complaining.  I have seen similar comments being posted at various times on this very public forum not only about MB and PNG but also other teams.  Is this a case of I can voice my own negative opinions about my coach and team but nobody else can.  I don't necessarily agree with Haliburton but he is saying what I've seen many post.  I agree with Gabe an opinion column is simply that.  His opinion is no better or worse than anyone else's.   Take it for what it is worth.   You couldn't pay me enough to coach or write because everything you do is publicly subjectively scrutinized and analyzed to the nth degree and even when you do your job right someone is going to find fault.  It's the nature of the beast.

    Good afternoon Tom! ;D

    LOL, Good One!

    LOL, glad the mood has lightened around here!

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