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Everything posted by NHS83LU87

  1. WP: Ryan Sampere 12 k's 1 BB 3 hits 7 innings LP: Walters 6 innings 4 k's 1 BB 9 hits 5 runs Nederland: Adam Broussard 1 run 1 rbi; Jordan Pitts 1 for 4; Kirby Bellow 2 for 3 1-rbi; Aaron McFarland 2 for 3; Reagan Stanley 1 run; Trey Terracina 3 for 3 all doubles ; Justin Richard 1 for 2 1-BB; Cameron Bass 2 runs. Great Job Dogs!
  2. This is a surprise but you can't take any team in the district lightly. Lott and Gardiner are quality pitchers. Congrats Ozen.
  3. Hate to hear it. Big loss for H-F. Great player and an even better young man.
  4. I'll go with Vidor by 2. They are on a roll. However, they can't take Lott lightly. He's capable of shutting them down. If Lott's not pitching then Vidor wins by 5.
  5. No doubt! Solid defense, solid pitching, and keep the bats as hot as they were in this game(Minus the Ks) should equal a turn around.
  6. WP: Dallas Brown4 1/3 innings 6 ks 2 BB 8 hits 2 runs Shane Waddell 2 2/3 innings 5 ks 1 BB 2 hits 1 run LP: Cody Laird 3 1/3 innings 2 ks 2BB 5 hits 6 runs Josh Dean 3 2/3 innnings 2 Ks 4 hits 1 run LCM: Tim Barry 1 for 4 (3b); Jon Gunn 3 for 4 3RBIs; Chad Richard 1 for 4; Stefan Leger 2 for 3(2b) 2 RBIs; Matt Johnson 1 for 4(2b) 1 RBI; Phillip Richard 1 for 3 1 RBI. Nederland: Kirby Bellow 3 for 3(2b); Jordan Pitts 2 for 4; Ryan Sampere 2 for 4 2 RBIs; Aaron McFarland 1 for 4; Reagan Stanley 1 for 3; Trey Terracina 2 for 3(3b).
  7. Should be a great game. PNG's defense has not been solid in the last two games. I pick Vidor in a close one.
  8. We debated it too. It could of went either way. If Ozen's third baseman fields the throw coming in we thought he would of got him but no matter which way it is ruled, it was a great hit and base running. The coached surprised the defense and created some of the chaos on that play by sending Reagan. Great job all around.
  9. WP-Cody Laird - 6 innings 7 ks 2 hits 8 BB Save- Josh Dean 1 innning 3 k's 1 HBP LP- Josh Gardiner 3 innings 3 ks 3 hits 3 BB 1 earned run DD Lott 4 innings 5 Ks 5 BB 3 hits Ned: Kirby Bellow 1 for 2 1 run; Ryan Sampere 1 for 4(2b) 1 run 1 rbi; Jordan Pitts 3 for 4 1 RBI; Reagan Stanley 1 for 3(3B) 1 run. Ozen: Josh Gardiner 1 for 2; # 10 1 for 4. Defensively: Ozen 3 errors Nederland 2 errors. Reagan Stanley made a web gem of a catch in Left.
  10. I don't think adminbaberuth was blaming the umps. He was making a point of how a few little things this way or that can effect the outcome of a game. PNG, LCM, and the Vidor games are always fun and intense due to how many players and their families have become friends during summer ball when they're on the same teams. I always pull for the Nederland Team but want to see the players I know on both sides have good games. I think for the most part they did last night. Jude, Mitch, Jordan, etc. all played defense like we've come to expect. Ryan and Eric pitched like they always do. Jon, Matt, etc. hit like you expect. They all played hard.
  11. dont forget about Kelvin Thomas and Kenny Allison at Central.. The thread has kind of focused on infield. Can't play without the outfielders. You're right about KT. Will Fotnow would be another solid outfielder. I would have to see Allison in a different position than he played against Nederland. That was a tough night for him.
  12. Ryan Sampere 51/3 innings . Kirby Bellow 1 2/3innings 2 k's Vidrine 2 for 3(2B)4 RBI; Kirby Bellow 2 for 4(2b) ; Jordan Pitts 1 for 4 1 RBI; Aaron McFarland 1 for 3 1 RBI; Pitts, Vidrine, McFarland, Sampere, and Bellow all had excellent defensive outings with a lot of ground outs and a 1-6-3 Double Play to stop the bleeding in the 5th. Eric Harrington 5 innings-7 k's No Earned runs. Kane Benoit 1 1/3 1k, 2 earned runs. Jerin Spikes 2/3-2 k's. Harrington 2 for 4; Reyenga 1 for 4(2b); Jon Carnahan 1 for 2 2 RBI; Kane Benoit 1 for 4 2 RBI; Mitch Todd 1 for 4; Jerin Spikes 1 for 3(2b);Matt Woods 1 for 3; Jalali 1 for 3 1 RBI. Great game to watch.
  13. Let AdminBabeRuth know you don't want the info posted. He requested it since he can't make it to every game.
  14. Laird -WP- 2 hits 5 K's 1 BB Great Job! Sampere 3 for 3, 1 runs; Justin Richard 2 for 2,1 RBI, 2 runs; Jordan Pitts 1 for 2, 2 runs; Adam Broussard 1 for 4, 2 RBI, 1 run; Kirby Bellow 1 for 4, 1 run, 1RBI; Cameron Bass 2 runs; Reagan Stanley 1 run. Central's pitchers needed some defense behind them. 10 errors. Only 4 earned runs.
  15. "We had Southpark, Forest Brook, French, Hebert, and Charlton-Pollard!!!! Hebert was still winning state." Forest Brook ??? I believe it was Forest Park, which is currently Westbrook, that was in existence until the 82-83 school year. I don't think this thread was started for the argument that is taking place. The system that is in place is legal whether you or I think it is fair or not. If I were in BISD, I would probably have my kid where the best baseball program is and can't blame someone else for putting their kid in the best sports program possible for the respective sport. Especially if they have the talent to go to the next level.
  16. Nederland v Kempner: P: Conrad Roberts(1.2 innings 3 runs), Nick Cardenas( .1 innings 3 runs), Aaron McFarland(3 Innings 3 runs), Kirby Bellow(1 inning 0 runs). 3b: Jordan Pitts(2 for 3), 2b: Ryan Sampere, Jude Vidrine, and Trey Terracina. Adam Broussard was 2 for 3. Nederland v Deer Park: 2b: Jude Vidrine. Cody Laird pitched a great game allowing only 3 hits in 8.1 innings. Nederland v Klein Collins: walks, errors, and lack of hitting made for a long night.
  17. Port Arthur News shows Nederland playing @ 8:00 a.m. The below link from Deer Park verifies the above schedule. [Hidden Content]
  18. MY pick for Nederland would be Adam Broussard. He's playing solid defense as expected. He has a batting average that has to be in the high .400s or low .500s. Most consistent bat at this time. I knew he would have a good bat but he is surpassing by far all my expectations. Keep up the good work Adam.
  19. Congrats! Probably already has coach wrapped around her little finger!
  20. 2-1. Hopefully the bats and defense show up and we go to 3-1 tonight. Go Dogs!
  21. I tend to agree with MC on the idea that this is not the place to be airing complaints especially if you haven't talked to the coach about it. It does more harm than good since players read what is said. Talk to the coach if you have a complaint. He may not listen but at least you would have your say and he could explain his point of view. It's time to pull for the Dogs against BC tonight. Should be a good one.
  22. Competition at all positions builds your team, keeps everyone hungry.Players must be seen before decisions are made. Saturdays post talked about great pitching and an exceptional day at the plate, Defence was omitted on purpose. Everybody has opinions. However arguing them here isn't changing anything and may just hurt the team chemistry like last year! > The chemistry does seem better this year. There's still some preseason left and the the talent is there. They just have to play consistent. Last night there was some good defensive plays made but also some sloppy play as well. It's early and they'll improve. Sampere, Dean, Bellows, and Richard will provide strong pitching.
  23. Nederland will probably surprise some people. Sampere will be the #1. Bellow, Dean, McFarland, Richard, and Roberts, give good depth to the bullpen.
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