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Everything posted by besbolbenbedygud

  1. This is why you have to TCB so you are not put in a spot to count on others............Come on Friday!!!
  2. What would the records be for each team vs. the other three if this happened??
  3. speachless.......what a great moment!!
  4. Im predicting a Mid-County sweep.............helpin' each other out!!! Man.....wish I could make one of these!!!
  5. WB 6 Memorial 0 - Top of the 3rd - 2 runners on base...............1 out.
  6. Top of the 3rd - "WB 5 Memorial 0" with runner on 3rd for WB.
  7. it would be "co-district"........first round winners are bi-district champs but I understood waht you ment
  8. Will not happen........... First off there is no time......no off week this year for 5a........Second................it would be a good benifit for jasper but not West Brook.......There are no Jaspers ahead in West Brooks path same goes if it were BC or Silsbee.............
  9. I think the kid that "lives in a van down by the river" is pitching!?!.............lol
  10. I don't think it was a case of getting a big head (IMO).........I think it speaks volumes for the district.........you can't relax!! I like the momentum Nederland has right now and I think PN-G will squeek out as Champs (MO)
  11. While I dont agree with being disrespectfull.......why does it sound like were trying to make baseball like golf?? In the great words of Brian Regen (comedian) "let's hear som chadder!!".....lol
  12. Scrimmige games are not pre-season............I like how Jasper is playing right now (good luck on the photo finnish) but you would see a diffrent Brook then you did at a scrimmige!!
  13. That is true but those coaches in those situations need to look out at the community and get the younger kids (and parents) involved in baseball and work with them to get it started and maintained........were talking long term commitment............. The teams your mentioning have had kids playing almost since the womb and those summer leagues have been maintained for many many years now!!! Hard work but could be done.......just dont expect overnight success I guess tweaking does not regester as coaching?? lol
  14. I agree with the last two posts also.............Grow up and play baseball!!!!........Man, on the Umpires when you win..........talking to other teams payers........you guys should be good enough without all that mess!! The road back down is only as smooth as you make it going up......would hate to see you guys come crashing down!!!!
  15. good gosh wg.....it's the ORANGE LEADER!!! : Great write-up Mr. Pruett.........
  16. I could care less about Forest Park or who started it or got it where it was. It's called West Brook now.......... "Just commented on all the hoop-la about how FP beat a team that most any 2A team could have beat THAT nite." name one and lets compare PLEASE!!! Westend..........I have not resided one day in the city of Beaumont.......your comments to any other area I guess would have been tipical Mid-countyitus or Orangeitus ect.......... smite.......i dont play this little side game nor even care how it works.....so you 'smite' want to stick to the subject....... "Can't you guys agree the performance of the opposition was lacking somewhat , but I would NOT expect you FP fans to agree on much coming from ANYONE else." Two teams showed up to play......................Both Teams were sitting atop district 21 5A........one team steped up and shut down the big three hitters for the other team "MIF04 can attest to their stats." Was the opposition lacking.......who cares were they not suppose to play because "they" were not ready??? 643 wants to stress how the other team made too many mistakes and that's the only reason WEST BROOK won............Again, for someone with so much knowlege??.......never mind..........The game of baseball is about making mistakes and the team that makes the fewest comes out on top the majority of the time..........You cant talk baseball with out mentioning mistakes.........The difference between making mistakes and errors are errors get recored but a mistake can happen anywhere on the field (and even off sometimes)..........I'm tired of this free education Im given you!!!
  17. How come 90% of what you say is redundant.......there is no "If" the lines would have been reversed!?!? So why mention it.......only to get a rise out of people and "fake" being for the home town team................French High huh.........then stick to cheering for Central.......they need you more then the Brook.......being a pitchers father I would think you know that giving up more hits but less runs means that you had to work a little harder but you got the job done!?! for someone who speaks about how much they know.............................I'm not hearing much of anything???
  18. "West Brook won a big game last night. They gave SE Texas a chance to pick up a district championship in a "non-SE Texas" district. You would think that would be cause for congratulations. I guess for some it isn't..." from MIF04 My feelings exactly!!! West Brook is disrespected enough from the Houston area to be bashed here in their own back yard........more so since they have been through with this area for more then a month?? Sterling could have had 20 hits but they still fell short in the most important row of numbers the BIG R..................If Shoulda Coulda Woulda at it's finest!!!
  19. It's called BASEBALL!!!...............take away walks and errors and your no longer playing baseball..........ALL PART OF THE GAME.........those walkes might have been hits......who knows..........And I would say the pitching for the Brook was good last night even though they were out hit..............that just means the pitchers TCB when they had to....................stick that in your sons trophy case.......... ;D
  20. I think the original post mentioned LSU...........are we that streched? I mean they already paly Saints games here over Dallas games (a whole other topic)........Shouldn't the rubber band be reverberated back this way by now?? I thinks too it's the sport........case in point.....West Brook is playing tonight for sole first place in 21-5a..........Football season (this late in the season) they would be on their second artical, about the game, with another one tomorrow showing the outcome.
  21. with the "ties" are there still only 10 teams in the top 10........ruffled someones feathers to be so "Meaningless"........ Playoff time wakeup??......just keep takin' care of business BH you guys are doing just fine.
  22. PN-G, LC-M and NED
  23. If im not mistaken, and correct me if im wrong, is this not the same Benders that ran in the Boston Marathon and came in First....................................and Second?? ?? ?? ;D ;D Some kind of off season distance program he was on!!!
  24. you wont rest!! ;D Good luck to both teams what a finish it will be!!!
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