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Everything posted by MrUmp1

  1. Rankings are just another male ritual of who has the biggest "bat" Rank me 232nd and let me when the championship every year would be fine.
  2. I like the Dogs in this one. Everytime I have seen them, they have stayed focused and very even tempured. They do not let the little things bother them.
  3. 1. the batter never entered the dugout or defensive team never left the field so he could run to first. As far as the home plate umpire raising his hand he was only signaling a strike had accured. That is why as a catcher if you have a doubt, you should tag the batter/runner to make sure of an out. 2. Infield Fly : Runners on first and second, or first, second and third, less than two outs. Ball must be reasonibly caught by an infielder. Thats means it can be past the dirt of the infield if an infielder is under the ball and can make the catch with ease.
  4. And umpires don't get paid for rainouts either ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D jk
  5. As i told someone the other day, I am not Dr. Phil so in most cases I can not read the mind of the ball player to determine intentional or not, but in this case i think it does. If a runner is running not looking or alters his speed or path to be hit by a ball then you have nothing. If in the umpires judgement he alter his running to be hit and or kicked a ball then he would be out and the runners would return to the last base that they had aquired prior to the interference.
  6. Ball is dead and all runners return to the base the occupied at the time of the pitch. It is considered batter interference because what if he kicks the ball, not fair to the defense if the ball was still live.
  7. Question is .... Would it make ME a better coach since I know most of the rules !!
  8. I'm glad you put in the part about 8 warm up pitches. I catch flack about enforceing that sometimes but there is a reason. Also when it says 8, that doesn't mean you can go up in front of the mound and throw then get on the rubber and take 8. You get 8 take them any way you want. I was listening to the game on the net last night and when I heard what he was doing i started laughing because I knew he had called and ask about that exact thing. Didn't talk to me but I was called and told about it. Actually I owe Griff a thank you because until I looked it up, I was not totally aware of everything about that. The once per inning was new to me but it was right there in the rule book when I looked it up. Every year something comes up that makes us dig ever so more deeper into the rule book.
  9. Now you know. I used to hijack airplanes for a living untill the feds started using rockets. Just toooooo unsafe so I just hijack threads now
  10. I just found 2 cents on my desk so I guess I will throw mine in too. I was fortunate to call the 3A Semi's and Final at State last year. I can say that those 4 teams are just like the good 3A teams I have seen this year. I think there are a number of very good teams that with the right breaks can go all the way. Around here we only look at region 3 and 4. The two finalist from last year were Region's 1&2. Matchups, teams staying focused, and a little bit of luck will determine who the winner of the big prize is.
  11. If you noticed, the umpire at third base from Wednesday night was not there Friday. He was sick and had to miss the remainder of the series. A umpire was agreed upon by both coaches for a replacement. Both coaches did ask that either of the two original work the plate in the final game. So Wednesday's night umpire worked Saturday's game since otherwise the Friday ump would have had to work back to back games. Both coaches were in agreement of who called where.
  12. Anytime there is a runner at first base, The first base ump stays at first and the other umpire works the C position which is to the third base side of 2nd back very near where the grass meets the dirt.
  13. Since I had the plate when Langley pitched, I would say he was around 83 -86. I thought he did a really good job of trying to stay around the corners and not serve it up. The two homers were mistakes that just got hit. Cloeren's was a fast ball belt high and the other was a hanging slider.
  14. Nope , very rare that an Ump would call the plate in back to back days in a series. A little variety spices it up. ahh, where u gonna be at? Most likely I would rotate to third. It's something we will talk about when we get there but a nice easy day as the third man would be ok ;D
  15. Pirate He has looked that way since little league I think he was shaving at age 12 I called BH when they played at PNG earlier this year and I though the catcher was a coach at first. I though he looked like a muscled up George Constanza. ;D
  16. Nope , very rare that an Ump would call the plate in back to back days in a series. A little variety spices it up.
  17. So what are you saying here, Gabe? That the ump did badly and you could have done better or he did a good job and you still could have done better? ;D Great point Aggie, I have said all along, give me a recliner back behind the fence and I could call balls and strikes from there ;D
  18. As close as you were behind me last night Gabe, I should have just let you call the balls and strikes
  19. I would call it a triple with a throwing error that allowed the runner to come home. Funny thing about that, Leger had called time to talk to the pitcher and the kid coming up to bat was just kinda shaking his head and grinning. I ask him, " ever had this dream? Bases loaded 2 outs tight game?" He just smiled and said yep. Ended up it worked out for him. Game could have gone either way. thanks alot ump, way to encourage the opposing district, lol Both teams have really well manered kids who just want to play baseball and it is quite refreshing and fun to call.
  20. I would call it a triple with a throwing error that allowed the runner to come home. Funny thing about that, Leger had called time to talk to the pitcher and the kid coming up to bat was just kinda shaking his head and grinning. I ask him, " ever had this dream? Bases loaded 2 outs tight game?" He just smiled and said yep. Ended up it worked out for him. Game could have gone either way.
  21. To all fairness to the asst coach that question a rule, he did apologize just shortly there after and all was well. Sometimes I just make a sharp remark to let them know I am not going to just sit back and listen to trivial complaints.
  22. I was kinda hoping that they would stay here in the Beaumont area.
  23. Very possible to lose a number , The other night a coach told me he was going to look up a rule in the book since he didn't think I was right. It happened to be one of the few rules I do know by heart ;D ;D so I told him I would give him my email addy to email me the apology :D.
  24. Catcher obstruction is a delayed dead ball and the offense has a choice of the play or the penalty. Just to be clear about a balk since you mentioned it, In High School ball a balk is immediate dead ball. Everything is frozen from the time a balk is called. In all other levels of baseball that use the MLB rules, a balk is a delayed dead ball and the offense has the choice of the play or the balk. I have no reason to answer why Federation rules are different on a balk. One of the few differences in rules.
  25. Yep, the flyover is not just for the National Anthem ;D
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