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Everything posted by MrUmp1

  1. I was told washed out completely
  2. this could be one of the top 10 stupid questions posted on this board. Someone must be bored
  3. Just because a batter squares to bunt and does not pull back does not mean that it is a strike. You can square never move your bat twords the ball and it is not a strike. If you make a move twords the ball then it is a strike. If the runner attained home before he was hit, I would score him, if not then he would go back to third. I have guys that as the pitch is coming, makes a move twords the ball with the bat then pulls it back at the last second and I call a strike because he went at the pitch. It kinda like a check swing that went to far. Its all about intent and once again JUDGEMENT.
  4. I can't swallow the big ones. I have to take two small ones or get an injection even though I do not like needles. ;D
  5. I can not say anything about select. Here is the federation rule. Rule 3 section 3 article p p. use tobacco or tobacco-like products within the confines of the field. Penalty: The umpire shall eject the offender from the game. Failure to comply shall result in the game being forfieted. tobacco like products was put in a few years ago because they now have products that look like smokeless tobacco but are not tobacco. We are not going to call CSI over to run a trace analysis on the substance found to determine if it really was tobacco.
  6. It is also banned at the collegiate level. I think they call it the Pete Incavilia Rule lol
  7. Seriously? ??? Very serious.. I know of one Umpire got banned from calling in the TASO chapter for 10 years for doing it at pony league games and wearing his TASO hat.
  8. Thats all I am saying is that if he move to get hit I am not awarding first. I know me and WW will disagree but in this instance I believe that I have seen many different version of this play and I have a pretty good read on if someone is trying to get hit. One time I was doing a small school game in Zavalla. They were playing Apple Springs and neither team was very good at all and their were players that were out there playing just cause they wanted to play and have some fun. This kid is at bat and a 70MPH thrown ball is comming right at his face and he couldn't move. He just kind of shrugged his shoulders down just not being able to judge a thrown ball. Ball hits him right in the nose, breaks his glasses and blood everywhere. Now he ddn't really attempt to get out of the way but he was just frozen. When I answer questions that involve some type of judgement, you have to consider the level of play some. I have never had any kind of argument with a coach over awarding a base to a batter that gets hit on a ball that everyone in the park knows is not close to the plate. They know who was at fault. As Forest says.... Thats about all i got to say about that !!!! lol
  9. Yes, until basketball season is completely over. Baseball will start officially on March 17th. Tell that to my body come Saturday night after I do 6 yes 6 games this week!!!
  10. one other thing you maybe took wrong was when I said he was crowding or hanging over the plate. I meant if he was doing that and did not try to avoid the pitch I would not award him first base. He he makes an attempt to move then he would get his base. The other part was about a batter who is not crowding the plate, is back in the middle of the box, if he gets hit I am giving him first. Reasoning: If a pitcher misses his spot that bad, I am not going to award him by letting him continue to pitch to that batter. Sometimes no matter how hard the ball is thrown, some of the players just freeze and cannot try to get out of the way. Ex: 0-2 count on batter. Pitcher trys to throw one inside and misses badly and plunks the batter. I'm giving the batter first base because if I do not, then I have given the pitcher the chance to get him out with one pitch. Like I say. you have to look at each situation, try to understand why the rule was written they way it is, then apply it accordingly. Hope this clears up my view on this. At the high school level, I think it is very very few times that a batter is intentionaly thrown at.
  11. I cannot believe this was even asked.. No one on the field can have tobacco. If found they are ejected and report written to the UIL. Player, Coach, Umpire. If a complaint is made against an umpire he will be disiplined by the local TASO board.
  12. EXCUSE ME ! Do I understand Mr. Ump to say : "a strike zone is an opinion" ? Really ? I have always thought it was defined in the Rule Book. It is defined in the rule book.. but my point was that different umpires even though they are trying to call the same zone as the next guy, just sees it a little differently. Now as far as getting hit by a pitch. For me.. if the batter is back in the middle of the box and the pitch thrown is right at him.. I am going to give him first base. You say he didn't try to avoid contact I say it is like a deer in the headlights and he may not know what to do when it is coming at you at 85+ miles an hour. Now I am not giving him first base if he is hanging over the plate or crowding it. To me this is what makes baseball a great game there are so many factors on many judgement calls. This is what I am always trying to teach our newer officials. They may know how to call strikes and balls and outs and safes, but there is an experience factor that you must learn to know how to apply little things to help you do your job.
  13. Oldman did say if it hit his elbow and it was in the strike zone he would call a strike which is correct. He stated the situation correctly. Just remember a stike zone is an opinion !!!!!!
  14. See page one for EC tidbit.. they played Monday or I was umping in my dreams lol
  15. He gets to take his base as long as he did not make a move twords the ball to get hit. Rule book says a batter must make an attempt to get out of the way. Just because it hits the dirt does not mean that all bets are off as far as a penalty for being hit.
  16. Lights were burning bright at EC last night. Very even 2A scrimmage against Woodville not much hitting but many players for both teams are still dribblling the round ball.
  17. Where I come from it's crotch grabbin and spittin Where I come from alot of big boys hittn Where I come from trying to make a livin Workin hard to make some runs Where I come from. Gonna pitch this song to Alan Jackson
  18. Blasphemy!!! If you want to shorten it just don't watch it. Pick your month any one and you have shortened your season by one month. Me... like how long it last
  19. I predict if they play, it's going to be a scrimmage and many players will play and many pitchers will pitch. thats my prediction cause score don't mean nuttin honey
  20. Ball didn't hit him. That was funny.. All I can think is how many times a coach ask one of his players if he did this or that, I got yelled at, I said I know what I saw, and the coach says My players wouldn't lie to me.. LOL yeah right.. They will do and say anything that their coach wants to hear. Coach comes out to argue then ask kid if he made the tag.. whats the player gonna say.. I didn't tag him ...then the coach looks bad for coming out?? Ain't happening.
  21. There are some grown men on LC-M's baseball team. I get tired of standing beside Stefan Cloeren, I'm already small enough. He makes me feel like an 8th grader! So tell us... what do you want to be when you grow up?????? ;D
  22. always kills me how folks start talking about pitching they see at a SCRIMMAGE You never know what these guys are working on and in most cases the really good coaches do not let their pitchers throw very many breaking balls if any in the first couple of scrimmages.
  23. 1. Saw Juan Marichal pitch and Willie Mays play Centerfield and Willie McCovy play first base at the astrodome. 2. Saw Nolan Ryan vs Steve Carlton when Nolan was only 6 strike outs ahead of Carlton for all time strikeouts. Nolan struck out around 10 and Carlton only 4 and Nolan was never challenged by Carlton again for the lead. 3. Seven is my favorite number, my favorite all time baseball players are Mickey Mantle #7 and Pete Rose #14 ( thats 7+7 ) Shows where my morals are, one was an alcholholic and the other an addicited gambler. 4. I umpired at both Olsen Field ( A&M ) and Disch-Faulk ( Texas ) in 2008. They were high school games 5. I was batting champ of Twin County Babe Ruth ( Winnie ) summer of 1974
  24. I was in front of the mirror the other night practicing ejections and my wife says " What in the heck are you doing?" I told her I was practicing ejecting coaches that wear those spiked flat top hair cuts
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