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Everything posted by MrUmp1

  1. It is legal as long as he does not make a travesty of the game.
  2. Been away for a bit just saw these new post. Just talking off the top of my head here but, I believe that a batted ball hitting a helmut would fall under the catagory of detached equipment. I need to look it up or call one of my buds at the Federation, ( thats baseball rules federation not Star Trek Federation) and see what they have to say about it.
  3. Tag needs to be made but it needs to be made on the back runner. The runner who is the lead runner has the base if both are on it. The following runner would be out with a tag. One reason why is so a team cannot have a slow runner replaced by a fast runner
  4. Non district West Orange Stark vs Jasper District West Brook vs Galena Park North Shore
  5. Wasn't too hot that day on the turf, that is from the finals. The day before at 3:00 the temp on the score board said 95 no shade and it was like walking on hot coals after about 3 innings. No telling the temp of the turf when it is 95 and the sun beating down on it.
  6. I know of whom the Ump you are talking about 643, he no longers umps games. Do you think they should try and pull that one on me ??? Be two kids and a coach leaving !!!!!! lol
  7. Two very good teams, but after seeing them, I know our 3A's were just as good. Just takes playing very good ball every game and not having any off nights.
  8. No need to fine anyone, just call Guido and let him show them what real pain is... lol
  9. That would be nice but I do not think it is practical. It cost a lot of money for every game played for the workers. They also want plenty of time for the championship games so the teams are not rushed off the field and can enjoy the moment
  10. They both have to be proper but yes in High School a verbal appeal by a player or coach is a proper appeal.
  11. Waxahatchie won tonight 6-0 over Birdville so looks like this could be a real intresting game between wax and Cal... I will be there to see that one tommorrow night. Wax saved it's best pitcher I heard.
  12. Disch Faulk was renovated ( big word ) last year and looks great. From what I have been told, they will always try and not have all the games at one site. I will try to ask Mr Contraras tommorrow if he knows what the plans for next year are.
  13. Believe me you can tell what they are doing because if they are trying to get a runner out for leaving early then they will let you know.
  14. Pleasent Grove beat Medina Valley 7-3 Snyder beat Hutto 7-5 Should be a very even matchup tommorrow for finals after what i saw today. Only thing i can say is if you want to know what it may feel like in Hell...try the astro turf at Disch Faulk on a 95 degree day.. my feet are still barking at me lol Only thing that kept it from being to bad was a good 15-20 mph wind. I will call in the 3A championship game tomorrow and it should be a good one. I think our 3 playoff teams from 3A are right there will all the teams i saw today. Off to Dell diamond to go watch a 4A semi. MrUmp1
  15. He is not out on an incidental touching of a bag in the way you put it. you will always hear someone yell he didn't tag up and then they touch the bag. If he didn't tag make sure they are trying to put him out.
  16. BASEBALL STATE TOURNAMENT PAIRINGS Wednesday's semifinals (at Dell Diamond, Round Rock) CLASS 2A SEMIFINALS San Angelo Grape Creek (30-6) vs. Salado (30-6), 10 a.m. Corsicana Mildred (30-6) vs. Buna (22-6), 1 p.m. CLASS 4A SEMIFINALS Corpus Christi Calallen (40-1) vs. Friendswood (27-9), 4 p.m. Waxahachie (31-8) vs. Birdville (32-10), 7 p.m. (at Disch-Falk Field, UT-Austin) CLASS 3A SEMIFINALS Castroville Medina Valley (36-2) vs. Texarkana Pleasant Grove (24-8), noon Snyder (33-6) vs. Hutto (27-7), 3 p.m. Thursday's finals (at Disch-Falk Field, UT-Austin) Class 3A...noon (at Dell Diamond, Round Rock) Class 2A...2 p.m. Class 4A...6 p.m. Friday's semifinals (at Dell Diamond, Round Rock) CLASS A SEMIFINALS Flatonia (24-5) vs. Seymour (17-12), 10 a.m. Pineland West Sabine (26-7) vs. Bosqueville (19-6), 1 p.m. CLASS 5A SEMIFINALS Plano West (38-2) vs. Laredo United (32-7), 4 p.m. Houston Bellaire (39-8) vs. Carroll (32-18), 7 p.m. Saturday's finals (at Dell Diamond, Round Rock) Class 5A...noon Class A...4 p.m
  17. Jut a reminder and to keep the thread going. The games will be at Lamar Univ on June 14th. Times not set but will be an all day event.
  18. I can't answer about why some people yell. Some folks think it is not a baseball game unless you are giving the umpire grief. Or maybe they do not know the ole saying of, it's better to keep your mouth shut, than to open it and remove all doubt. In High School ball a balk is an immediate dead ball. At all other levels of play it is a delayed dead ball with the team batting having their choice of the balk or result of the play. Example.. Balked called, pitch thrown, hit out of the park for a home run. High School play it is dead no home run, runners advance. Pro or College, the team can choose the home run or the balk. If you have to think about which they would choose... wrong thread for you.
  19. If it is a rule it is not something that is enforced by the Umpires. You would need to contact the UIL regarding that. It is correct that there is no protest of a High School game. This is covered under Federation Baseball rules which the UIL uses. So there is no SAD PART about anything the Umpires did. Contact the UIL with your question.
  20. All runners go back to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch on a play like that. Reason is you cannot advance one of your own base runners by creating interference.
  21. There will be 12 - 15 players per team looks like. Each team will play 1 game. We will try to divide big schools and small schools. The more money we make the more we can give back next year in scholarships.
  22. At this time, what we are more intrested in, is having enough people to work to put this on. There is more than just a couple of games being played. Having it on a Saturday gives us a bigger pool of our members that can work.
  23. I do not. I have been informed that we are going to have 4 games. Two for underclassman and two for seniors. I think they are going to start around 10 in the morning. Maybe like 10 1 4 and 7. Anyone that would be intresting in volunteering can PM me here and I will give you a number to get in touch with me or one of the committee members. Any money we raise is for our scholarship fund.
  24. yes it applies to all
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