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Everything posted by MrUmp1

  1. Little League and High School are different in many ways. True Little League is all volunteer no matter what the level. We do put all of our new umpires through a first year training class that runs for most of the high school season. In high school we also must pass a fifty question test each year along with extra training that we get at our state convention each year. Right now in the Beaumont Chapter we have 90 umpires to cover 43 schools. With how people work and the number that can only call a limited amount of games it is amazing how we cover all of the games. We do lose officials every year because they say they do not want to put up with all the yelling at them at games. No matter what the sport it takes a person with a certain personality and focus to officiate any sport. I have been a player, a coach, and a fan of baseball for many years, 42 years of at least one of the mentioned. Now as a high school umpire the past 14 years, I see the game from even a different perspective as I did as a player, coach, or player. The only constant in all of these is... IT IS JUST A GAME. The losers don't go before a firing squad.
  2. And sometimes umps have to have a fan removed from a game so they maybe will understand the concept of sportmanship which is what high school athletics is all about. Making a statement that you need to say how horrible an ump is so he knows he does not deserve to call high school games proves my point. YOU HAVE NO CLUE !!!
  3. I bet you didn't know that the same umpire did the plate at both the LCM-PNG game and the Vid-Ned game. Did you see any coach at the LCM PNG game get their way just because they may have done a little theatrics?? NOPE they didn't . Griff may have ask for all three to come to the mound but you didn't see that happen. Some coaches are more vocal than others but that does not mean they need to be run out of the game. If a coach does get restricted to the bench or ejected, they must go before the UIL for a meeting. This could result in the coach being put on probation. Point is that you do not run a coach for being high strung at an important game. Most of the time it is not how they say something but what they say that gets them in trouble. Is it real or is it Memorex? most of the time it is Memorex.
  4. I was told at 3pm that they will discuss a time for Saturday later today.
  5. At the younger levels of baseball I just don't see where metal bats are a problem. Cost wise it will not be good for the youth associations if there are alot of bats broke or chipped where they can not be used. I would like to see the college game go to wooden bats again but I do not see it happening in the near future
  6. They are working on the field @ Vidor now and will make a call around 2pm as to what is going to happen.
  7. Lets hope they remember to call the Umpires too!!!!!! Or maybe Coop can ump the game LOL
  8. As of Wednesday night, this game is still scheduled for Vidor at 7pm Thursday. There is a possibility that this game will move to Nederland. As it stands right now with it still raining I think it is going to be hard to play anywhere Thursday night. Who knows this may end up being a Saturday game which of course would mess with my plans for Saturday.
  9. quote "Well...the ball went through the entire tube....and yes, the left fielder threw his hands up....but the mistake he made was he did not leave his hands up long enough. The player is supposed to leave his hands up until acknowledged by the umpire. He held his hands up and then quickly put them down and pursued the ball without a "dead ball" call from the umpire, therefore it was live. I talked to the umpires after the game, and they said that if he would have left his hands up longer then they would have awarded the batter a double." reply The ball is still live untill an umpire verifies that the ball is in dead ball territory. If it is a dead ball, then the umpires will put the runners back to where they were when the ball went into dead ball territory and award bases for the dead ball from that point. Just because a player throws his hands up does not mean it is a dead ball. Example: Ball goes through the fence and the fielder puts up his hands. If the ball did not really go through the fence then it is still live. It must verified that it is in dead ball terriotry. Also if a player throws up his hands and then goes to get the ball without the umpire verifying that the ball is dead, it is a live ball. This prevents a player from saying that a ball is dead when it is not to possibly keep a runner or runners from advancing to more bases than they would receive from the award of the dead ball. Got to have checks and balances.
  10. And what ... no good luck for the Umpires ??????? At least get us a 10% off coupon to TSO. A good year with no bad injuries for all is what all of us want. If the players stay healthy it makes for better ball for all to see. I'm ready to go lets hope the weather can be good enough so the teams can get some scrimmages in. MrUmp1
  11. As 1st VP of the association I wish to thank anyone that helped us grow our scholarship fund so we can continue to grow and give more scholarships and for more money. We are very short of umpires this year so if you know of anyone that would like to join please have them get in touch with us. I can be pm'd here or go to our website @ www.tasobeaumont.org and get the info. Also thanks to channel six for having a couple of us on the sports xtra show sunday night to help promote our association.
  12. I wonder where you got this list from. Basinger is not comming back to Ozen. I'm his financial advisor and he is my personal trainer. I'm over weight and he is broke so go figure !!!!!!!!
  13. So I guess it's 69 days till I here HEY BLUE , WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR EYES CHECKED AT ??? WALMART ??? Or one of my all time favorites... HEY BLUE... THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND STEVIE WONDER IS STEVIE CAN SING !!!!.. I really hope the fans come up with some new things to yell cause all the old stuff is really getting annoying. What I really love is when you have called a really good game behind the plate and its late in the game and maybe you miss a pitch and some guy yells C'mon be consistant out there !!!! Just kills me.. FOr one I am ready for the season. If any of you would like to see about becooming an umpire PM me and I will get you the Info.
  14. Andy a home town hero ?????? I have never thought of him as a hero. I am ready to see what some of the young arms can do. Sampson, Albers, Hirsch,Bucholz, Nieve, Patton (later in the year). Only real prob I see is no lefty starter unless Wandy is that guy( and I do not think he is the guy) Looks to me like most teams are in the same funk. Pitching past the 1 and 2 guys is thin on most teams. More offense is what the stros need. Score more runs and the pitching will take care of itself.
  15. Is West Brook Home or Visitor side ??
  16. Well panther... I do not see how Liberty will score 20 points on the Stangs since the most points WOS has given up all year is 16 to Kirbyville and what was that score when you played Kirbyville ?? I like your enthusiasm but realality is gonna hit you hard.
  17. Win some, Lose some, Some get rained out, but you suit up for them all ! A wise man once told me that. (':D')
  18. Some Bevil facts for you. 133 att 90 comp thats 67.6% 1522 yds 18 td's 2 int's College QB rating of 205.45 it's actually called an efficiency rating Beasley last year completed 56% of his passes with a rating of 165.01. This kid should be a D1 prospect.
  19. I don't see Diboll making it past the 2nd rnd if they even make it to that. The other team I think you are over looking is LaGrange. They played Giddings to a 20-13 game and that is with the Giddings QB Fitzhenry having a 90 yrd TD run late in the game. Also, all it takes is a couple of injuries and any brackett is toast. Cuero is the team to beat in this Div. Look at their Bay City score..
  20. I watched the Silsbee Newton game and Newton did a great job on the veer. West Orange should have no prob stopping the veer and if Silsbee keeps turning the ball over.... it will be a long night for the tiger stripes
  21. Congrats little Jeffie I can wait to Ump some of your games you little sparkplug !!!!!! And I still think 69 scat is a great play !!!!!!
  22. At 3A and smaller schools, it would take alot from some kids that run track or play baseball. I know football is king in SE Tex but we have had some really good baseball players come out of the 3A ranks that also play football.
  23. If you get hurt and miss work... It won't hurt to miss work and they give you cash which is as good as money AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFLAC
  24. Here are a few of my personal favorites. favorite baseball field local.. West Brook favorite baseball field I've umpired at.. Montgomery favorite place to watch a football game.. PNG favorite press box.. Conroe Moorhead best press box food... Vidor no one even comes close, it's like a buffet best field houses.. Ozen and PNG both great facilities
  25. Chad Landry vs Westbrook he hit 2 blast both no doubters I was calling the plate. Other long one was Brad Sullivan vs Vidor over left center across the street into the pasture
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