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Everything posted by Piratefan4life

  1. i say cage match....put the two coaches in a steel cage first out of the cage is not the one whose team started the fight....loser gets to wear a dress for next years game
  2. oh no.........i seeing the numbers changing
  3. going with Seniors - HJ Juniors - HJ Flag - Silsbee
  4. We lost 2 to 3 games because of the two storms. Lonestar decided to roll into district play after Hurricane IKE. Each team ended with 6 to 7 regular season games after deciding not to extend the regular season. I do not thank it made a difference on the playoffs with the two best teams, as far as I am concerned, making the Superbowl, HJ White and Deweyville. we just basically scratched the non-conference games that were remanining for most teams...i agree that it shorten the season but didnt hurt our team at all....and i must say that the Vidor teams did a great job of rebounding after losing so many kids from last year to again make the playoffs in the Junior and Senior levels
  5. im glad the kids had fun.....thats all that matters....them passing the trophy around at the game was cool
  6. congrats to all teams making the Superbowl....
  7. I still don't understand. You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas. Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas. You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas. Can you specify? Don't be scared to speak your mind. Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms. :) Soulja.....for the record....i saw to thugs fighting near an aTm machine in Vidor while getting money before church for dinner in a Spurger resturant...after watching all this on here.....very intertaining people
  8. hmmmm......a loss and a fight....anyone want to change their minds
  9. I knew several years ago that this was coming....the day Alvin returned to Lumberton to coach I knew it was a matter of time....congrats CUZ....I just wish I was there still coaching with you...you guys tear em up in the playoffs
  10. You really are a MORON...Make you laugh...your telling me that yall have never done anything and I mean anything like that so a kid would make weigh-in. George you are a MORON!!!! man it seems like all you do is try and find something other organizations have done wrong and call them out on here. Grow- up George. no for a fact i have never done anything like that...in fact we had a kid trying to make weight and we let him do it on his own....the kids on our team ran extra with him....he weighed one time and still wanted to try at the final weigh in... we told him no....he played senior....and for the record it was funny and still is....i thought Buna had the best team but thats another story.....at least im not hiding behind my name.....so bite me
  11. Buna had a good team.....what makes me laugh is that I was at every weigh-in and I dont remember any other teams that weighed a kid kid 3 times in one day 4 total to make weight so he could run the ball....even saw them running the kid between weigh-ins...interesting
  12. yeah whoever designed it must be the man....lol.....too bad the Vidorian is under hostile control or they might have gotten the article and pictures right about the parade
  13. Buna was just out played and out coached....they should just let it go
  14. Hey don't be cutting down on Jeromy "Tea Cup" he isn't that far off the ground as it is... we have to have the sidelines cut to a special height so he doesn't get stepped on by our players...... :o ;D I HEARD THE REF TELL HIM LAST GAME TO GET SOME FLAGS ON.....
  15. Say it aint so... was told the a kid punched another kid in the face while doing the handshake after the game...again could be just a huge rumor If you know who started this post then you know why he did..He's not affiliated with our league in anyway, just one of his tactics on trying to make people look at our league the wrongway.. Now this is just my opinion. But why would it matter to him are anyone else what took place. As long as both coaches handle it then so be it. I'm sure all things are well in his league...........Robby i think your totally wrong...i was told it was a senior kid that punched a kid on the handshake...i have nevwer heard of anyone doing this and just wanted to know if it was true and apparently it wasnt as bad as it was described to me...but as far as Robbie saying it was an attempt to make people look at your league in a wrongway that is not true...this has nothing to do with a league but an individual.... I guess the problem is, if people are going to talk about things that happen, they need to at least know what they are talking about. The person that told you this had every aspect of the event in question wrong. Which is exactly what you said in your quote, makes it a huge RUMOR. This is how rumors get started in the first place. If in fact it had been a Senior player and he was my child...I would be completely embarrassed by it and wouldn't want it discussed but I realize we all discuss things that happen, myself included. I just know I would be wishing people hadn't witnessed it and then talked about it so that EVERYONE would know. Ah! But it's not a perfect world. Anyway, just wanted to get it out there. yeah well said....im glad i asked because the rumor was worse than what it really was
  16. Say it aint so... was told the a kid punched another kid in the face while doing the handshake after the game...again could be just a huge rumor If you know who started this post then you know why he did..He's not affiliated with our league in anyway, just one of his tactics on trying to make people look at our league the wrongway.. Now this is just my opinion. But why would it matter to him are anyone else what took place. As long as both coaches handle it then so be it. I'm sure all things are well in his league...........Robby i think your totally wrong...i was told it was a senior kid that punched a kid on the handshake...i have nevwer heard of anyone doing this and just wanted to know if it was true and apparently it wasnt as bad as it was described to me...but as far as Robbie saying it was an attempt to make people look at your league in a wrongway that is not true...this has nothing to do with a league but an individual....
  17. junior or senior....was this while they were shaking hands after the game?
  18. who won on the junior level...HJ or EC
  19. Say it aint so... was told the a kid punched another kid in the face while doing the handshake after the game...again could be just a huge rumor
  20. what do you guys think...cursed or not
  21. i said it all week....the new RES is cursed
  22. i heard there was a fight after one of the Vidor games....is this true and if so does anyone know what happen
  23. Vidor juniors with a 32-0 win to gain the # 3 playoff spot in the East
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