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Everything posted by Piratefan4life

  1. i think PNG is number 1 and Vidor is 2....we bring fans to every game WIN or LOSE even at the youth levels a lot of fans
  2. especially about Vidor fans when the comment came from Deweyville.....i think Captain ought to take Kitty behind the woodshed....lol
  3. I think this perception is way off base. Ridiculous comment. > touchy touchy :
  4. who is in as of right now
  5. diehard.....how did Corey's team make out
  6. im going with Lumberton by a lot and yes the new Reservation is cursed....
  7. what are some of your teams pregame rituals or chants
  8. im not taking anything away from the rule....in fact one of our vidor teams did the same thing last year....im just saying that if it becomes a point that the forfeit win means somoene that beat Buna already misses a chance to make the playoffs then it might be an issue....personally i think you should win all your games for this reason
  9. why are you telling me to grow up.....i did not bash your Buna team at all...in fact when we played them i thought they were the best team in lonestar juniors
  10. Vidor Sr . 31 HJ Blue 20 Vidor Jr. 54 Warren Orange 24 and I dont have the score but I know that Warren Orange flag beat Vidor flag...today was also VJFA's first annual homecoming....was a fun day as the kids were able to run through the high schools inflaitable skull....stands were decorated along with the cheerleaders being introduced and escorted by family members at halftime....just a all around good day at the BONEYARD
  11. in my opionion the way this becomes a issue is if it knocks someone else from the playoffs...which is now a possibility....
  12. well after holding those Buna juniors to 19 points instead of 40 I think you better come to play against Deweyville as they scored 30 on us. Today the Vidor junior team beat Warren Orange 54-24 and the Vidor Senior team won 31- 20. I hope everyone overlooks us in the playoffs because we will make it a long day for you if you do
  13. thats a huge rock...after the storm he put one of those FEMA blue roofs
  14. Hey I listened to him last week and you know how every announcer has a catch phrase like "Boy Howdy" or "Holy Cow"....His was "uuuh"
  15. If he announces like he coaches then it will be a long night for ole Buttermaker
  16. if there are any lonestar referees reading this Piratefan is STJFL not Lonestar....we think you guys are doing a great job....(wink)
  17. he didnt do too bad only said "daddy can i come home" twice the whole night....lol
  18. Chris your killing me...you let that guy off to easy....lol.......we all knew what you meant big guy....except maybe Corey since he is now a radio personality.....
  19. pirate78 he is a very very large loud Vidorian man who is the president of VJFA....im sure if you ask hard enough at a friday night game you will find him....he is a nice ole dude...we are just teasing you because you dont know him
  20. Dude.......that is way funny....
  21. friday night i thought i heard him calling the game on here...but it could have just been the fever
  22. Coach Comeaux your just as bad as Rusted Cutlass, if you think slamming your hand in a car door will help you tackle somebody your gravely mistaken. The only thing that will help is to get a ride to the emergency room while nurse your broken knuckle. Whether there be an underlying message or not that was probably the most ignorant thing I read on here by far. But then again it is easy to say what needs to be done on the football field and in practice from the sanctity of your own home. I do agree with the fumble issue, the ball cannot be dropped. You drop the ball you lose the game, its that plain and simple. If Vidor can hang on to the ball they will come out victorious. By the way, where exactly do you coach at Coach Comeaux? Pirate78 you have to be kidding right...you live in Vidor and dont know who Coach Comeaux is.....thats funny....Comeaux I agree with you....lol
  23. what about scores.....tell the ones you know
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