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Everything posted by Piratefan4life

  1. was curious if the Coach LeJune is David LeJune? one and the same, great coach, took over after Hammersmith stopped coaching, known his son since i coached him in soccer, and have been on his team ever since thanks I had coached with him back in the 90's at Kelly high school...he is a great dude
  2. was curious if the Coach LeJune is David LeJune?
  3. the Vidor Junior team lost to Buna 19 - 6 but dont let the score fool you Buna is huge and will hit you like a Mack truck.....ours boys played very well to hold a team that has 3 games of 40 points or more....Good Luck to Buna .....great effort Pirates
  4. Junior team just got out coached....we took a HUGE gamble and it backfired....hats off to Deweyville
  5. i can tell you this...we are in no way affilliated with VPIFA. I just want some to see that some of what vp75 was saying can be proven. They only way I can think that it might be there is to make some think we are affilliated with each other...imagine that if you think we are how easy it would be to trick others into thinking we were as well....thats our former presidents email who is still with VJFA and not with the new VPIFA. .....
  6. I dont get it..I did that and it showed some guy name doug..why would if you click on "name" why would it bring it to his name? I thought VPIFA was new?? i guess I am confused? Yeah that was what we asked why would you have that on your page if your VPIFA and not VJFA.
  7. here is the deal....last year two people from VJFA were voted off the board for wrong doing against Lonestar and VJFA..during the months following the end of the VJFA season these two along with several others created a new league in town VPIFA and joined STJFL. The people vp75 is speaking of is the new league formed from the people who got their feelings hurt. Does that help?
  8. i always say...its youth football not life or death.....but some adults live through their kids.....a shame but part of things when you a part of sports.....
  9. oh and by the way guys....we did hold registrations almost every weekend in June and July and advertise several times in the paper so people should have seen that we were still alive...lol.....and I will be honest and tell you that we did indeed have some people say that they heard we were combined with the other league until they saw our advertisements....
  10. My name is George Rodgers and I am the equipment manager for the Vidor Junior Football Association. I am on the board for vjfa and was on the board last year when several members of the vjfa board were asked to step down from the vjfa board and were allowed to finish the season coaching their teams. I cant tell you that I know who vidor pirate 75 is but I can touch on the fact that last year we had 5 teams with pads with at least 20 kids per team plus or minus a few so that is roughly around 100 kids. When we opened our storage building after the past board had left and formed their current league we only had around 58 helmets and a little over that in shoulder pads. If you do the math and take away from the handful of people that had their own equipment that leaves close to half of our shoulder pads and helmets unaccounted for when it all said and done. Now I can tell you that when I approached the past equipment manager for a list of equipment handed out last year he said he didnt have a list. I do know that since vp75 is saying that he is seeing our equipment over at the other league I think vjfa willl most definatley look into this accusation. Secondly I can tell you this that if you dont believe people are deceiving people here is some proof, go to vpifa.net and go to the section that list their board members and click on the word NAME after board postions and before Home # it takes you to the VJFA website and page for our former president. I think people need to open their eyes and realize that there are some shady people in this world. vp75 if you are truly real you can contact Chris Comeaux our current president and Im sure he would love to get any info you have on the equipment. We at vidor junior football are just glad that we are back to playing true vjfa football.
  11. hats off to Deweyville.....no doubt they are that good....we tried everything we had to stop them
  12. I think im going to throw up.....yep just did.....lol.....
  13. Coach Matthews will have the kids ready tommorrow night....he was already getting pumped at our little league football game saturday...he was chomping at the bit to get on the sideline....say what you will but he loves the game and the kids....i think people might get a surprise tommorrow night...mainly Central fans
  14. Vidor Juniors over Mauriceville Juniors 27-14......great game to watch for both sides
  15. well im lucky if i find the school with my team...lol
  16. now that shit is funny right there........lmao
  17. well today was ther first day back and boy did it feel good.....our kids were all smiles....they look good except for the breathing hard part.....lol
  18. Vidor Junior Football Association (VJFA) will start practicing again on Monday the 22nd at 5:45pm @ the middle school in Vidor. Games are in the works for this coming saturday. Anyone knowing a VJFA player please pass this along to them please.
  19. in vidor we will be able to play as normal....lost one goal post....season is ok
  20. just want to tell everyone to be safe and i hope everyone is back at it monday afternoon....somebody nudge Comeaux and tell him that he might have to move is rock
  21. how far inland will a 15-20 ft storm surge reach and in Beaumont how high would the water be
  22. how far inland will a 15-20 ft storm surge reach and in Beaumont how high would the water be
  23. tc i was in no way offended it was funny to see i bet....one of our kids was so excited he was crying
  24. just another note...we have scored more points in the first two games then we have in the last two seasons.....excited yes we were way excited....i hope he gets tendonitis in his wrist by the time the season is over...lol.....and next time i bet we remember the overtimes....lmao
  25. im not the towel waving coach but i am one of the coaches from the Vidor junior team....he was prolly excited just like the rest of us that we just scored 18 points in the 4th quarter to tie...yes we didnt play the overtime but what can we say...the refs and the coaches from silsbee brain farted too....lol
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