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l town fan

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Everything posted by l town fan

  1. im sayin the l-train is gunna run right over 'em winn by 21
  2. Well here we are, right where it was said we would be goin into week three while coogs are probably still cryin on the field i hate to be such a jerk but with all the bull-talk them coogs brought to our forum but come on what happened to ya'll smackin us into reality? whos ready to see the Ltrain roll straight into state CHOOO CHOOOO
  3. they played thriller by micheal jackson (breakin it down the whole time might i add) and at the end they made an LR on the field using the band, cheerleaders and raiderettes
  4. i have been scannin over some of the thread posts and it sounds to me like we have a Lumberton - Dayton rivalry forming, or am i just losin my mind?
  5. everyones gunna wanna see what happens whena coogah gets hit by a train L-town vs LM is gunan be the big one
  6. yeah our band rocks out loud but i did like smileys fancy guy in the white haha, sure could play some limbo =P
  7. i felt kinda sorry for smiley i mean, we had more people in our band than they had in their stands
  8. maybe the "coogah nation" should get the hell off the tracks, sit down, and cry now before the L train runs 'em over
  9. If its poissible i definately see it happening Dayton obviously isnt gunna go down without a fight, and if Dayton fights they likely will win but L town has surely impressed me as the song "The Impossible" states, "if the fury of the wind is unstoppable, i've learned to never underestimate the impossible" as unlikely as it seems i believe these guys can do anything
  10. haha yeah if the cold front dont hit us (not likely) ill be the kid with a jersey painted on haha I got my (and my moms) tickets monday mornin and i can't wait
  11. I completely understand that too. I was just pointing out a few that stood out to me i know the team is what matters most, but there will always be in-particular players that people talks about regardless. I was not by any means hinting off that DeJohn Beard and Hussey make the team.
  12. woohoo lets put them Indians on some Broncos and have ourselves a group of Raiders (compliments to whoever thoguht that up again)
  13. its gotta be Credeur, i think two years ago we were 0-12, last year he took his seat and while we didnt do great we did get somethin done, now this year we are in playoffs? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? coach Credeur took the seat
  14. bumpin this back up there, wanna give everyone a chance to see it =)
  15. Ok, im fairly interested in graphics designing which is what i just so happen to use occasional free time doing, so i made this and i encourage any and all raiders (player or fan) to put it in your sig, *EDIT* ok gotta find a new way of explaining this now, hmm lol ok right click the picture, go to properties, and copy the link. Then type [ i m g ] in the front and [ / i m g ] at the end (with no spaces)
  16. haha, i gotta give it to ya, that gave me a nice laugh haha, love the logic
  17. I am absolutely thrilled to see us doin somethin, i remember goin to the games a couple years back and there was more people UNDER the stands than IN them. Now we have made history by goin to play-offs and still runnin through. One thing i respect (awkwardly enough) is i got the boot from the team due to grades so the fact they are buclkin down on the teams character too is a awesome thing as well.
  18. Wow little obsessive eh? Yes you beat PNG yes you beat Nederland, but we beat Nederland played one hell of a game against PNG and we beat you? i hate to come off as an ass but i have been checkin these forums out for a while, just havnt bothered to make an account and you seem like a broken record. Loosen up a bit and worry about playin L-town in the future and forget the past.
  19. Amen, all this talk about "district champs" is aggrivatin' Lumberton PNG and Dayton all worked there hearts out they have all earned the braggin rights
  20. Im sayin Lumberton all the way Lumberton 28 smiley 14
  21. Ok obviously there has been more than enough threads congratulating Lumberton on play-offs, but i havent seen any (since i have been on, started today) congratulating individual players. I for one have to praise DeJohn, Beard, Hussey, most of all the O line though. While there were mistakes and such no ones perfect but they did some good blockin all in all. I also respect the maturity level of so many of the teams, sure a couple of people from Nederland had the nerve to scream about how bad we suck after the game, other than that i never really saw anyone talkin a lotta trash, even after PNG beat us (good job guys) or after we scrapede by in the Dayton game
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