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Everything posted by Balanor

  1. Sounds like Woodville by 28 or so. I think the UIL should just give them a bye at this point.
  2. I have all my picks since the start of the season written down.. who do I send them to for my points? 🤫 I thought I missed one, but with an eraser and a keen eye I realized I had that one correct as well.
  3. Coates has been the standout to me for Anahuac. On defenses and offense.
  4. That was for all the folks who believe EC somehow pays the refs off. 😜
  5. No surprise. Should be up by 30 at this point. Refs must be keeping the BUCS in it.
  6. Whole lee what the baby Jesus
  7. Panthers by 42 it sounds like.
  8. Everybody seems to forget their backfield was gutted and the one back they were relying on in Reeves had his first snaps of the season vs Buna. Sometimes all it takes to really get going is a spark from a leader like that. Not always, but sometimes.
  9. Good luck with Reeves back.
  10. Since you think you know all about it...There is no "yall" here. I was watching the game because a co-worker invited me that is FROM Buna and since I am from the area I attended. I asked why don't they run out the clock and he just looked at me and shrugged.
  11. Nah, most understood the conversation and a few didn't. Some start at the last comment instead of the first and it shows. It's all good. Like I said in my original reply, I simply thought Buna was classier than what they have shown in the past month or so. Statement still stands.
  12. Fair enough and good point. Some can’t follow a simple conversation and it shows. Half the problem with the new generation is they talk before hearing the question or the other person’s statement before trying to get their point across. So just to clarify, all my comments from the very start have been about a “non-elite / non-select” youth football league with very specific rules about running up the score, code of conduct, etc. that Buna competes in. I have always thought Buna was a classier bunch of folks on the field until I watched a few games in this league. And when I saw this score I couldn’t help but think back to those games in that particular league. Maybe it’s a few bad apples… I dunno. lmao, and if you think the problem is “parents getting soft” is the issue I challenge you to go watch some of these youth games. There’s a reason why there’s fights breaking out amongst the crowds weekly. Good luck Buna and stay classy.
  13. 10 minute quarters with a running clock is the norm in that league.
  14. Are you really that dense? If so, you are part of the problem. Sounds like Buna fans are the type to tell their sons to kick a kid while their down. I mean they are already down there - hell why not? All the kid on the ground has to do is stop from getting kicked. There are several different select / elite leagues out there to choose from if you want to live vicariously through your children, Al Bundy. But when you agree rules of a league and are the VP of said league, one would think practicing of these rules would be adhered to. But then again, there are folks like you in this world. Now I understand better why videos emerge weekly of parents fighting each other at a kid's sporting event. Thanks for the insight.
  15. Yeah, and if it was in the rules to run it up there would be no issue. But when the rules specifically states otherwise.. well.. that makes you trashy.
  16. And when a coach is telling his kids to "hurry hurry hurry, run run, line up" on a running clock, up 30+ points just to score a 2 point conversion after a touchdown with 12 seconds left, that's trying to "run it up". Convince me otherwise, please.
  17. So many things wrong about this I wouldn't even know where to start. Public forum and anybody is welcome to talk about anything they wish. Go boss your wife and kids around.. not me.
  18. Running it up from the varsity level down through flag football. Classy bunch of folks! I really thought a bit higher of Buna than this from the few folks I know out that way, but the truth eventually comes out.
  19. Lmao, man it eats some folks up that kids would choose EC over other schools. Really strange.
  20. I think you could trot just about anybody out there against Kelly and look really good. I'd rather have my #1 from last year with 1200+ yds as a sophomore against a 4A rival.. just call me weird. 🙃
  21. Depends on if the EC starting RB is back this week. I have not heard.
  22. Where did 3,600 come from? All I see is 2900 published in every database / article I can find. I'm not trying to be rude.. just curious if I'm not up to date on enrollment numbers. Thanks.
  23. Yeah I agree. The UIL can seem heavy handed at times, but they follow the rules set forth and in my opinion really do try and be fair. The primary thing they seem to keep in the back of their minds at all times is to "keep a level playing field". MOST of their 'cases' are appeals from players who were deemed "transferring for athletic purposes" and I have to say.. I am impressed with the way they handle their proceedings. Some of them are tough decisions that they don't want to make, but they know they can not simply overrule a district's decision based on 'feelings'. Of course some of them are obvious in that the players have told their old coaches / teachers and sometimes through texts / emails that they are going to the school up the road because the program is better.
  24. I listened to it all. The arbitrator / investigator / lawyer said there was no indication of intentional wrong doing. It was more or less not enough people involved combined with a poor process in how the numbers are collected and then reported. Probation (3 years), report turned in to the UIL detailing the improved process of reporting enrollments, AND no playoffs (1 year) is my understanding of the penalties / sanctions.
  25. I listened to this ruling several days ago and it seems to have been a simple "small school with not enough resources" and not a "let's falsify the numbers so our kids can compete against schools with less kids" to my ears. The two primary folks that were involved in the counting students to send these reports have 3 years in those roles combined. I would be shocked if this was intentional. Sure the coach / AD would know where that line was that divides the divisions, but that doesn't mean the folks actually doing the work did. And looking at it from an outside perspective, they could have easily held a few students out of the official counts because they were being overly cautious so that the funding per student was not unintentionally inflated.. which would have potentially caused issues on the administrative / financial side of things. But it sounded like it boiled down to 1-2 folks either being lazy or not having a good process in place or a combination of both. I get WHY the UIL can't allow them to play in the post-season, but feel bad for these seniors. I'm not sure how the process played out, but it sounds like Alto could have admitted their mistakes and potentially found a district for these kids months ago. But instead tried to fight it until it was too late.. but again I'm not sure the timing of all of these procedures.
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