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Everything posted by lcm93

  1. 5a d2 ?
  2. Better make a buc ces stop before the game!!
  3. The real studs are on the softball team !! Who won back to back state titles !!
  4. Tarkington?
  5. Where would wos silsbee jasper and h f go ?
  6. Lucas lovejoy bulled melissa to !!
  7. Melissa is way overrated!!!
  8. Did #22 for texas city play
  9. What happened to texas city?
  10. Where can I find the mock realignment?
  11. Fb crawford 1256 the new high school !!
  12. Tt
  13. Lamarque 739 Texas city 1764.5
  14. Both sides of the stadium should be packed for this one !!
  15. Willowridge 28 santa fe 17 final!!!
  16. Tt
  17. Longview pine tree pirates 19 Texarkana tigers 13 Final / ot !!
  18. Don't forget kempner
  19. F b kempner 1911 F b willowridge 1270.5 Fb crawford 1256
  20. F b kempner 1911 F b willowridge 1270.5 F b crawford 1256
  21. Splendora is out most likely bridge city is in !?
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