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Everything posted by lcm93

  1. Which schools will move up to 5a this coming realignment?
  2. I'll be there Friday night to be apart of this historical event all the way from Orange tx!!! I got my 2 tickets me and my son is going !! Before the game we making a stop at applebees in conroe !! I miss the ones we had here in port arthur and Beaumont!!
  3. Travis and clements are play Saturday to at mercer there game is at 1pm to
  4. Ttt
  5. Ttt
  6. Ttt
  7. You can't trust maxpreps most of the time !!
  8. Humble exposed c e king !!!
  9. New caney west fork gators ?
  10. Iowa colony is in-between sugar land and santa fe
  11. Does anyone know the enrollment for west Brook and united at the beginning of the school year ?
  12. Splendora had 1500 at the beginning of the school year they will go 5a d2 next realignment
  13. Png is in marshalls head right now !! I think it's been there after there playoff loss to png last season!!
  14. Ttt
  15. Ttt
  16. Ttt
  17. Ttt
  18. How many total yards did marshall have ?
  19. Liberty hill is 2 - 3 this season!
  20. Ttt
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