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  1. We all need to get pass this week before looking at next. Anything can happen!
  2. I really want to know.... driving me crazy. It would be nice so we could plan work, school, etc..... Would be nice if indoors! ;D
  3. Hey Mav.... great tailgate you didn't stick around long enough to talk to saw you wanted to get in line for a good set. can't believe they wouldn't let anybody in. Could have enjoyed the tailgating instead of standing
  4. Watch out the L train can't be stopped
  5. PRICELESS... BTY great pics on smugmug
  6. Take your shaker. Rock it back and forth real slow, get faster and faster.... It sounds like a TRAIN coming for you! ;D
  7. The guy should think about others around him. this is not a regular airhorn. I know it sounds great but not for those that sit around him. The sad thing is he doesn't really care. The horn is great maybe just not in the stands. Ltrain is loud real loud but.....
  8. The airhorn in the stands was great but there is a place for it. Think about the people around you. A regular airhorn is loud but his was crazy loud.
  9. Try sitting under that air horn with a small child. People were moving because of it. Did he notice?
  10. It's at Rice Univ. Friday Night 7:30
  11. How fun was the band Friday night. With only two days to come up with something else, it will be hard to top. Everyone got to be part of the band. Thanks Boothman
  12. What a "Thanksgiving celebration" Come on boys you can do it.
  13. Hey where's granny sitting.... might want to join her!
  14. We are so excitied we just can't hide it!!!
  15. Well now that everyone is "staying Home" for Thanksgiving.... guess we all should bring the our families. You know Nanny hasn't been to a football game in a long long time. L-town should have a big big train all the way to Baytown.
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