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Everything posted by aki1994

  1. And whoever makes the playoffs other than Ned and PN-G will be out in the 1st round. What is your point? Also how do you get eliminated between rounds? Enlighten me wise one.
  2. It doesn't matter. If the rule is no electronics, period, then rules are broke every Friday night. That is a fact.
  3. Bottom line is it happens every game. Electronics are in the booth. BH decided they needed to play hero and run to momma and tell.
  4. He admitted to having an IPAD but not any communication. Also like I said I know for a fact coaches have their phones in the booth all the time.
  5. Barbers Hill is just coming across as some b*****s in this and all the mid county haters will gobble it up like Jenna Jameson in a motel set.
  6. whatever. same rules should apply. If team X wants to help team Y then there is nothing stopping that. BH could have just as easily been there recording and tipping off plays.
  7. Barbers Hill is just mad they can't beat their daddy. All those 1st round exits from the playoffs must sting.
  8. I have seen numerous coaches with cell phones in the booth. How did BH prove that PN-G had an IPAD? Took pics with their cell phones?
  9. I guess nobody in the booths have cell phones either. Completely stupid.
  10. Sounds like a completely stupid rule. College and pro teams constantly look over in game video
  11. BH / Ghost of Neumann 54 PNG 24
  12. Say that to my face
  13. Much better
  14. You are not anyone so you don't need to be replying to my message. It was intended for people that matter. Specifically non Nederland fans. So get off my lawn.
  15. Just in case anyone is curious. I really, really do not like Nederland. Except after MCM then I really, really want to see them do well in the playoffs, represent the area.
  16. Are we going to be back healthy / no suspensions this game?
  17. PA Blk vs. EBT PA Red vs. WBB Blue Ned Blk vs. WBB White Ned White vs. WBB Gold PA Black over WBB Gold in the championship. PA Black just has too good of a defense.
  18. Pee Wee - Div 1 PA-Black versus WBB-Gold.
  19. You are so right. The band playing Cherokee is causing us to play terrible defense. Emailing the band director now.
  20. What does the 1st round look like for our district?
  21. I classify it as wannabe ball by bitter posters
  22. I find it very ignorant to think Faircloth counts booster club dollars to determine defensive starters. Adjustments are needed but I think it comes down to lack of options.
  23. Thanks to the mouthy HF coach today. Made me realize I need to lose some weight before my Cabo trip.
  24. You going to let his trash posts stay up?
  25. My mom is a retired teacher (Special Needs) and my dad welded for 25 years and provided for his family. You can go screw yourself.
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