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Everything posted by wildcatfan2000

  1. [quote name="rykerx144" post="755292" timestamp="1265327359"] Updated Kirbyville schedule set pending some major changes or Uil changes  scrimmage home Silsbee scrimmage away  Ozen Week 0  Coldsprings Week 1  Newton Week 2  Vidor Week 3  Bridge City Week 4  Wills Point Week 5  WOS Week 6  Huntington Week 7  Open Week 8  Jasper Week 9  Diboll Week 10 Center [/quote] I keep seeing "unless UIL changes" in alot of the football schedule posts. What's up with that? Does anyone know if Alvarez is going to appeal to the UIL? Has he decided not to appeal and stay with 3A? The deadline is nearing (Feb 11.) to appeal for any changes. Does anyone have any inside that he has already?
  2. C'mon Wildcats!! 2 more days till the Big Dance! HIT 'em like they stole your trophy and RIP 'em up like a bad report card!! Let's bring home that STATE TITLE!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. Ya know, comming into this game I had alot of respect for the Anahuac players. However, after last night I hate to say it, it has changed. Now I know that a few players actions does not reflect onto the whole team, but it did leave a bitter taste in my mouth. I for one am not going to bash and disrespect any of the Anahuac coaches. Kudos for thier hard work and efforts! Prior to the game as my family and I were waiting for the gates to open we had noticed that the Anahuac bus had pulled up and was letting out the players. As the Wildcat fans that we are, we have "Kirbyville Wildcats" written on the back glass of our truck. We noticed several...yes SEVERAL of the players just lingering around the truck for a bit then walked off in a hurry. My dad then went over to see what was going on and had noticed that yes, they had used his truck as thier PERSONAL garbage can. They had decided to toss thier cups of nasty disgusting chewed and spit out sunflower seeds, empty bags of chips, and candy bar wrappers as their trademarks. Now I know each and every school bus does have garbage cans, why not use those? This was not an "Oopsie" .. this was a direct, intentional out of spite act upon thier part. As stated above, Im not casting judgement of a few bad apples onto the whole team... but it was utter tasteless disrespect on thier part. That IS something thier coach needs to call them out on.
  4. Prayers sent up from Kirbyville. May God be with him and his family during this time.
  5. Silly Kitty... Newton said that too.  ;D
  6. Arpkitty- How about you worry about your upcomming games and let us take care of our business. If luck is on [i][b]your[/b][/i] side we'll be seeing you 3rd round.. We'll be there waitin for ya  ;)
  8. Thats where were staying..its real close to the stadium and if you call now you may still be able to get rooms. MAYBE!!! LOL Anyway, hope to see everyone from kville and surrounding areas there! Thats where I'm staying toooooo!!! ;D ;D *smells an afterparty in the parking lot* ;D You know it!!! There are alot of Kville people staying there. I cant imagine what its gonna be like if we win. lol Ohhh Nooo... LOL more like.. WHEN we win ;D
  9. Thats where were staying..its real close to the stadium and if you call now you may still be able to get rooms. MAYBE!!! LOL Anyway, hope to see everyone from kville and surrounding areas there! Thats where I'm staying toooooo!!! ;D ;D *smells an afterparty in the parking lot* ;D
  10. Does anyone have easy directions on how to get to the stadium comming from I-20W?
  11. Lefty, I'm curious now as to whom you are. I graduated from Kville in 2000, and I can't quite put a name on ya. I think I have a clue, but not sure. Sorry about that!!! ;D Anywho, all in all, I already have my hotel room reserved and I'm ready for Sat. night!! Wildcats.. finish what you started and bring home those rings!
  12. Actually, he said "WE HAVEN'T PLAYED ANYONE ANY GOOD" He said the same thing on TV after destroying Deweyville one year. What a class act. : Haven't played anyone any good? I guess he must've forgotten all about that Kville game ;D ;D
  13. LOL I don't even think Anahuac has made it home yet and your already serving 'em up some Crow LOL ;D Atleast give 'em time to make it to the table
  14. Last i heard was Lufkin Fri. 6 pm. Prior to this game all 4 teams(Kirbyville, Anahuac, Arp, and Jefferson) agreed that whoever wins each game...the Reg. final(3rd round)game would be in Lufkin next Fri. @ 6pm...Abe Martin Stadium I assume. Awesome!!!! I'm glad to hear that it's closer ;D Thanks alot you guys!
  15. I hope its in Lufkin... thats not that far of a drive. But, if it's in Tatum, I will still be there for sure ;D
  16. Hey Coop, is it set for sure that next weeks game will be in Lufkin, if I'm not mistaken the newspaper said it would be in Tatum next Friday at 7:30pm?? And has anyone heard any word on how #11 Musgrove is?? I know I didn't see him in the 2nd half..was wondering what was up with that and if he is alright? Thanks.. and WOOHOOOO WILDCATS!!!! ;D
  17. Does anyone know if this game will be broadcasted as well?
  18. Maybe you need to live by your quote and avoid starting topics such as this.. hmmmm. :
  19. It's posts like this that really ticks me off, its people like you who are quick to throw a team under the bus because your own team is already there. Look at the predictions between the Newton/Kville game...and look at our past. Past has NOTHING to do with anything, its the team and players on that field that counts! It seems to me that you should be backin another team up instead of bashing.. it shows alot about one's character. And for future references, just the topic of how BAD a team will lose should be avoided. Why not say something like.. Score predictions? Honestly, I would think you would show a little bit more class than that. And yes Rebs.. play your hearts out.. its not over until the scoreboard says so.. The team that will win.. is the team that wants it bad enough, and I think the Rebs want it pretty bad!!
  20. Why in the world would they pick Thurs?? Are they planning on taking the players to an Arp game the next night??
  21. Does anyone know if this game will also be broadcasted? And if so, would there be a link posted on this site before the game? Thanks!
  22. Yes, to get back on the topic about the Kville/Newton game would be a good idea. I, for one, will be rooting 110% for Kville to win this one, am I going to take it to the bank, of course not! Anything can happen, it is a football game afterall. I've read that Newton hasn't had the great year as they have in the past, but that doesn't make them any less of a team. They will be bringing it next week and we will be ready for what they have to offer. There is no magic 8-ball that will tell us who WILL win this game, but I can tell you this, there will be alot of blood, sweat and tears shed on that field..it will be the game that we will remember for a long time comming. That itself will make it a DANG good game well worth watching!! Go Wildcats!!!!!
  23. I feel that Kirbyville has the capabilities of winning this weekend, however if they come into this game with the thought of a guarantee win, they will lose miserably. Keep your head in the game and focus on the task at hand. I'll be there Sat. rooting you guys on!!! Keep up the good work!! GO WILDCATS!!
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