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Everything posted by bc55fan

  1. Hey homeless... BH is 4-3.  Still think we are weak?  Its amazing that we lost to prolly the 3 best teams in the district and people are quick to say BH isnt any good, they schedule weak, etc Now BH is winning......nothing?  Ridiculous....just a bunch of haters.  ::)
  2. Cleveland didnt win it..... BH beat them in championship!  Hahaha Anyway, AD pulled them this year.  Not coach.  Didnt Cleveland beat Silsbee that year?  Yeah...I can see your angle now  :o ;)
  3. Aggies.....I know you.... Your from Silsbee!  Your just mad cause Silsbee lost.  Wow...talk about the kettle calling the pot black!
  4. You sound like Diamond J.  You state facts.  But you dont understand WHY they are. If you remember that was the year of IKE.  Schools were limiting travel.  AD's were pulling teams because of financial problems.  AND....coaches "forgot" that they didnt tell BH that they werent coming.  All of those things happened so late that the bracket couldnt be changed.  BH coaches didnt like it either.  Also some teams were requesting certain sides of the bracket because of district opponents and time requests because of school time and missing.  Know ALL the facts before you slander.
  5. Ok... No more trading....
  6. I assume both of you are adults.  And you listen and base your opinions on the biased views of someone else???  That makes no sense.  ESPECIALLY if you are "covering" a tourney.... :-\
  7. Aggies..... those uninformed people must be the town/city that lost to BH.  Its todays society to BLAME someone else.  To find fault in what someone else is doing.  To criticize what you dont like, even if you have no clue of why its happening, just to be heard. I refer to it as "Its not a me problem.....Its a YOU problem" You think HJ gets home cookin on officials?  You think Beaumont schools get it?  Silsbee?  Kountze?  So why is it that BH gets slandered by so many people......and their teams DONT EVEN PLAY HERE!  They wanna blame someone else for their miss fortunes.  Its a virus in our society that is killing athletics.  JMHO
  8. Saying to someone that they are "non-educated" is NOT a name calling.   Your saying the BH tourney is "rigged" that is obviously false and the comment would come from someone who had no clue as to the truth or the right answer.  That sir, is a "non-educated" person.  Simple. Now if I called you an idiot, or ugly, or something along those lines I might hear your point.  But I didnt.  Because I dont know you and if I chose to anyway .....that would make ME a "non-educated" person.   I Bleed Blue....I will defend her till the day I die.  There are flaws at EVERY school but I assure you that official cheating and rigging of the Gulf Coast Classic are so far from the truth that a blind man could see it.  
  9. Haha.  How is that name calling? Isnt that your screen "name"?  You and I were having a discussion and then all you did was put the quote.  So I simply asked were your response was.... Can dish it out but cant take it?  Talk about sensitive...
  10. Where is your post Diamond J?
  11. Check on officials?  What does that mean? How could I check on officials?  See you worry about to much.  Maybe you should worry about the things you can control.  See coaches (contrary to belief) CANT choose officials....they are assigned.  I choose to worry about things like getting to the game on time.  Watching kids act respectfully to adults.  Making sure our coaches represent themselves and the community in the proper way.  See Im not calling you names....Im simply calling you out.  You act a certain way and then dont like it when people call you out on it.  If I was a betting man, Id say Diamond J....your from Dayton or HJ or Beaumont.  Sounds like a typical non educated person from that area.  No idea what is goin on...they just like to complain.  Well sir...your not going to accomplish anything by making false accusations (tourney one sided, officials cheat, etc) So why do it?  Just pay attention to the things you are associated with and leave the rest alone.
  12. Once again Diamond J....you have no clue what is goin on.  BH had 14 teams last year....  Been told by SOLID source that BH will goto round robin play next year.  Why dont you bring your team?  Oh thats right...YOU CANT HANDLE THAT PROFESSION.  So you get on a "website" and infect the masses with your clueless, classless posts.  If I remember correctly....BH beat Beaumont Central ....just like you said they WOULDNT.  Have a great day sir
  13. Your posts are the biggest joke on here....Diamond J
  14. Nederland is joke? Baytown Sterling is a joke? Cy-ranch is a joke? CE King is a joke? Hardin Jefferson is a joke? Aransas Pass is a joke? Give me a break on the cream puff schedule.  ::)
  15. I agree aggies....100% Think HJ/Kountze/BH/EC/Beaumont Central/etc  could have a "Best in the East" Tourney?  That would be outstanding...
  16. Did you see the brackets for HJ tourney?  Talk about tea pot calling the kettle black.... Karma.... ::) Lazeek.... ???
  17. I didnt call out HJ.  You guys called out BH.  Just get tired of hearing how BH cheats..blah , officials do this blah...blah ....blah.  You guys are ridiculous!!!!  I think round robin would be PERFECT.  Ask HJ if they would come?  Wait I already know the answer..... :'(......NO!!!
  18. It is good for me.  I couldnt live with myself, If I blamed my entire happiness or sadness .....on the decisions of someone else. Why dont you encourage HJ to come back to the Tourney.  Matter of fact....I will talk to the coach and let THEM pick who they want to be on their side of the bracket.  Guarantee they wont come......guarantee it!!!
  19. Same thing aggies. Officials, bracket, coaches, etc.  Its a common place argument from everyone from BH to Beaumont.  Its ALWAYS someone elses fault when HJ loses. Unbelievable that as "educated" as you pretend to be...your words dont match.  I guarantee that noone blames anyone but themselves in BH.  Be it officials, tournament bracket, etc  WE CAN, WE WILL
  20. Good point BHFAN. Guess just like getting "hosed in BH"....  If your admin on here...you can say whatever you want without punishment!  What a joke...
  21. Its simple.... HJ aint the best in the state.  Period end of discussion.  Just because you win doesnt make you the BEST team in the state. They are good....but not the BEST.  "IF your not first.....your LAST" Ricky Bobby
  22. Sounds like a bunch of "sour grape" type cowards who cant compete. So let me ask a question.... Do you think HJ gets calls at home games?  OF COURSE THEY DO!!!  And a person would be a complete idiot to think otherwise. 2nd Question..... Why is it so wrong for BH to get calls, but EVERYONE ELSE has to gripe about it?  You guys are ridiculous....
  23. They were prolly in "Co-ed Naked Sky-diving" and "Opposite hand rock skipping" :
  24. Did I just read that you NEVER attacked anyone? So I guess this quote isnt yours.... I like the taste in my mouth. Its not BITTER like yours. Its called "winning"...something you prolly dont get much of. Thats why your a sore loser.
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