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  1. what about anahuac where does there gym rank
  2. i think Larry Rivon is up there with the ones in anahuac he just never gets any talk cause he didnt make it to the playoffs cause he never had the team around him to help
  3. any updates on the game
  4. Hunter davis is not the best point guard he is not good he has a ugly shot and he cant dribble so how is he the best point guard
  5. this will be the upset of the night
  6. last year anahuac almost beat kountze in kountze with the team they had last year coach west had kountze number last year the team just wasnt strong and rivon had to do it all but this year its a stronger team and they will beat kountze in a close game
  7. yea last year Anahuac really beat Nederland bad this year they came out to play good win
  8. who wins
  9. thats ok hj better be ready for anahuac we will really see wat they are made of
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