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Everything posted by lhssr75

  1. Although I haven't found it yet, the actual rule on Air Horns at athletic events only prohibits their use at indoor facilities. It is located somewhere in one of the UIL manuals if anyone wants to go looking for it online. I will only post this one more time as I have already posted it too many times already. The UIL website is found at www.uil.utexas.edu. The rule in question is found under section 1208 subletter (n) MASCOTS, FIREARMS, PYROTECHNIC DEVICES, BALLOONS. It states: Noisemakers are prohibited at League athletic events held in field houses and/or gymnasiums. Releasing balloons is prohibited at League athletic events held outdoors. However this does not prevent a school or venue from establishing their own rules regarding what they will and will not allow.
  2. Uh-oh! You're gonna get ROT started with that "tick-tock" stuff.
  3. (n) MASCOTS, FIREARMS, PYROTECHNIC DEVICES, BALLOONS. Live animal mascots, cannons, firearms, fireworks, etc. are prohibited at League athletic contests. Except in their normal course of business, emergency vehicles shall not flash lights or sound sirens during the course of a game. Noisemakers are prohibited at League athletic events held in field houses and/or gymnasiums. Releasing balloons is prohibited at League athletic events held outdoors. This is the is the only prohibition I can find in the UIL Constitution. No mention of outside facilities except for the release of balloons. However, this doesn't prevent a facility from enforcing their own rules regarding noise makers.
  4. The huddle does not apply to the defense. Some questions that need to be considered are 1. Was the snap imminent? 2. Had more than three seconds elapsed? 3. Was the replaced player moving to get off the field? If the snap was imminent or the replaced player doesn't leave the field within three seconds then a foul has occurred whether the ball is put in play or not. Five yard penalty, dead ball foul.
  5. Probably because some of the best soccer players, the past few years, have been blowing in the band during football season
  6. No, but I am a friend of the family.
  7. HMMMM? Half a day off. I believe it's an early release day so my wife will be taking a half a day off too. Wonder if she'll go fishin' wif dem coaches?
  8. Before spending tens of thousands of dollars on replay equipment how about adding two more officials in the playoffs. NFL, NCAA and NAIA all use seven officials for every game. Why not high school playoffs? The coverage is much better and the cost would be comparatively negligible. But you would be subjecting the teams to two more possible errors in judgement. ;)
  9. Man, I really hate that a few Lumberton posters give the rest such a bad rep. We had another great season and just fell short against Crosby. But that's not what this thread is about so just let me say - Congrats Dayton. I'll be pulling for you to represent the region well.
  10. You're right, Cowgirl. UIL has watered down the playoffs to the point that winning district can mean more than Bi-district.
  11. Dippity'smmmm..... Best hamburgers in Texas and those fried jalapenos are out of this world! ;D ;D ;D
  12. I beg to differ. I've worked on both and was grabbed by both.
  13. IMO, I didn't see anything wrong with the hit on Beard. Sure, it was low, but he's a big guy and you bring those kind down any way you can. What probably made the hit worse was the way a players feet stick to the new turf. When a player plants his foot one way and is hit from the opposite direction there is no give or slide on a turf field. It's as if your foot sticks. Not blaming the new field but it was obvious there was a turf monster lurking out there. Two or three players went down without any contact whatsoever except with a toe caught on the turf.
  14. hmmm can't say I recall East Chambers being a part of that either except we were beating Kountze throughout that streak...see your getting the bucs and ktz. confused which shows us all how little you know about the local teams. :oWHOA! Dude, chill. Sorry, I got you mixed up with another group of Privateers that also go by the Buc's moniker, or did not so long ago. If I offended please let me apologize and promise I'll remember never to confuse the two again. As for knowing about local football, I would venture to say there's probably not a whole lot I don't know about the local teams having been a part of high school football in this area for about 27 years. Anyways, I apologize again for the mix up. ;D Lions are privateers? Didn't know this...glad you informed me. So point is you might oughta get your stuff straight before criticizing...can make you look rather foolish. No Lions are not Privateers, however, Buccaneers are.
  15. I couldn't read it all....... WHAT DID HE SAY??? ??? ??? ???
  16. hmmm can't say I recall East Chambers being a part of that either except we were beating Kountze throughout that streak...see your getting the bucs and ktz. confused which shows us all how little you know about the local teams. :oWHOA! Dude, chill. Sorry, I got you mixed up with another group of Privateers that also go by the Buc's moniker, or did not so long ago. If I offended please let me apologize and promise I'll remember never to confuse the two again. As for knowing about local football, I would venture to say there's probably not a whole lot I don't know about the local teams having been a part of high school football in this area for about 27 years. Anyways, I apologize again for the mix up. ;D
  17. During that forty years, I don't recall Lumberton being associated with the longest losing streak in the state of Texas. ??? : ;D
  18. I've officiated on a field that Dan Hooks was coaching on. One of his assistants said after one of his "colorful exchanges" with one of his players that Dan Hooks expects to score every time his team touches the ball. Big plays are a big part of WOS football and every WOS fan should be used to it by now.
  19. ??? ??? ??? Good place to let this thread just die.
  20. WOW, talk about your haters!!! I've read a lot of junk on this sight but this rates right up there at the top.
  21. Comment from a coach to a ref: I guess they're gonna have to draw blood before we get a call. Comment from a ref to a coach: It ain't nothin' til I say it's somethin'.
  24. THAT'S MY BABY!!!
  25. The delay signal is also given for the first two sideline infractions (5yd. penalties). The unsportsmanlike signal is given beginning with the third such foul.
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