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  1. Please stay on topic.
  2. Also Miles has a Friend on the school board at CS that he graduated with. That friend has a son that plays LB. Will be a senior. Very good LB. No dought CS will try hard to get him. Miles was a grade behind me and I remember him as very smart. But is up to him. Tough choice. Any other coach that is not from Coldspring will leave for a bigger school and more money if Coldspring finds alot of success. That is why I think Miles would be a good fit. Dream job with Alma mater. Potential to be a long term coach.
  3. Miles has an assistant coach who is also from Coldspring and the assistant's relative is that Freshman RB for Coldspring who has a bright future. Just sayin. Very tempting.
  4. Finally! Byrd gone. Miles would be a good fit.
  5. When is the Coldspring coach going to move? I can't wait!
  6. 2 things i know for sure...1. Madisonville coach has the best name in the country. 2. The Mustangs will win!!
  7. Yea. Played baseball with him in high school. Hey Miles, if you are reading this, you will be welcome with open arms if you come back home. Please. You know CS has better athletes.
  8. You see it in the stands too. The energy is just not there. On the field they used to have that swagger that la marque has.
  9. I knew the first time when CS played Huntsville the first game a couple years ago when we lined up in the spread. I was like "oh noo!"
  10. You are correct TROJANSWIN. I am thinking on starting a thread calling all coaches to take a look at this great group of young guys. The many underclassmen Coldspring has are very talented and capable to advancing very deep next year. Hopefully a good coach will take interest and inquire. Leading rusher is a freshman. Leading tackler is a freshman. The other 1000 yard rusher is a junior. Sky is the limit.
  11. I was at the game. Coldspring has serious coaching issues.
  12. Already making excuses just in case. Lol
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