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  1. Looks like HF is on the up and up. Hopefully new coaches make some good things happen. Maybe he will cut down on the 12 hr a week practices.
  2. My comment had nothing to do with HF. I was just stating my opinion on yelling in general. I'm not just random guy. I'm apart of this business and have had some success so I guess what I'm doing is working.
  3. example 1: Yelling or EMPHASIZING with a loud voice in relation to basketball (since this is a basketball forum) plays that need to be run, where players need to be, getting kids to use technique (hands up!!!, Watch the passing lane, TRAP!!!) none of that is negative. You are emphasizing what needs to be done at that point. example 2: Get your s&$t together, Tell your parents if they don't like it too bad, that's garbage, you suck, you don't know what your doing. The list can go on and on. Like I said in my first post. Players need to get chewed on so that they understand they are messing up, but you need to address how they are messing up and how they can fix it. If i came to your job and yelled at you all day about how much you suck, you naturally would want to know why. If I never told you why and I came in everyday and kept yelling at you without ever addressing the problem eventually you would either quit or you would give up and just expect the worst everyday.
  4. In my opinion it is not the yelling and screaming that bothers players today. It is the message behind it. I got my fair share of a#$ chewings in high school but there was a purpose behind it. You can't just yell to yell. If everything that comes out of a coaches mouth is negativity then a negative response is what you will get.
  5. If Orangefield wins there in. Then it is a battle between the Horns and the Hawks. If H-J wins and then H-F beats H-J what is the tiebreaker?
  6. Longhorns by 7
  7. Too be less vague. Top 3 and bottom 3 Football programs in SETX in the past 10 years. Doesn't matter classification.
  8. Just curious, From 2a to 6a (not separate combined) what are the top 3 and the bottom 3 programs in SETX?
  9. At this point I have hired Ace Ventura to get to the bottom of this. Ron Burgundy is doing an expose on cheating coaches, and once again forums are about as useful as used toilet paper.
  10. Wish I could someone deleted the last one for me
  11. I guess you're right i should ask the UIL how to approach the situation. Thanks for the advice. No it's not Central.
  12. I am all for winning, but what happens if we get caught. Then all that extra time is for nothing. Also what are we teaching our Kids? It's ok to cheat until you get caught.
  13. Just Curious, If my child goes to school an hour before school starts for football practice, and then stays after school from 3:30 to 6:30 Mon-Wed. and sometimes on Thursday doing the math that equals 12 hours of practice. Does this exceed the 8 Hr. Rule?
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