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court side

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Everything posted by court side

  1. Don't feel sorry for the Spurger coach, He will do just fine. If the spurger fans have not meet this young man they need to. He is going to be a good one,The old saying is if you cant beat them, steal one of their coaches. He is from BS. Hey catman its been awhile.
  2. GET OVER WH WINING THE DIST. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D yeah everyone just get over about being first in this district sabine pass got that rapped up well i know for a fact spurger wont win. those kids are terrible, overrated, and theyre inbreed. i wouldnt even call them a team. i feel sorry for their coach
  3. You said only one thing on this post that was correct,Summerville is a good player. The rest of this is a piece of ---t! BIAS the only word that comes to mind.IMO you need to stick to predicting your east teams when they are playing east teams.I bet your more than surprised after this game and after BS and MM. NO you probably having a hard time getting that foot out of you mouth. I may get ripped for this post,but don't forget, me and a few others predicted this game pretty close to what the finial was, When some one said 10 to 20 point lose would be fair to say.Keep your day job NIKES-A-HASBEEN!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. First I want to say congrats to BS go to Austin and rep 24A and bring that title home!! I hope McKinney is going to be ok. To our pirates,I am so proud of these guys for what they accomplished this year. Keep your heads up,reflect on the last game but don't dwell on it, and lets get ready for the next ride. ;)
  5. I'm going with 24 A BS by at least 5 GO BS--- GO CATMAN ;D
  6. Catman--Courtside had a dear friend in a car wreck. Think he has been at the hosp with him. I think that our boys and our coach has the right frame of mind going into this one.The hype don't seem to be a distraction yet,key word YET.If the boys keep their heads play like they have been the last 3 games they will win by 5 or 6 points.If they let the butterflies take over they will have a long night. ;D ;D ;D Spurger 62 Cayuga 57 The guys and girls from Spurger keep Mr. W-- In your Prayers :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  7. Can you be more bias than B-NIKES. :P
  8. I agree you are going to see a good game tomorrow night. I still say BS by 12,You talk all your noise on etxsports and get the east guys thumbs up,SETXsports guys know better, they know what BS is all about.I did see slocum play against lovelady and neither team impressed me very much. Slocum can shoot pretty good as long as no one was in their face.Lovelady played a box and 1 on slocums best shooter and won the game because of that.Trust me BS is going to play much better def. than lovelady.All in all,it's going to be a good game.We will find out tomorrow night. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  9. CATMAN, had to take my post off. I got my hand spanked by a Aggie. Go LONGHORNS!!!
  10. Man not what I expected Congrats HD on a good year Congrats Slocum on the win ;D
  11. YEA!!! What's up with the cold shoulder,Are the 1&2A not worthy > > > > >
  12. I talked to spurgers coach today and he said Mr. Parks got out of the hospital today and seems to be doing ok. Catman we're working on the rooms, What hotel are you going to stay at? 8) 8) 8)
  13. ;D-K-town ----by 8 ;D
  14. Catman, I have my wife working on that issue.If it comes down to it I have a few friends that live in that area. I say Spurger by 10+ ;) ;)
  15. Great win, Congrats Proud of these guys And overwhelmed about the fan base @ this game I wouldn't hesitate to say their were 200 Spurger supporters Next is West Sabine, Tues. 2-26, in KIRBYVILLE @ 7:00pm
  16. Don't known about the rest of the sites, but Kirbyville done a wonderful job. The new gym was great.Let me be the second to say,Thank you Kirbyville for hosting the Spurger/Broaddus game. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  17. Well said,But You Know me I like to prepare. Didn't sleep mybe 1 hour last night, how about you BBB-fan? ;) ;)
  18. AMEN!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  19. BS by 15 ;D ;D ;D I am glad the two boys are back,Keep us updated Catman. ; :D :D :D :D
  20. The faith that I have in the boys I say Spurger by 10+ I have not ever heard of this team, and that is what I am worried about. THE UNKNOWN!!!!!!! GO PIRATES, GO 24A :D :D :D
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