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Everything posted by Underdawg

  1. Way to go Sosa, it's great to see someone rebound like Sosa. I think he deserves another shot at the game.
  2. This is horrible. it is a disgrace to all involved the Cardinal organization, the coaching community, and La Russa's family. I hate this for the game.
  3. I think Roger has taken this a little far, if you're not in good enough health to perform in the whole season then your not needed! This is a team sports, it celebrates the fact that grown men can come together for a common goal, and what are you teaching kids, if you're good enough we'll make exceptions, we'll wait for you since your so good, you don't have to be a team player, you don't have to stay when you're not pitching because it's all about YOU! B/S
  4. This is horrible, this make a sick child smile, a hurt heart happy for just a small amount of time, this makes a difference in a life, in several lives! I'm sick and tired of every white collared person that believes they are in charge of the world making a ridiculous decision just to say they made the decision! THIS IS HORRIBLE!! >
  5. I think Kuhn is a great player wherever she plays! I nominate her for the Outfield!
  6. Gotta vouch for both Nederland kids, they're great. But, if you have a senior who hasn't had hardly any errors over 3 years, and can produce at the plate, what does it matter if the Kuhn kid plays outfield and the SS hasn't done anything to lose the position. Both kids are A+ but I see no need for change! IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!
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