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Everything posted by LHS78

  1. I thought we were the underdogs in 20-4a. You're right! Central wasn't even picked by the 'experts 'in this disrict to make the playoffs. HaHa I saw some maroons under the umbrella was one of them you?
  2. I'll have to go with the TRAIN, was'nt IMPRESSED with Vidor or the JAGS SANTA will not make anymore deliveries until 12-25-09!!!!
  3. I see you kids from SNUFF GULLY (Vidor) for those that don't know can talk the talk but can ya walk the walk!! Come on up here an get you alittle DAB and lets see.
  4. GAME OF THE WEEK Vidor vs Lumberton The Pirates sail the Black Pearl into Hardin County to take on the L-Train. Both defenses gave up huge junks of yardage and points last week. The Pirates offensive line will be the best Lumberton has seen all year. If Livingston clocked the Raiders for over 300 yards, the Pirates will go for over 400 yards of rushing. Look for the Pirates to score into the 40's while the Raiders try to keep up, but fall two touchdowns short. Vidor becomes the first district team to win in Lumberton in over two years and rebounds after losing a heart breaker to Central. Lumberton is still in the playoff mix with a very important win over Livingston. TOUPS GRAPHICS FEARLESS PREDICTION VIDOR 49 LUMBERTON 35 Would'nt BET on IT!!!!!
  5. Can you stop the run? I think he can answer your question better than me! And your point is? If your point is his size? Not impressed! actually looks pretty small compared with who will be pounding on him over and over and over. He'll still make you wish that you would've stayed on the BUS...
  6. I'll bet COOP does'nt know where it is. That will give him an soulja something to do
  7. That’s fine with me make sure you put some oil in that thing so you won’t break down Better yet I'll meet you on the mole cricket infested grass under the rusty time clock that’s no longer a scoreboard and we will duke it out with the bull horns mounted on your light polls in Lumberton...... I'm fine with Silsbee losing to Lumberton by a touchdown cause Silsbee is 3a hello From what I heard all of the Lumberton fans predicted Lumberton to crush Silsbee by like 30 points looks like that wasnt the case....... : Never in any of my post did I complain about Silsbee losing to Lumberton how bout you stop looking for reasons to get off the main topic you and the other Lumberton fans need to stop picking on Livingston whenever your stuff is not that great either...... "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones" Well lets get somthing straight here i have been reading you kids complaints about Lumbertons stadium but the fact is we have one of the best grass fields in the area and a wholelot more restrooms than livingston, not to mention the old field where Garner MEMORIAL stadium used to be is still better but most of you would'nt know that!! I DO BECAUSE I GRADUATED ON THAT FIELD IN 78
  8. I've seen better pastures,the field cronwed at the 50 and sloped down to the endzone and had a ripple effect from sideline to sideline thought i was at the beach
  9. You can bet it's gonna be a good one they are bankin their game against the "ATHLETES" at the school they played firday.
  10. Whe are looking forward to you boys from snuffgulley come on up and get ya some but like it says at the bottom be carefull what you ask for.........
  11. And got out played the other 24 Vidor 42 Train 28 DREAM ON SON
  12. I figure because we only showed up for the first 24 minutes last year . Ltrain 28 VEDOOR 14
  13. I have one concern about this scenario nation, Guiterrez is still struggling, do you really think he can hit it from 42 yards out? At Friday nights game he never once stop kicking into the kicking net unless to make a extra point. I was very impressed with that and also if you can remember in the presseason he missed every other kick but at Friday's game he was 6 for 6 with a do over cause by livingstons offsides. I have faith in him and I have faith In the coaches in making the right choices in the upcoming game. Great improvement with the snapper, holder, and kicker working together; Timing is the key. The linemen did a great job holding the defense back on the PATs. Great Effort!!! Good Luck Raiders, keep the W's coming. Correct we lost alot of "ATHLETES" in 2008 but what folks don't realize is the fact that we lost alot more in 09 including the longsnapper, but were still HERE!!!!
  14. I gotta disagree Soulja, Keith is fast, very fast. I watched this kid all summer run track. He was hangin with good competition until it went to Austin and San Antonio. He will beat Vidor all night. He will match the problems Vidor had with Daw. Vidor on the other hand will have that running game to counter. Their's another kid Lumberton have also that play opposite of Keith. Lumberton will score points. Just being a realist here Thanks for that information. Didn't know Lumberton had an athlete. This could be interesting then... Main Entry: ath·lete Pronunciation: \ˈath-ˌlēt, ÷ˈa-thə-ˌlēt\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin athleta, from Greek athlētēs, from athlein to contend for a prize, from athlon prize, contest Date: 15th century : a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina I think we MIGHT have a couple :
  15. I'll bet it wont be that close :
  16. Fridaynite they'll disciplined an it wont be pretty!!
  17. Well my boy is playing so the folks that are going just to have something to do can sit home thats how this is gonna work!!!!
  18. Hope all the teams have a good night with no injuries, and boys and girls makesure you have mommy an daddies ok to get on the pc
  19. Get off it and go watch!!!!!! :
  20. Where are you at ROT I know your neighbor won't be there, but David will be there rain,sleet ,hell,or snow
  21. Your watching too much TV they will be on CH6 TAILGATE PARTY!
  23. Almost field the visitors side I remember 2 yrs ago the LTRAIN had a playoff game there and thats probaly where the others are waiting in line at the John.
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