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  1. Oh.....another thing.....what was your opinion...about Coach Green and Vidor when they beat PNG and almost beat Nederland.....huh? Did Coach Green and Vidor suck then....huh? I know we Nederland fans were sweating it big time!!!
  2. First of all i think BIGDOG and ESPN2 (I know who you are ESPN2)...need to SHUTUP. .....Typical .....you dads think it is so freakin easy to coach then I think you need to get quit your day job and get a Coaching job....and I don't mean LITTLE LEAGUE........I am so SICK of all ya'lls RUDE opinions.......if Coach Green would've had a winning season.....then of course he would be the BEST coach ever.....ya'll are such JERKS......ya'll think is just so dang easy.....YOU DON'T HAVE a CLUE what goes into coaching a varsity team.......Coach Robbins don't have to coach, Coach Stone don't have to coach....those kids coach theirselves....they have dang good players....they have played the game since they were 5. Typical Nederland....if ya'll were not doing so well....i PROMISE coach robbins would be catching hell. I think before ya'll post rude replies about a coach......you need to put the shoe on the other foot. How can you blame the coach.....also....about daddy's popping off about how he should've played his JV.......if you new anything about coaching....you wouldn't say crap like that.........also what you like for Coach Green to do......go out there and catch the balls for him....go out there and pitch for him......please SHUTUP about Coach Green....and bashing any coach. YA'LL don't have a clue..........
  3. In regards to the comment by "Playtime". You have to be mentally and physicaly tough to win at this level....this is not Little League anymore. Those kids should have to run...when you get 10 run ruled twice. These kids should be preparing to take it to the next level. My son has played Select ball for Kyle......he is an awesome coach...he knows the game. You should be thankful to have him as your coach.
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