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Everything posted by rollinac

  1. He's got ALOT of talent to work with in Everman...they should have beaten SS. Can he do the same things with PNG??
  2. Actually Cody i a so so kicker, they go for 2 just as often as they kick the extra point, this was the 1st field goal attempt in 2+ years that i can remember. I think the first extra point was missed by dayton in this game and they made the 2 pint conversion on the second touchdown I had the 2 pint conversion on the way home! Awesome game. One of the best I have ever seen. AJ is unbelievable. U of H is going to love him! Mack Brown wants him....BAD.
  4. Dude, remind me I owe you more good karma...I keep getting the wait one hour bs...
  5. WHAT????...We were thrilled you guys were in DI!! Although last year we should have given you guys a better game and played again I'm sure we would, I'm pretty sure y'all still win. First play of the game...that bomb where the kids makes some sort of jumping backflip one handed catch (alright not quite that much). Point is I don't think he makes that catch but 20-25% of the time...y'all were tough enough to stop...didn't need y'all catching any breaks either ;).
  6. Why is it that high school games seem to have refs with agendas? Just seems a little prevalent lately. I can understand missing a call here or there but lord...you hold a guy up then drive him back 10 yards and 4 players drive him into the ground...no call. Tivy played a whale of a game but I tend to agree with the poster who talked about them being "cheap shot artists." Cleveland always had that reputation and I experienced it more than once...throwin' them under the bus a little I know but fact.
  7. Wasn't me...but I'll show a little love!!
  8. Whoa man, who's this guy? Bring the real FW fan back. Those guys are something to watch aren't they? ABSOLUTELY no shame in getting beat by them. We got to see that in person last year...why do you think all the Dayton folks say what they say about Karaam...it's not intended as disrespect...it's just that it's tough to compare to the gold standard. Good season FW...best since 1973 is something to be proud of...especially for those kids.
  9. Yeah, let's go with "Do-Over" year.
  10. Headed up tonight...gettin' pumped. Might even jump the fence at the stadium tonight and start soaking it in. Someone come and bail me out if you hear a news report about a guy getting arrested for breaking in to the stadium.
  11. . It wasn't an article it was a blog. When asked about the schedule conflict, Quarterback Karam told KHOU reporter Matt Mucil "We're going to do our best to get the game over within an hour." So take it for whatever you want. If you take him litterally then well I feel sorry for you. Here's the point you are missing...the coach will do exactly that. He will take it out of context and use it as motivation for his players that "hey, this guy's talking smack and say's he's going to end the game in one hour because they've got their parade already set up." I guess you don't remember when the Mavs planned parade route was released to the media in their finals against the Heat? Did they win another game after that? Think Pat Riley may have used that to his advantage? Don't think High School Coaches do the same thing? Starting to wonder if some of you have ever played, coached, or been in a locker room.
  12. The rest of us are starting to wonder what's wrong with you people.
  13. Ok don't...I'm telling you coaches do it.
  14. I'd hope...Dayton has a lot of parts to replace to get back to the third round.
  15. The comment was in the paper...something tells me they can get the paper up there.
  16. We'll have to bring our Kleenex as the game is not on our homefield where the visitors stands are fully stocked. We'll also be bringing basketball shoes to hand out in the visitor's locker room during halftime.
  17. As good or better than some college facilities.
  18. Dayton vs. Lumberton....who knows if it will actually happen!
  19. Can you explain to me how that comment gives the Cavs another reason to come after Karam? You never want to give the other team bulletin board material...anything that could be construed as disrespect from the opponent will be used as motivation for the players. Lou Holtz was the ultimate master of this tactic.
  20. What the paper doesn't mention is Dayton's kids have been doing the same thing....since 7th grade.
  21. Other schools have the resources but their schoolboards feel those resources could be better spent elsewhere than on a jumbotron regardless of how many consecutive seasons the football team makes the playoffs. You really think they'll be willing to pay for instant replay equipment?
  22. Well enlighten the rest of us so that stories can be told about more than just this Conner kid!! ;)
  23. Alright can someone extend that K-Ville to Kirbyville since Dayton is playing another K-Ville this weekend and I almost made a smart remark. Anyway...good luck Kirbyville...y'all have the kids to bring it home!
  24. I get the feeling he was saying "We ain't giving up 49 points this year!!!"
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