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Everything posted by iwonsee

  1. There will be a meeting Thursday night at the LLL park for anyone interested!
  2. Whoever your child will listen too and relate too. The best hitting coach in the world will do nothing for your player if they teach a dif. style than your child can handle.
  3. Lumberton is once again hosting their 8 & Under LL Tourney. Start date is sometime around June 1st depending on how many teams enter. This will be a LL tourney not select, however any local league can bring as many teams as they would like to enter. It will be a Kid Pitch (from 42 feet) tourney. We will follow the Minor league tourney rules out of the green book except were otherwise noted. Please contact Tod at 658-1230 or Jason at 658-4465 or Anderea at 351-4466 for any more info. Thanks
  4. We would be interested in putting a team in a local tourney with LL rules.
  5. I talked to Jake today and he is very excited. He thinks this will be a great place for him to play for the next few years.
  6. Just a few thoughts, Not all managers have kids that play on the team so you do need to have a round early where you take the managers son so the ones without a son get a pick that round. When you take him depends if you use a straight draft or a snake draft for isnstant team ( 1,2,3,4,5,6 second round 6,5,4,3,2,1 third round 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on) . Now for the hard question the assis. coaches son. If you go by the strict LL guidelines only the Managers son may be protected. I understand that very few leagues do this, Lumberton will follow this rule for the first time. Only the managers son will be protected if you want a certain coach as a assit. you must take them early or lose them. I do agree that I have always thought that the Managers sons should be graded and taken in a round that fits them. I am also glad that this doesnt happen in Lumberton, My son is a first round pitcher I am at an advantage if another managers son is a 5th round pick. We have always taken all managers kids in the same round. I think it is best without any extra protected picks. If I take my son and the next best pitcher as my coaches pick then get the first pick in the draft you can almost crown my team as champions. Even though it hurts my team I agree with only protecting the managers son.
  7. Can I hear from some of you what the intrest would be for some USSSA tourneys that may be held in Lumberton? All ages please!
  8. Yes he is. He has a dual personality on here. Maverick 24 is the vilan and iwonsee is the mediator and the 2 characters even talk to each other sometimes and are friends. It's comical. For your info there is no Maverick24 on here anymore I had someone remove him when I found out that he was using my pic and name on here. stop telling lies and saying things that you know nothing about!!! For all I know you may have been the real MAVERICK24 you have at least two or three names on here, so you can go on here and start lies and crap!!
  9. Its not lamarque its Jasper and there is interest both ways for ad/hc. and yes Jasper will pay more than lumberton. And you know that Jasper would pay more than Lumberton because...? You don't know that. I think it's hilarious that there are so many people coming on here acting like they know exactly what is going on and what will happen, etc. They know this & that because their inside sources told them so. Ha Ha, what a joke. Everyone wants to be a know it all. Not that I'm a know it all but what exactly do you know about coaches moving jobs? I think it is hilarious that you think you know what you are talking about!!!! Why do you think he would not go there to be a DC? Trust me Maverick24 knows Coach C He may be the only one on here with Coach C's Cell # on speed dial!!!
  10. Was at this game and Newton was by far the bigger harder hitting team. I would question the play calling for EC but hey they know the team way better than I do. Congrats EC on your year, and goodluck to Newton.
  11. Unfortunately, everyone who post comments here gets in their "righteous mode" and forgets people are human. They don't look at who started the conflict, only who reacted to that conflict. I agree banned for life does not fit the crime, but it appears everyone is in political mode right now. After reading all the post, it appears no one has ever made a mistake before. I hope all the wives and girlfriends of all the male posters realize that if they are ever called a horrible name (the "B" word) or pushed to the ground by someone, their husbands and boyfriends will walk away and not react. They will do this because if they react, it will become their fault and not the person who started it. Maybe the STJFL will review ALL the tapes out there and reconsider. The coach you speak of is a great DAD and reacted in the wrong way, but I would protect my family if I had to. (And so would most people that will not admit it to be politically correct). Wow I still can't believe that people are trying to justify the actions taken. I am from LUMBERTON and I was at the game and want to say a few things I have seen three tapes that have this BRAWL on them. This fight never happens if the Lumberton coaches and parents stay on thier side. TWO the mom-sister-wife (who I know) never gets called a "B" or touched if she stays on the Lumberton side.Look at the vid. it shows the fight started before the mom gets knocked to the ground. THIRD you keep saying "THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS" I assume you are talking about the trash talking. At the Coin toss before the game a LUMBERTON coach smacked that if they stopped a certain # that they would win, They didnt and the BC coach responded by smacking back YALL HAVEN"T STOPPED HIM YET, whats wrong. So both were wrong. Smack talking goes both ways dont start it if you cant handle it when getting beat. FOURTH I know the Lumberton coach he is I believe a great guy,prolly a great dad and husband, but by the actions he took he shows he is not a GREAT YOUTH COACH. Not that he cant teach or coach but it is a privilage to coach youth sports and fighting on a field cost you this privlage. Let me ask you a question, if your son is on the field and this happens and in the middle of the brawl your son gets hurt do you look at this in a dif. light? We that serve on Boards of youth sports are responsible to keep this from happening. Chances are this could happen ten more times and if the Lumberton coach were on the field he would walk away. The thing we as Coaches and Teachers and Board Members have to do is TEACH the young kids that you cant break rules (LAWS) and just say I am sorry and everything goes away. What some of you are forgetting is that what this coach did not only broke the FB rules but BROKE THE LAW, are we to teach our kids that all you have to do is say I am sorry or sit out one game and your actions were ok. I dont think so. I also think we have forgot that the Kids are the ones who were the real victims.
  12. Would agree with that. I ask all of you to look back in on this next year and tell me where our local RB's are and how they are doing. I wish them all luck But just watch and see. I have seen the best in our area before do nothing at the next level.
  13. I started this thread under the HS site to draw att. to it. Now I was at the game I am from Lumberton My son does not play I do know most of the coaches from both sides from Baseball LL and Select. There was smack from both sides, I did not hear the so called cussing. I do know the coach they were talking about on the BC sideline he is loud and very emotional, I cant see him telling the Lumberton kids to get off the F..ing field, but I will ask him while looking into his eyes. I have said the same thing if the Lumberton coaches and fans stay on thier side no one can do more than yell at each other. They did not BUT also remember that BC fans also came to the field so both were wrong. Remember I am from Lumberton and will get bad mouthed for saying this but I have watched some of these same coaches on the Baseball field and there has been trouble there as well. I have nothing to do with the youth FB league but if I did I would ban every coach and fan that I could prove were involved. With this said please understand this is the result of a few bad coaches and not a LUMBERTON problem and not all Lumberton people think it was the right thing to do. I think everyone involved should be ashamed. Smack talking is one thing but assulting someone is all together dif. PS there were charges filed but dont think that people were not arrested just because it was Lumberton police Trust that there will be more to follow on this.
  14. I saw the coaching staff of two local 8&9 yr old Football teams get into a fight Sat. on the field while both teams were still on the field. I was speachless, Cops were called and charges were filed. YET no one went to jail!! The most disgusting thing about this was I heard coaches afterward saying how "that was old school football" Are you Kidding me?? Then I saw kids talking and saying how cool that was that it was like the UFC. I was shocked that the coaches were not so ashamed that they dug a hole and crawled in it. Instead I heard the coaches from the team that was losing at the time the game was stopped ask one of the Men in charge if it was a double forfiet instead of a loss since it was stopped in the 4th 1/4. I could only shake my head since he was one of the coaches that had started the fight on the other teams sideline. I was told that the other guys were mouthing off first!! LOL But this one teams coaches and parents still ran all the way across the field to be in this fight. I think all involved should be banned from the league. What are we teaching our kids? That if someone says something you dont like its ok to Hit (assault) them?? All of you involved should be proud of yourselves.
  15. They gave up 34 ??? I agree I am a Raider fan and thought we did not tackle very well.
  16. Thats Funny right there I dont care who you are!!! C Mike is by far the best HS running Back in the area. Now if I am looking for a College Player I am looking for a kid that can take the every play abuse that is so Dif. at the next level. A player that can give a hit as well as take one 30 + times a game. Hanna is one of the kids in this area that has done this week in and out, Plays both ways almost the entire game. C Mike will play somewhere at the next level but would not expect him to be a feature back at a big school, Same with Grogan. Grogan can hit the big play but not sure he could or would want to run 30+ times a game where Hanna just seems to get better the more he touches the ball. So as a Col. Coach give me The Big Strong Bruiser that can and wants to carry 30+ times. With that said Good Luck to all the young men looking to play at the next level. I will Pull for all of you!!
  17. I see everyone handles Victory in Dif. ways. Good luck in the playoffs everyone. Now to the FIGHTING CARDS I know it hurts now that you lost but please remember that you young men have been a great inspiration to not only your town but people all over the State. Keep fighting and I hope and pray we see the FIGHTING CARDS on the field next year.
  18. No excusses from this Raider fan, My Raiders just got beat by the better Lions tonight. I thought it was a good called game from both coaches and the Refs. We just got beat, everybody but that one team will take the same bus ride my Raiders took tonight. Good Luck to all the local teams left in the playoffs. I will be at the Dayton game tomorrow.
  19. I agree Cuz! God Bless the Donar's family and we look forward to a speedy recovery.
  20. RG The boys looked very good last Sat. Thanks for the great show, Your son is a very good Athlete. Sorry we couldnt stick around maybe next time!
  21. I think many would be suprised at the total $$$$ amount that the Raider coaching staff are paid!
  22. I love the STEWART AIN'T MUCH FOR SHOW comment That is funny because I have seen Dayton live and on film and They want to show-boat every time they make a run, make a catch or make a big hit. I have even watch the coaching staff for Dayton and Some of them seem to just as much hoop n hollaring as the players do. Good Luck in the playoffs Dayton I dont think you have a coaching problem there for a long time.
  23. SPEED KILLS Livingston has way to much speed. Dayton will never match up with the Lions Speed! ;D It had to be said you know you were all thinking it! :
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